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Everything posted by Soldaat

  1. Soldaat

    Multiplayer could use some improvement

    I think it has something to do with the serverside rule MaxBandwidth, atleast I would have done it so... Well my guess its kinda like the sounds we got which are like the old OFP and where we also had this very slow upload with maps with OFP. Just old code/settings used I think? a map from 720KB takes like 7 minutes! What are your computer specs. 4800x2 processor, 2048mb memory, 8800GTS videocard and a 400/100 KB/sec adsl connection.
  2. With that I mean that its really a long progress to get in a game. Maps which are getting uploaded are uploading with a real slow speed, with like 1 or 2 KB/sec. Why is this in these times when everyone got adsl/cable? Also many games just dont load at all so I must join another game after waited like 5 minutes to make it load! First slow upload then ''receiving mission file'' then nothing happens! Uploading maps should go much faster and some games seems to be bugged so I cant join.
  3. Soldaat

    Multiplayer could use some improvement

    I think it has something to do with the serverside rule MaxBandwidth, atleast I would have done it so... Well my guess its kinda like the sounds we got which are like the old OFP and where we also had this very slow upload with maps with OFP. Just old code/settings used I think? a map from 720KB takes like 7 minutes!
  4. Soldaat

    Multiplayer could use some improvement

    But with for example Red orchestra some maps are like 10mb and are uploaded in in like 20 seconds! There are no ''gamehosting servers'' with arma?
  5. Soldaat

    How is ArmA?

    Perhaps also consider: ''Red orchestra''. Note, the AI is bad but the gameplay is much better then Arma (my opinion) and still very realistic and its really only an online game. This game (ArmA) I think will be on your HD for a very long time since it will upgraded often with new patches, new vehicles etc etc. But for pure fun and realistic man to man fighting Red ochestra is higher on the list for me.
  6. After updating to 1.5 my bullets fly everywhere, as you if you shoot when moving. I guess a reinstall?
  7. Soldaat

    Shadows Problem?

    Yes. Just tested and highest settings make it faster! but I got a weird fog bug with my 8800GTS then.
  8. Soldaat

    bullet travel is doing weird

    All my friends laugh at me when shooting, no fun. But yes I used a no cd crack. Thanks for info.
  9. Soldaat

    bullet travel is doing weird

    Ok did a reinstall but it didn't fixed it. Look at picture.. I made a red dot where bullet impact is, you can see some sand flying there from the impact still. My crosshair was on the same exact spot when shooting but look where my bullet went!
  10. Soldaat

    Peformance on demo compared to full game

    Not bad??? LOL just look what kind of system he got: 6600 Core 2 Duo, 8800GTS and 2gig DDR ram and only 20-25 fps.
  11. Soldaat

    Performance Issues

    Game is just bugged, i get about 20fps with a 3700+ @2.8, 2 gig memory and 7800GT so be happy with your fps, they look pretty good to me!! I got medium/low settings.
  12. Soldaat

    A Fix - 16bpp Resolution

    Few more frames, thanks. At least I can play it now with ok graphics. 3700+, 7800GT.
  13. No clue why. And changing settings doesnt matter much if at all. It's mostly running at 10-15 fps. Shuttle SN25p Got 3700+ overclocked to 2.8 ghz. 7800GT 256mb 2 gig memory Resolution: 1680x1050 Even when I change view distance to 500 meters or set all settings on very low quality its still piss poor! Cant play it to be honest like this. Looks nice the game I must say. Gun sights are very ugly though. Other games run fast.
  14. Soldaat

    Very poor performance

    Made some screenshots: Above = 10 fps with these settings: Then when I lower everythign and also note the 500mtrs view distance but i also used 500 above and setting it on 1200 or more isnt bad or good for my fps (no change!. So with very low settings i get 30fps! but this is butt ugly and I got a pretty fast system (3700+ @ 2.8ghz, 2 gig memory, 7800GT 256mb). low settings: I guess i must live with it? or buy a 8800GT
  15. Soldaat

    Very poor performance

    Nah, I stick with red orchestra for now and wait future patches. This game really still got performance issues.... for now.
  16. Soldaat

    Very poor performance

    I guess you are running an a widescreen TFT, so I know it it is not really a good option, but have you tried to lower your resolution, preferably to 1024x768. I know, as it is not the native resolution of your display it will look bad, but just to check for performance it might be worth a try. Had it running at 1024x768 at start which did looked ugly but performance wasnt really better, perhaps 3-5 fps better. What does this game needs most? videocard or processing power? Will try a new install and see how that goes.
  17. Soldaat

    Very poor performance

    No clue why. And changing settings doesnt matter much if at all. It's mostly running at 10-15 fps. Shuttle SN25p Got 3700+ overclocked to 2.8 ghz. 7800GT 256mb 2 gig memory Resolution: 1680x1050 Even when I change view distance to 500 meters or set all settings on very low quality its still piss poor! Cant play it to be honest like this. Looks nice the game I must say. Gun sights are very ugly though. Other games run fast.
  18. Soldaat

    Very poor performance

    Got it patched. Am serious. Must be something wrong
  19. Soldaat

    Very poor performance

    Got it patched. Am serious. Must be something wrong
  20. Soldaat

    Logitech G15

    Would be nice. Just ordered this keyboard. In red orchestra you got support for this keyboard with the following info: Mode 1: Player and vehicle status Mode 2: Objective list and status for the current map Mode 3: Player scores Mode 4: Net stats