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Everything posted by Stendac

  1. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    In the BIS ArmA workroom: "OMG have to find a publisher! Need to optimize the game! Need to finish new animations! Need to test and fix bugs! OMG! OMG!! In the BIS Game2 workroom: "lol. ok you're on. but if the pegasus really does have a horn you owe me 10 bucks. Another martini?"
  2. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    It'd be pretty cool if BIS came out with a line of Armed Assault action figures. You could buy a William or a Frank complete with ACU, digital camera, and keys to the sunken pickup.
  3. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Indubitably. ...And the US team gets its ass handed to it by the Czech Republic.
  4. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Lately I've been thinking that a horror campaign mod for Armed Assault would be sort of cool. Â Was there anything like that for OFP? Â You have to get off an evil island populated by twisted and disgusting creatures. Â Since it's OFP you can roam around the island freely, but WATCH OUT! Â I began thinking about it while I was playing Silent Hill 4. By the way: US vs. Czech Republic on Monday in the World Cup! We all know who BIS is rooting for. edit: aw crap. just saw the zombie thread.
  5. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    6/6/06? Oh hell yes The perfect day for the north to invade
  6. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Pretty quiet lately. Something big is coming.
  7. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Cyberware's price sheet for 3D scanners: http://www.cyberware.com/pricing/intlPriceList.html It's a big investment.
  8. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    I like it when the camera zooms in on the person that shot you. There's an odd sense of satisfaction that goes with seeing your AI squadmates nail the guys that killed you. I'm confused on the difference between the Mi-8 and Mi-17. I thought that they were both designated as the "Hip" and therefore were basically the same helicopter. So what's the difference and how do I tell them apart when looking at them? Thanks in advance. Think you're pretty knowledgable when it comes to aircraft? Try this trivia quiz: http://www.funtrivia.com/playquiz/quiz112976cf1288.html I got a 19/25 so there's plenty of room for improvement.
  9. Stendac

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    I wasn't trying to say that Sahrani should not have rivers/streams. I was talking about the groundwater since I misunderstood you when you said that "lots of people can't be kept by groundwater alone". I didn't know much about the Artesian Basin in Australia so I looked it up. It's amazing how much of the country it covers. From the surface it is hard to believe that there is so much water down there. It's like the underground lakes in "Dune". But why does the spring water need to be treated before its suitable for domestic usage? Wouldn't it be pure? And what is the government planning to do as the water pressure declines? I guess overusage is the universal problem with groundwater.
  10. Stendac

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    Actually, where I live many people (many more than the population of Sahrani anyway) depend on groundwater. The alternative would be to build more expensive desalination plants. And you can't use the river/stream water without purifying it since it's contaminated. Of course, the climate and geological conditions make living off groundwater possible. The circumstances in Sahrani are certainly different. That 16 minute armed assault video from E3 showed the new work-in-progress running animations. The old tech demo video of the Battle of Somato had much more fluid, but older, animations. Will these old animations we tossed out completely in the final version of armed assault? It would be neat if future games had soldiers with different animations so each one would be unique. In real life, you can sometimes recognize people, without looking at their faces, by observing how they walk.
  11. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Are they really working with just 15 people? Â I thought that these days games are made with numerous programmers, artists, animators, etc. Â How do you kick out a quality game in such a short time with so few people? Did they work alone or were aliens involved?
  12. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Lol, c'mon everyone. Give the guy a break. I know you're just joshin', but trying to speak a second language can really make you self-conscious about how you sound in front of native speakers of the language.
  13. Stendac

    New ArmA trailer

    Why hasn't BIS hired you yet?
  14. Stendac

    Idea Games NOT publishing Armed Assault/

    At least BIS still has some time left. The game has a ways to go before being ready for shipping anyway.
  15. Stendac

    Armed Assault Video E3 Presentation

    That's cool. Â Those radios remind me of the Nextel cell phone radios. Â I'm not worried about the animation transitions since BIS is definitely smoothing it out. Â I could learn to like the character switching. Â Although it does look a bit jarring. Â It probably takes a few moments to situate yourself with your surroundings. It's annoying that the video cut out just as the demonstrator was increasing the visible distance. Â The video demonstrates why BIS didn't release a demo yet. Â They still have a few months of hard work ahead of them. The game really does look like OFP. Â I'm getting it.
  16. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    The cobras are awkward, but the M113's must belong to the south Sahrani's.
  17. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Ha ha. Â A poster answered his own question. Â Well done. It's fun to watch the graphical progression of a work-in-progress game isn't it? If they have the time to reflect upon it, I'd like to hear what BIS thought of E3 (even though they didn't go themselves). Â Did they accomplish anything or was the expo largely a waste of time?
  18. Stendac

    IDEA Games at E3

    I may have missed it, but were any pictures posted of the idea games booth itself? They say it was really small, but I'd like to see it with my own eyes.
  19. Stendac

    Why do you see OFP as the best military game?

    There are others. I still go back and play Starcraft once in a while. I'm always pleased to find that it's still just as fun as it was years ago; the mark of a great game. I can't say too much about Flashpoint's multiplayer experience since I hate gamespy arcade, I don't own Resistance, and there are few public servers open during my waking hours with no join in progress. But anyway: I like OFP because the worlds are really immersive. In other games it is obvious that the worlds were designed to be played in. BIS seems to have done it the other way around. They created a world that could be anybody's neighborhood and then threw the game into it. Somehow, a war found its way onto a peaceful tropical island.
  20. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Ok, not superhuman, but still incredible. He wasn't Army, but ol' Swoffie excercised 30 hours a week in his prime. Â Besides, soldiers often don't have much to do in their spare time except for... Â -Anyway, I'm sure they've got strong wrists.
  21. Stendac

    ArmA E3 Trailer Music

    I liked the trailer music. But towards the end the music got annoying because the background tune sounded tinny. Â If they took out that noise it would sound much better. Â "Tinny"? Â I think that's the right word.
  22. Stendac

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    A well trained human loader is faster than the autoloader under normal conditions. Â However, the cramped interior of the T-80 would probably hinder the speed of the hypothetical human loader. Heck, there's hardly any space for a fourth person at all.
  23. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    The soldier's shoulder (haha) doesn't look so bad in that picture. It still looks like a bit of an exaggeration (the angle of the forearm with the upper arm looks odd), but I'm sure that my arm moves nearly that far back when I run. And it would not be strange for a soldier to pump their arms extra hard as they run, since they are carrying a gun in one hand with gear on their backs. They might need the extra arm swing to drive themselves forward. Besides, the animation can't be too unrealistic since BIS used the motion-capture to create them. Remember, there is a difference between how we look and how we think we look when we perform physical activities.
  24. Stendac

    German GameStar slaps Armed Assault

    The average teen gamer isn't so hard to manipulate. BIS should go ahead and make some action-game CG-style commercials. And then, when the gamers have been lulled into what they think is the average FPS title... *WHAM!* Armed Assault turns 'em all into die hard simulation fans. The world is saved. Give your old man a bud.
  25. Stendac

    IDEA Games at E3

    EA should have a tough time resisting the BIS effect. I showed a friend the screenshot of the soldier on the mountain overlooking the distant city. He said, "You won me over. I'm getting that game." Go on, convert your friends.