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Serial Squirrel Killer

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Everything posted by Serial Squirrel Killer

  1. Serial Squirrel Killer

    Evolution V3.0

    An idea to increase all round team/support play might be to cap all scores at the maximum rank, so no more points chasing and maybe more team and support play. And no more score boards with one player on 1000 points and another on 3. You could cap strictly at 200 and any mistakes would result in a demotion and the need to earn a few more points (my favorite). Or cap at say 220 leaving a bit of points space for a few mistakes without demotion.
  2. Serial Squirrel Killer

    Evolution V1.0 Large scale respawn coop

    Destroy Armour mission at FB 65, the target armour was inside a big rock on the hill side so we could not kill them or get a new mission.
  3. Serial Squirrel Killer

    Treasure Hunt

    This is a great mission i cannot recall any mission which has held the attention of so many players for so long on the server i play on. You have so many options weather, difficulty, coop, sp, pvp, and the mission plays different every time with different endings. And is proof that you do not have to download a gig of addons to get a great mission. I love it Fer it is definitely my all time great mission. Download it, you are missing out if you don't.