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Posts posted by Stendac

  1. A video I just made about the supposed Iraqi insurgents killed.

    Anyway, a video made replicating it.

    Using the IR effect, it was the first thing that came to mind that I could use for testing the IR effect in movie maker.

    (Note: The rock music is there to stop it being a silent movie.)  crazy_o.gif


    The Tragics of War.

    I'm not entirely sure if this true or not but...

    A while ago I was looking through some forums and the topic of discussion was that video of those "insurgents" being cut down.  Of course, many people felt that some innocent farmers had been murdered (They had a tractor!!!! ).  The interesting part is that one of the forum posters claimed that he actually knew the pilots in this video.  The story he told basically goes like this:

    A convoy came under attack and called for help.  They reported that they were attacked by men on a pickup truck.  The copter was sent out and headed in the direction that the truck fled.  The people and pickup truck in the video were the only ones that they saw for miles.  Also, they waited and watched for a while to confirm that these people were indeed insurgents.  The men on the ground behaved in a suspicious manner, looking around to make sure they weren't being watched, before hastily running off to drop a long object in the field. The pilots concluded that this object was a used weapon and decided to open fire.  When they came back they weren't overjoyed about their the success of their mission.  They were just doing their job.

    Unfortunately, there is a shortened version of the video out there that don't show the time period in which the pilots observed the potential targets.  The tractor seen in the video causes people to assume that these were not fighters at all, but farmers who were killed wrongly.

    Whether you believe the story of the forum poster or conclude that the exchange seen in the video was not one of weapons is up to you.

    Here's the URL to the longer video in case anyone hasn't seen it yet:


  2. It is a well documented account about the actions of a US Marine Recon battalion as a spearhead for US invasion of Iraq.  I don't want to give too much away, but the Marines spend half their time in Iraq blitzing through sporadic resistance in towns and small villages while firing from inside their vehicles (with deadly results).  One description involves a young Marine hitting two running Iraqis (unfortunately they turned out to be civilians) with his M249 from more than 200 meters away while bouncing down a rough road in a Humvee that is moving at 40 miles per hour.  

    Shooting from the moving vehicles is difficult, but certainly doable (especially when you consider the alternative); and the elite forces rely on it just as much as anyone else.



    Haha, Dreday.

    You beat me to it.  Generation Kill was a great read wasn't it?

    Quote[/b] ]And if they're marines it's a guarantee.

  3. I don't really agree with the argument that the ability to fire from vehicles (like boats) doesn't really matter because its difficult to hit a target while moving and bumping around. Of course it's not easy to do. But the point is that someone will think hard about exposing themself to a vehicle if they know that those bullets headed in their direction could potentially kill them. And if you have lots of rifles sticking out of that vehicle the odds of one of your guys nailing someone is pretty good.

    And if they're marines it's a guarantee.

  4. The night being blue is only a movie convention, it has no real-world meaning.

    The movies aren't completely wrong. The moonlight can give everything a beautiful blue tinge.

    Quote[/b] ]That is true, but the most important thing is that the sodium lights are shown as orange and not white! It would be extra cool if BIS could then put an orange filter over the whole lit area to show the lit area in an orange glow diffusing the colors accordingly. The picture below I took last weekend at a cottage we stayed at, and was taken with no flash or any other light source.

    In OFP there were those color flares. If you shot a green one up, everything would be lit up in shades of green.

  5. “I just had one of my guys rotate the tires on that Hummer and there wasn’t a scratch on it.â€

    Not a scratch?!?

    How can? Lol, looking at the video it looked like Will's buddy rear-ended the hummer for sure.

    What Luck!

  6. Lol, yeah i like the new water transparency but I would still like to see water relfections, especailly since kegetys dxdll did it in ofp wink_o.gif

    It could just be a shader effect they havent implimented yet? How hard would it be to do?

    I'd only want the reflections in still waters, like lakes. Not so much in the ocean.

  7. Wow, thanks for the link Colt.

    An interesting article. It really reminds me of a high school project reflection, where students look back to evaluate their problems and teamwork. It's really a shame that BI wasn't able to flesh out OFP's full multiplayer potential. But that's something left for ArmA and game2.

    One of the most interesting parts of the article is that it details some of the friction that occurred between BI and their publishers. Many people were curious about that.

  8. I'm not surprised that BI is having trouble finding a publisher. They're a relatively obscure development company. The gamers that have even heard of OFP are a minority. The game sold well enough, but its lack of advertising meant that its success passed more quietly than it should have. The first time I saw OFP it was not on a TV advert, but on an empty shelf since it was one of the few remaining games left in the store that no one had bought yet. Everyone has heard of Battlefield, Quake, and Half-Life. But Flashpoint? Those people are much harder to come by.

  9. Uh-oh.

    Seymour Hersh, veteran journalist of the New Yorker, claims that he has confirmed with former AND current government officials that the US helped plan the war in Lebanon. Hersh, at least for now, cannot name his sources

    of course. But it is very likely that we will be hearing more about this in the future.


    Hersh even went spoke to CNN:

    ...And the circle of life is complete!

  10. Hey, I found something else interesting in the Wikipedia article on Hezbollah.


    Quote[/b] ]The Hezbollah Central Internet Bureau in 2003 released a Video Game[63] titled Special Force, intended to simulate Arab-Israeli conflicts from an Arab perspective.

    There's even a video clip of some kids playing the game.

    "We learn from this that anyone who occupies my land- I should kill him and get my land back."

    Now that's all well and good, but I bet its trying when some fucking 14 year old prick keeps tk'ing you with his suicide det pack while spamming "ZIONIST!!!!111".

  11. Quote[/b] ]I didn’t get it back until we were in the car on the way back to the base,

    and shortly after that we found out that we were all in trouble for reckless

    driving or some such thing. Who knew that rear-ending an MP hummer would be

    such a bad idea, especially since they didn’t even notice it at the time?

    Turns out that even Sahrani has traffic cams, and Lord knows what we’re

    going to all end up doing as a result of this. Fortunately, the wheels of

    military justice grind slow. . .

    Is this a reference to the shaky cam video in Porter's last post, when the Land Rover William was in gave a love tap to the hummer in front of it?

    Lol, well played BI. It's nice that an explanation is provided for that collision.

  12. Yeah, I'm glad we'll be able to move a bit while reloading.

    There were plenty of instances when I ran a magazine empty while standing right next to the corner of a building. Then I would press "R" before moving behind the building. Then I would think, "Aw, damn. Why did I forget to take a step over before reloading? I wish I could move just a little bit." The sad part is that I've done this repeatedly because I keep forgetting that you are completely immobile during that time.

  13. In OFP, you can hear the "whistle" of the wind when walk up to high altitudes. What you don't hear is the "whooshing" of the wind as it blows past your ears. It occurred to me when I was walking around outside on a windy day. The sound of the wind is captured by this video camera in this clip:

    Um... ignore what's going on in this clip. I only chose it for the wind sound.

    As for the "dry CRACK" made by supersonic bullets, I don't recall ever hearing that in any war movies either. Hollywood's got it wrong. Anybody know any movies that used this sound?
