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Everything posted by Stendac

  1. Stendac

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    There are T-72 tanks in the pictures of Armed Assault. Â However, my friend thinks that they are actually T-64's. I've looked at pictures of real T-72's and T-64's and I can't really tell them apart. My question is: Â How do you tell T-64's, T-72's, and T-80's apart? Â What physical features do you use for identifying them? Thanks in advance. Edit: I'd be nice if Armed Assault gave us lots of background information on the vehicles, equipment, and weapons we use.
  2. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    In Australia the Xbox360 didnt come out till March this year it just came out early in America I think  Yeah, I think BIS said it was a matter of timing. The 360 didn't arrive soon enough. The limitations of the XBOX were pretty clear while playing Elite. But, I doubt BIS wanted to spend any more time on Elite than they had to since it was just a port of an old game and they had much bigger things lined up. It sounds like it was most effective as a learning experience for BIS. Armed Assault will be a better game for it.
  3. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I love all that crap.
  4. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    Yeah, palm trees are very rigid. Check out the textures on those walls. Thumbs up.
  5. Stendac

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    One of the neat things about the original OFP was that the islands were so big that every once in a while I'd find a part of an island that I'd never been to before. That's one of the things that I'm looking forward to in Armed Assault. Being able to see something new and different when I play, even after I've already completed the campaign. The environments on the islands were beautiful in the original flashpoint, so sometimes I would just stop and take in the scenery. Unlike most other games, the worlds that BI makes do not feel like they were built around a game. It feels like the war was brought to the islands. It's not just about fighting. It's about being able to look around and briefly forget that it's not the real world.
  6. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Although I agreed with many of the criticisms made by the reviewers that did not like Elite very much, I still enjoyed playing the game. Sure, there were some disappointing aspects of it (when you reload the soldier just fiddles with the gun a little), but other parts did impress me. At first I thought that commanding a squad would be excessively frustrating on the XBOX, but Bohemia Interactive did a very good job at making it easy to issue a wide variety of commands. Hats off to BI on that. Seeing the grass and trees blow in the wind was also very satisfying since it was missing in the static environments of the original OFP. Watching the Nogova bridge blow up after I set satchel charges on it under the covering fire of my squad mates was rewarding as well. Oh boy, it will be hard to handle the quiet in these few days leading up to E3. I hope Armed Assault gets good coverage. (Of course it will.)
  7. Stendac

    graphics in game

    Ah, the old problem of scarcity. Unlimited wants, but limited resources. I'm curious about how this affects BIS. Everyone notices the not-so-pretty parts of Armed Assault in the screen shots (ex. the bushes) and we ask for improvements. At the same time we worry about how well our computers will handle the game. Well where do the goals of good graphics and smooth performance reach a point of serious confliction? Currently, Armed Assault generally looks very nice. When forum posters ask for additional graphical improvements in the plants, character models, etc. are we being unreasonable? I think a lot of people would like to know just how nice a game can look and still run swimmingly on an average computer. BIS must have unique graphics constraints due to their (incredibly) far visible distance range. I'm asking this because I find the process of making video/computer games interesting and I have this silly notion in my head that I'm going to make computer games for a living when I grow up.
  8. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yeah, I sure hope so. Â Many of the reviews for Elite weren't exactly glowing. Â But, I think OFP was just too hot for the XBOX to handle. Â The visible distance was impairing.
  9. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    Have you ever tried using Google Earth? Only certain parts of the planet, such as major cities, are photographed in the really high resolutions. Other, less important, sections are not so clear and appear blurry. Part of the picture was made blurry to give this fake picture of Sara the authentic "Google Earth" look with low resolution areas. Go ahead and give Google Earth a shot. It's fun to find your own home.
  10. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Maybe the shadow really is there; we just can't see it. Â The bottoms of the soldier's boots are cut off because he's on a little ridge. Â It looks like the ground slopes downwards in front of him a bit. Â It's possible that his shadow is being cast in front of him onto this slope that we can't see. Â This is caused by the camera angle being so close to the ground.
  11. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Hey guys, it's a good sign when the biggest thing we're worrying about is an awkward arm animation.
  12. Stendac

    Game Specs roughly stated

    That draw distance... I know they said it was going to be far, but seeing it for real... Wow. That shot with the soldier on the mountain overlooking the city is one of my favorites so far. The distance that you can see is stunning. Thanks BIS.
  13. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    I agree with you guys on the buildings in Elite. I was playing Elite yesterday and I was getting annoyed with how difficult it is to move through the buildings. Â When running around in OFP, your soldier does not stop immediately when you stop pressing the "forward" key. Â He seems to finish his pace and then he stops. Â While running up the stairs in the apartment buildings in Resistance this is very frustrating. Â When the staircase turns, I would try to stop and turn as well. Â But, Victor would not immediately stop and would finish his step and end up outside on the balcony since the door to the balcony is also placed at the turn in the stairwell. Â If you try to take the stairwell turn without stopping, Victor still manages to end up outside the door. Â Sometimes this resulted in death if there were enemies outside. Â Using 3rd person view in the building helps, but movement is still frustrating and feels very cumbersome. Â Hopefully, ArmA tightened up the control in buildings.
  14. Stendac

    the character models

    Did you guys see the "Mythbusters" episode on this? The question was: In real life, can bodies be thrown back by bullets, like in the movies? They shot a pig carcass hanging from a hook with different types of guns to test this. Their conclusion: no, although the shotgun did cause the dead hog to fall from its hook. I think they also mentioned that bit about physics making it impossible as well.
  15. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    You're right. But, the hostility towards Battlefield 2 is explainable. From gamerevolution.com's review of BF2: MC (360 version): "While the Battlefield series has always been decorated as hardcore, DICE evidently thought its reassignment to consoles called for a slightly softer core interface. This is most clearly evident in the way enemies that should be visible are marked by a red diamond, even if they're hiding in the grass." From gamerevolution.com's review of OFP: Elite: "Then, Digital Illusions came along and dropped the Battlefield 1942 bomb on Bohemia's parade. Battlefield 1942 did everything Flashpoint did with greater accessibility, more vehicles, and superior Conquest-style play. Rather than responding with another ground-breaking hit, Bohemia's counter-attack was an expansion, Operation Flashpoint: Resistance. Unfortunately, Resistance was futile." Operation: Flashpoint fans do not like it when when Battlefield 2 is called "hardcore". They also hate it when the two games are compared as though they are the same thing, but with Battlefield doing everything better. So yeah, you're right. They should be treated as completely different types of games.
  16. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Same old non-news. E3 can't get here fast enough.
  17. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    medvidek, you are the wind beneath my wings.
  18. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    Absolutely. Metal Gear Solid 2 taught us that you sell games not by lying, but by releasing a careful selection of screenshots and media that mislead the consumers as to the true contents of the game. I'm just joking around here. 8x8 km compared to nogova's 8 x 10? That's a step in the wrong direction. I'm pretty sure BI would not introduce islands that are actually smaller than the islands in their previous games. Well, either way, I'm glad that sahrani has such a beautiful figure. Nogova was shaped a bit too much like a damn brick.
  19. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Thank you for the link to TOP TV, Spoock. Armed Assault isn't on right now and I have no idea what they're saying, but it's fun to watch this Czech cooking show. BIS, that article on the Elite page about all the little new features in the game was pretty cool. Do the same for Armed Assault. Please include EVERYTHING. There's always people that are interested in your work. Ah, but you were probably going to do that anyway.
  20. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Yes. That's what I heard too. Bravo 6, that picture of the soldier handling the mine is cool.
  21. Stendac

    Small things

    Yup, definitely. I'm sure everyone agrees with this. I always wondered why civilians couldn't sprint. You'd think they'd really be able to haul ass without having to carry all that gear and weapons, especially with a couple of Russkie grunts on their tails!
  22. Stendac

    Carrying abilities

    It probably won't be a big deal. Soldiers do carry more than one rifle sometimes, but walking around with all that weight is tough. In real life, it's probably rare for that second rifle to come in handy anyway. In "Jarhead", Anthony Swofford wrote that he carried his Barrett, a disassembled M16, hundreds of rounds of ammunition, plus the rest of his gear. Heavy as hell even for a marine and of course he never had to use that M16 in combat.
  23. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    So, we still just have to wait until E3. The only armed assault footage there was still from that same old tech demo. However, the Game2 footage was promising. Ok, that's an understatement.
  24. Stendac

    Third Person

    Ok, third person view is not possible in real life, but our vision isn't so limited in real life either. 3rd person was a convenient way of improving our peripheral vision and getting an idea of our position in relation to people and objects around us, which is easier to do in real life than in a 1st person game view. Of course, veteran mode allowed us to turn it off if we were feeling hardcore. Right on.
  25. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Woah, wait. The date on the website's post says April 13th. According to the post, the PC Format issue arrives on newstands next Thursday, so I guess it's not out yet. Keep your eyes open.