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Posts posted by Stendac

  1. Big cities! Of course we want them! It's supposed to be a military simulation ffs yay.gif

    I agree. Warfare in urban environments is so common in real life that its would be very noticeable if it is not included in the next gen game. But, I have no doubt that BIS is already planning to have cities like that. I think the CQBs in urban environments will still feel distinctly like OFP.

  2. The best thing with the tracers in ArmA is that they won't be green anymore. tounge2.gif (OfpE)

    Edéáté: If you havent seen it yet, take look at this video by maxqubit. That's what they might look like in ArmA.

    Green tracers may not be as silly as they seem. I've read an article somewhere before that said that the Russians did indeed use green tracers in their ammunition. When I saw the AKs shooting green in OFP I thought it was pretty nifty.

    Oh wait, here's a cool wiki article on the subject.

    Apparently the green light is produced by barium salts.

