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Everything posted by Stendac

  1. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    You know what these screenshots say? Battlefield 2 can take its silly toy tanks and go home.
  2. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Wow, I'm impressed. This new cover is quite beautiful. The stretching landscape in the background really does make the game look "epic".
  3. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Holy Crap! Â Forget Armed Assault. Â Why isn't BI working on a sequel to this game? Â Possible scene: Nastya rises before the sun awakes with a full day's work ahead of her. Â She begins to cut logs into pieces for the fire, recognizing that the days have already gotten shorter and the nights grow colder. Â After splitting her fifth log she pauses and wipes the sweat off her brow. Â As she gazes off into the distant hills she hears a low rumble. Â Is it a herd of elks? No, just the mechanized infantry practicing their formations again.
  4. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I'm guessing that activity here will be pretty limited until E3 or at least the next interview. *sigh* I need another hobby.
  5. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Not Constantinople? going to be off topic but one I cant pass, Constantinople is the name of the town 550 years ago, since its 2006 its Istanbul... you can still find the name in the "history books" and fellow Greek maps   (no offense) Yeah, I know.  It was a joke because the group They Might Be Giants sang a song called "Istanbul, Not Constantinople".  It's really cool that the Sahrani map looks real enough to remind us all of actual islands we've seen before.
  6. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Not Constantinople?
  7. Stendac

    Armed Assault at the GDC

    I think he was about to play the game. The picture was taken while the mission's intro was rolling. But yeah, early tech demo for sure.
  8. Stendac


    Don't lose hope. The tech demo is a bit old and Placebo tells us that animations will be worked on last. It could still be fixed. BIS will have something to work on as they look for a publisher.
  9. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    These 400 sq. km. may not be one island though. The blog says that there is a second island where the commies government exists north of Sarah. So maybe each island averages 200 sq. km.
  10. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    I hate these snowballing quotations. Sarah looks great. But the map lacks detail so we don't know all of the features it will have yet. C'mon Porter, how 'bout it?
  11. Stendac


    I would think so since we've already seen that VBS has hatches that open and close.
  12. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    Blogvertising? Can anyone else list some games (if any) that used blogs to spread information about their games? I like this Porter guy already. I'm hoping that he's one of the soldiers we play as.
  13. Stendac

    character switching

    Even if you decide not to use it, it is jarring when the game asks if you want to switch characters in the middle of the mission. I think the best way to include this interesting feature is to have it become available when you replay missions that you've already completed. Has someone already suggested this?
  14. Stendac

    Brand Spanking New Interview!!!!

    One of the reasons why I don't like the switching idea is that it seems to indicate that there won't be any character development in this game. Sure, there was hardly any in CWC, but since I spent a lot of time playing as Armstrong it really felt like he had been through hell. The ability to switch from one nameless face to another nameless face means that we really don't care about who we play as. The player's character and his buddies should have detailed personalities. When one of our guys is shot it should really mean something.
  15. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Papa Bear: "Listen up, alpha squad. We need to cover the village now. Get yourselves into position. Out." You're right. The exact same line from the Combined Arms mission. Does that mean that this is the new version of that old mission? Or is it that they have not recorded the new lines yet since the video is old?
  16. Stendac

    Mission ideas

    I hope the next gen game includes two-team coop missions in the online multiplayer. There were coop missions, but it would be cool to have coop type missions with two opposing teams. They would begin at different points on the island and be tasked with retrieving an item from a city guarded by enemy AI. Both teams will by trying to be the break through the enemy AI and be the first to get their item and get out, yet at the same time they will be looking out for the opposing team and doing their best to keep them from completing their mission. Damn, I guess that isn't really a "coop" anymore.
  17. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Noted and Voted. And now we play the waiting game...
  18. Stendac

    The islands

    I know Everon's national anthem. Â Just take Monty Python's "Oh Lord Please Don't Burn Us" and replace "Lord" with "General Guba". Â Â "Oh General Guba, please don't burn us, Â Â Don't grill or toast your flock, Â Â Don't put us on the barbecue, Â Â Or simmer us in stock, Â Â Don't braise or bake or boil us, Â Â Or stir-fry us in a wok... Â Â Oh please don't lightly poach us, Â Â Or baste us with hot fat, Â Â Don't fricassee or roast us, Â Â Or boil us in a vat, Â Â And please don't stick thy servants General Guba, Â Â In a Rotissomat..." It brings a tear to my eye.
  19. Stendac

    BIS...perfect Game company?

    Well, if BIS won't hype their game, maybe we should give them a hand. Â Tell your friends about ArmA if you haven't already. I gave elite to a friend as a birthday gift.
  20. Stendac

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    Awww. But it's fun to make up game titles.
  21. Stendac

    The Middle East part 2

    Well said. Once everyone has a job they'll be too busy to have an insurgency. Â But it's a bit like trying to build sandcastles when the other kids want to knock them down. The Dutch should talk to France. They're getting along swimmingly with their Muslim immigrants. Schattenfreude.
  22. Stendac

    The Iraq thread 4

    The neighboring countries might disagree. I don't think the US invaded Iraq just for the oil. Â But it certainly was a nice bonus. Anyway, let's all do our part to end America's addiction to foreign oil. Â Recycle your bottles, turn off your lights, and buy a Prius.
  23. Stendac

    Armed Assault - should the name be changed?

    I hope no one suggested these yet. If we keep throwing crap out eventually one name would have to be a keeper: Point of Conflict Advancing Arms Frontline Tactical Field of Fire Clear to Engage Federation Conflict Marek and Ondrej's Excellent Adventure Guba's Krazy Kart Racing Brokeback Mountain with Soldiers
  24. Stendac

    Aircraft/A-10 and others

    I heard a rumor before that the US pilots lost to the Indian pilots on purpose to support the case for the F-22 program. Just a rumor though. AWACS? That'd be cool and it would be another way for pilots to work together as a team.
  25. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Was OFP ever advertised on TV? Because I don't recall ever seeing a commercial for it. It always seemed like the advertising was limited. Is BIS afraid of attracting the wrong type of players or is it because of the publisher? I don't know anything about this stuff.