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Everything posted by SWAT_BigBear

  1. SWAT_BigBear

    Arma online distribution by SPROCKET

    Nice find... I bet they are being swarmed
  2. SWAT_BigBear

    CTI in ArmA

    It was mostly the cheaters that convinced us to run mostly coop cti on our server. Thanks goes out to CRcti for making the ai's hard to beat! The scale of maps DOES NOT compare to any BF versions!! We all know, if ARMA doesn't come with coop cti...the modders will fix it
  3. SWAT_BigBear

    Dedicated server host?

    I started a thread for this, and servers will be available when files are rdy, by many server providers and those with dedi boxes at their disposal. Servers to host ArmA
  4. SWAT_BigBear

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    A demo would be nice untill the/a US publishers wakes up.
  5. SWAT_BigBear

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    OFP games will keep us pacified untill we get our copies. We are now playing 4+ hour coop cti...just to kill time
  6. SWAT_BigBear

    Who will Host ArmA Dedicated Servers

    Nice find, thanks. So far, it seems their keeping it close to OFP server setups. Wonder what "rankings" is gonna offer us
  7. SWAT_BigBear

    Arma around the world

    Seems the USA is being 2nd to the "505 AREA" which is a list of over 30, combined! Yet they only double our poll.
  8. SWAT_BigBear

    IS 2007 TO LONG ?

    At this point, I believe that I may just wait. I paid full price for OFP & Res, now they are practically free. Let the dumba$$ US distibutor (when/if they find 1) keep pissing us off, by mid to late 2007, the price will be cut in half...if not more!
  9. SWAT_BigBear

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Looks like UK release is my only option. Getting a foreign version isn't very appealing plus it would probably be more trouble than it's worth. Luckly, we have a member in the UK, rdy to purchase and send us a few dozen copies here in the US!!
  10. SWAT_BigBear

    Latest screenshots available

    yes, good try. I reversed the question, but special characters screws it up to post.
  11. SWAT_BigBear

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Glad I'm not the only one that noticed.
  12. SWAT_BigBear

    Latest screenshots available

    No one wants to translate huh? Maybe his question needs to be translated into their language? I also would like to know what it says.
  13. SWAT_BigBear

    Any other (ex) Battlefield 2 players?

    I have a really expensive set of coasters called BF, BFV, BF2, ect ect. All BF versions, should be recalled by the creators and manufactures due to many flaws!! When it comes to realism and fast action, we play RainBow 6 #3. When it comes to combat realism, tactics, planning and long fun games, we all join up in OFP. I've also played JO, But the demo was as far has I wanted to go with that 1. My .02
  14. SWAT_BigBear

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    Since we want to host, and I've been waiting/watching...I can confirm......NO
  15. SWAT_BigBear

    Confirmed release dates and countries.

    It would be nice if ArmA and OFP had something like PunksBusted AMBL, where all server admins share those kind of bans, along with cheaters caught.
  16. SWAT_BigBear

    Where to buy ??

    Every player of OFP from the US agree. After playing OFP from day 1, and exploring all the expansions and mods, then being let down on OFP2 release moved up a year, every year, ArmA gave our group high hopes. Now, as everyone over seas from us are playing, we will be stuck in the dark. The other concerns will be the dedicated server files that will not be released untill ArmA goes gold. Thats going to limit the amount of servers that will run large multi player games for everyone. At this point, ArmA gets put off just as OFP2 for our group and server.
  17. SWAT_BigBear

    Latest screenshots available
