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Everything posted by Spartan2E

  1. Guess I'm best to ask in this section... Im trying to make a campaign(sorta, I always failed at it in the past ) with FFSX 2.5. Mission works like I would like to except the thing with prisoners. I have to kill every last Russian guy including my prisoners to get the end of the mission. Anyone got a way to fix this? Guess I got more questions but I'll just try to find some basic guide with editing to bore you guy's less.
  2. Spartan2E

    FDF Game Night

    Hmm, tried joining 2 day's ago or so. Got kicked off cause I missed something. Seems to me I forgot the desert pack(but I threw away everything). I'll just try and download everything again BTW, I can't seem to register at the ofp.info forums. I can't seem to get a validation email even when using the resend button..?
  3. Spartan2E

    Average age of the "Flashpointer"

    17 now, dunno when I started. Got interested in it by playing lots of Ghost Recon(before it got weird and all that is) and got into it by playing both demo's(CWC and Resistance). So I firstly got CWC alone after playing through most of the campaign I wanted to have addons, but I found out I needed Resistance. So I bought the GOTY edition online and damn, I got hooked...
  4. Spartan2E

    Chernobyl MOD v1.0

    Hmm, must be something wrong on your side then. Downloaded it from ofp.info with no problems at all...
  5. Spartan2E

    Most Unique addon for OFP

    Was thinking about the ROFLcopter, but on second thought the pink pony beats all
  6. Spartan2E

    back to OFP!

    Check the addons & mods: complete part of this forum for GRAA 3.0. Download it and then when you have extracted it to your OFP folder, check the ECP config folder in it. There should be a readme in it with a download link and how to install it.
  7. Spartan2E

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Great patch, only thing that annoyed me untill now was when I asked for artillery I crash back to desktop(was just checking around in editor when I got out the M1A2 Abrams when I called arty and it crashed). Edit: Seems to be both with artillery and air support. I click on the map and soon after that it crashes.
  8. Spartan2E

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Wow, that was the most lamest post I've just about read in my entire life. And I've seen some crazy crap being posted(Even those pr0n posting bots on another forum makes more sence )!
  9. Spartan2E

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Got to agree, would like to see a MP version if possible. Just with some disabled effects to reduce lag perhaps. Though, whatever the patch will be about, I won't if it won't include that.
  10. Spartan2E


    Seems you need to register to view the images.
  11. Spartan2E


    Isn't that a bit overkill!?!? 1700? Though, the Blackhawk looks awesome so far.
  12. Awesome, can't wait to see if it turns out into something great!
  13. Spartan2E

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    What browser you using to download it? I seem to have some weird problems with FireFox if I want to download something and need to use 3rd party download programms. In I.E. though, I seem to have no problems with downloading.
  14. Spartan2E

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Nvm, did a complete reinstall of OFP and everything with it. Seems to work better now/like it should #useless post mode off#
  15. Spartan2E

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Just done downloading and damn, I think I'm gonna be schoolsick for a few day's This is really damn nice! Thank you, the mod team and who not for making me not have a life and playing this awesome stuff
  16. Spartan2E

    FFUR/SLX 2007

    Figures, though, can't wait to try it! It keeps me amazed how people keep improving when releasing such great stuff. Edit: The Megaupload mirror say's 'limit is exceeded'or something along that line. That would be quick hehe. Edit2: Nvm, some problem with FireFox I guess.
  17. Spartan2E


    Wow, 2 BH gunners! If you can pull that off, that's something new here I think. Though, if you want 2 BH gunners, think it'll be pretty tricky since I haven't even seen a simple jeep with multiple gun positions(engine limitation wasn't it?).
  18. Spartan2E

    FFUR 2007

    TB, you and your team do some awesome work with what you all want in it.
  19. Spartan2E


    Awesome thnx m8.
  20. Spartan2E


    Hmm, sgt Gunnery Highway link doesn't seem to work. Off the grid I guess. Had the map already but reinstalled OFP a while back so now I don't have it no more. I really liked the map cause it's NOT full of buildings(I find OFP with AI unplayable with city maps anyway). GL with this mod I supose. Think you can get a lot of stuff already out here though hehe.
  21. Spartan2E

    FFUR 2007

    Yeah, sounds are kinda... Weird. I can live with them, but I personally still like the 2006 AK sounds. Also find the M16/M4 sound kinda... Not powerful Overall I still like it and thank you(whole FFUR team) for taking time to make this stuff. Right now, gonna find my joystick and try to fly under some low bridges cause I'm happy and am having a hangover
  22. Spartan2E

    FFUR 2007

    Hmm, nvm the mirror problem. Just something weird going on with FireFox here I guess... Downloading now.
  23. Spartan2E

    FFUR 2007

    Page 13 should have the newest patch. Though, I dunno if it's just me that the mirror doesn't seem to work.
  24. Spartan2E

    FFUR 2007

    I seem to get an error when I try to download it. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Failed Server returned a 403 error: Acces Forbidden So like, wth's up with that? Are there any other hosts coming online or just this one?
  25. Hi, just a little problem. Got bored a while back so I thought like "hey, let's play some OFP" or whatever. So I just started the Red Hammer campaign(Russian side). I can play the first intro and all normal. But then when you start in the boat(1st mission) I get some error message. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Cannot load mission, missing addons: voiceRH Now the file SHOULD be there, shouldn't it? I know I haven't deleted it. And AFAIK there's nothing that overwrites it? I'm not looking forward to reinstalling the whole game. I guess I can get all modfolders temporarily somewhere else saved. Oh yeah, played it with vanilla OFP: GOTY. I got mods/addons installed but I was just running it vanilla(got addons in the normal addons folder tho). Edit: Also, the 1st mission says 02Invasion.eden instead of a normal mission name.