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Spinal Tap 84

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About Spinal Tap 84

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  1. Spinal Tap 84

    Russian Federation Units V.2.00

    I love the units and though I know there won't be an update for quite some time if at all, I wanted to mention a few bugs. I know it has been mentioned before but the VSS and VAL are way too powerful with the ability to take down armor. Another one that has been mentioned is the fact that none of the weapons make the supersonic crack as the bullets fly by you. The last one I haven't seen mentioned in the thread so far. If you fly low in a helicopter over a BIS SLA squad they will atempt to shoot you down with their small arms. The RHS units will not and instead just go prone or run around for cover.
  2. Spinal Tap 84

    javelin? Wher is it?

    The Javelin launcher is not in any ammo crate nor does any unit in the editor carry it. The only way you can access it is to put a unit in the editor and added the weapon using the init line. I may be wrong, but it should go something like this: removeallweapons this; this addweapon "javelin"; this addmagazine "javelin". Give that a try. Refer to this link for all the weapon class names: BIS Wiki
  3. Spinal Tap 84

    RACS M60A3

    That M-60 looks fantastic. RACS needed a tank badly and this one fits in perfectly. Thanks for the hard work Torni and Inquisitor. Looking forward to the release.
  4. I had the same problem. It really is a great utility though. Give this a try, " -mod=ModWarSound" without the parenthesis. Note that there is a space before the hyphen. This works for me. Let me know if this helps. As far as knowing if the mod actually launched or not, the only way I know if is as you said. Test the game out and look for the addons/modifications that you put into the mod folder.
  5. Spinal Tap 84

    ARMA ghillie suits?

    Well there is already a ghillie suit out there, but it is featured in a total conversion mod known as the Xtream ArmA Mod. There is a thread for it in A&M: Complete: XAM. There is an english version of the mod due out soon if it has not been released already. I am not too sure exactly. Check out the english trailer to see the ghillie suit in action. Ghillie suits are cool and definately needed, but that does not mean a sniper wearing regular ACU's is incorrect. Why would a sniper wear a ghillie suit if he is going to be operating in an urban environment? The southern portion of Sahrani has a good number of decent sized cities. Btw there is an addons request thread in this forum. You might get more interest by posting in here: Addons Request.
  6. Spinal Tap 84

    VF RealSoundPatch V1 for Arma 1.08

    I just tried out the new version Victor. Top notch stuff! It really makes the game a lot more enjoyable when you have realistic sounds like yours to keep you immersed in the action.
  7. Spinal Tap 84

    Rellikki's stuff

    Screens look great, downloading at the moment. Rellikki, your units are required downloads for ArmA. I can't imagine playing the game without them. Thanks for all the great work.
  8. Spinal Tap 84

    VF RealSoundPatch V1 for Arma 1.08

    Thanks for the quick update Victor! Downloading now.
  9. Spinal Tap 84

    VF RealSoundPatch V1 for Arma 1.08

    I think this statement about sums it up. I've been using this since I downloaded it and I think I will stick with it for this reason. In my opinion this is the best sound pack out there. This is probably due to the fact that you used actual clips from the real weapons. The more I play with the pack, the more I've grown to like the m240 sound as well. Good to hear about possible updates, but I'll be enjoying this version for awhile. Thanks again and job well done. EDIT: I decided to reapply the patch to the weapons.pbo, and that seemed to fix my issue with the sound. They are back on par with the original sounds. Dunno if that actually did something or if it was just my mind playing tricks on me.
  10. Spinal Tap 84

    Russian Federation reskins

    Shadow, I would say if you don't feel like continuing the project anymore to just release what you have because this looks to be very promising. I was really looking forward to these units personally, but if your heart is not in it, then there is nothing you can do about that. Thanks and I look forward to any future projects.
  11. Spinal Tap 84

    VF RealSoundPatch V1 for Arma 1.08

    I tried out the pack for a while, and I must say it is pretty impressive. Anyone looking for sounds to replace the originals should give this pack at least a try. Thanks! I think Mr Burns' assessment is pretty fair. I have my sound turned down a lot because many of the game's default sounds are WAY too loud, especially if you are trying to use voice communication. So when I try to use this sound pack the weapons are pretty quiet. I understand that you are just trying to avoid making the weapons too loud and becoming an annoyance. I would say to ditch the m240 sound altogether and find another source for it. I of course have never fired one or been near one while it was being fired, but it just sounds off to me for some reason. Everything else sounds great. One last question though for anyone who knows the answer. Are the GP-25 and M203 firing sounds linked together? Is there a dedicated GP-25 fire sound and a M203 fire sound or is it just one generic grenade launcher fire sound file? The reason why I ask this is because the GP-25 sounds quite different than the conventional grenade launcher sound that the M203 makes in real life, though I cannot speak from experience. The VOG-25 is quite different than the 40mm grenade that the M203 uses seeing as the primer and propellant is contained within the projectile itself. If anyone cares to enlighten/correct me feel free.
  12. Spinal Tap 84

    1st Infantry Division

    Beautiful! Downloading now. Thanks again for all the terrific work.
  13. Spinal Tap 84

    1st Infantry Division

    Good to hear about the 101st Airborne units. Now we can have some proper air assaults with the UH-60! Yeah don't worry about them looking similar to the 1st ID because like you said they would look almost identical gear wise in real life. Of course there is not much you can do without the tools either lol. Besides this game is for guys obsessed with detail and realism, so that little patch on the left shoulder and the one on the helmet means A LOT to us players. Thanks again and props to whoever requested them!
  14. Spinal Tap 84

    Jonny´s Marines

    @Jonny, I know you said that 1.3 is the final version and not to expect any updates in the near future, but I was wondering if you were planning on updating your Force Recon Marines with the new SF models (with the protec helmets) that come in the US version and the next patch (1.07) anytime in the future? Â I understand you are busy and these units are awesome already, but I just wanted to throw that out there. Â Thank you!
  15. Spinal Tap 84

    1st Infantry Division

    Sweet, downloading now thanks for the hard work Cameron. Glad to hear about the new ODA guys in the future. Oh and ColonelSanders, you read my mind. Nice going with the replacement idea. Thanks!