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Everything posted by Stendac

  1. Stendac

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I don't blame Allen for telling this guy to get out. It looked like a case of ratfucking, although Mike Stark denied that he was involved in the Webb campaign. Whether or not Allen spat on his wife really isn't any of his fucking business. When they said that Stark asked Allen some "tough questions", I thought they meant questions about topics like social security. It's something else to ask him about some very personal things that he gleaned from a liberal news blog. Hey, Allen may really be a dick to his family (and a racist), but Stark wasn't looking for answers; he was trying to provoke a reaction.
  2. Stendac

    The Middle East part 2

    You're upbeat optimism is endearing.
  3. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I did! And it was good. I'd like to see more videos of the AI soldiers driving and fighting each other. All of the videos seem to avoid what is actually going on with the rifle during the reloading animation. I fear there really isn't any mag removal. I would also like to know if the handguns move when they're fired. Artillery, eh?
  4. Stendac

    The so-called "grown up" community

    The Battlefield games are just fun to play. Â They're not trying to be realistic and that should be obvious, especially after they made Battlefield 2142, a sci-fi shooter with Battle Walkers and flying motherships. There shouldn't be so many arguments between the fans of the Armed Assault and Battlefield over which one is better because they are so fundamentally different. Â The similarities between them are purely comsetic (i.e. carrying a rifle and being able to drive any vehicle you want; the similarities seem to end there). Â Most people should find both games to be highly enjoyable. *cough* Armed Assault is twice as awesome though.
  5. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Most impressive!
  6. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Woah, wait. Â If there was another gaming convention going on, can we expect to see another trailer soon? Maybe a "Sahrani Forces Trailer"? edit: You know, I've just seen those new videos and it's looking pretty good. I did notice that the hands don't move when steering wheel is turning, but that's just fine. If BIS didn't find a way to do this yet I can wait until Game2. I would like to see if they managed to finish any new reloading animations with removable mags though. There were a number of parts of the video that I liked. The dust kicked up by the vehicles when driving on dirt and from tanks firing their cannons looked pretty cool. The new running animations that replaced the old ones are excellent. The run speed is set appropriately as well. The animations in the game are looking satisfyingly fluid and lifelike. The muzzle flash is not exaggerated and the video also showed the recoil during the firing of the rifle. As seen in one of Will Porter's videos, the AI is much better at driving vehicles on roads now (when they're not rear ending MP humvees). The character models, vehicles, and landscapes were beautiful. The glare of the sun looked realistic and blinding. What I'm trying to say is this: BIS, it looks like you've done a great job and the game truly looks like its just about good to go. Now, everyone just has to save enough money to buy the hardware to run the game at its full glory.
  7. Stendac

    The Middle East part 2

    I dunno. The United States can invade Iraq when the UN says "no" because it's... well, the United States. I'm not sure it would work the other way around. I don't think the UN has that degree of cohesion. If the US doesn't want it to happen, some of the other countries would hesitate to support a motion against Israel or they'd at least stay neutral. As for not tolerating their soldiers being shot at, they might. They did in Rwanda anyway.
  8. Stendac

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Well, gosh, the Republicans haven't proven themselves very capable of handling those issues either. And they've bashed the Democrats as just as much as the Democrats have bashed them (or more). I think I'm beginning to see why some people wasted their votes on Nader.
  9. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    Aw, jeez. I don't wanna say that these guys aren't trying or anything, but one of those screenshots was of a COUPLE OF ROCKS.
  10. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    What? You didn't?!? Oh man, dude, you missed out!
  11. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    The hell? Why did they decide to put an ad for a COMPUTER GAME in a magazine completely UNRELATED TO COMPUTER GAMES? Okay, okay, wait. It depends on what the magazine was about. So what was it? If it was an issue of Martha Stewart's Living my head is gonna explode.
  12. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    My house is on a hill in the middle of the town. And yes, it is there so that I have a vantage point for sniping people.
  13. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yes, otherwise that would make Armed Assault too awesome. China would buy a single of copy of Armed Assault. And then, then... why- they'd be UNSTOPPABLE!
  14. Stendac

    Latest screenshots available

    I think we can safely say that RACS is "Robert's Anime Corner Store". After all, we all know how much the queen hates Anime.
  15. Stendac

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I think President Bush would have done much better if they admitted that they fucked up the post-invasion planning. I would have respected his administration much more if they just came out and said, "We're sorry. We've let the Iraqi people down and we let the American people down. Now it's time for us to put our heads together and find a way to fix this mess." Whenever they gloss over the situation in Iraq it feels like they're abandoning all of us in reality. It's not just Iraq either. The finger pointing after the Foley Scandal was embarrassing too. FOX News and Ann Coulter (although most don't take her seriously) tried to shift focus over to the Democrats. Everybody's just sick of it. Mistakes are inevitable, but could they at least take responsibility when things go wrong?
  16. Stendac

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    China does not even have a "traditional" communist economy, huge changes have taken place with the Chinese economy- it's industries are being brought under private control. As a result the Communist Party are finding it extremely difficult run the country with a capitalist economy and a Communist government. The two are incompatible. The US is the world's superpower and does have a "monopoly" over the world to an extent. However this grip on the world is fading and China is slowly taking over and in roughly 20 years should be the worlds new superpower. With the privitisation of the Chinese economy it is inevitable that the Communist system will fall in China and be replaced by a Democracy. Woah, a little too optimistic there. Â China is taking steps towards privatization (sort of), but this can't be confused with real capitalism. "Most of the companies within this market belong to listed company in which the Chinese government maintains controlling interest. With regards to the listed companies, the government has viewed the stock markets has means of raising capital, but there is no current interest to privatization or selling off the state controlling interest in the SOE's. Â Until 2005, two-thirds of the shares in listed companies were non- tradable on the exchange, creating a problem in which the tradable shares were valued higher than their proportion in the company. In 2005, as part of the Chinese stock issue reform, the non-tradable shares were made tradable and the holders of tradable shares were compensated by having extra equity in the company." -From Wikipedia's article on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange The government can't stand to let go of too much of its control. Â They still build magnificent hotels that no one can afford to stay in so they just sit there empty and look pretty. Â They'd like to have the appearance of a capitalist market, but so many weird things happen in the Chinese economy because the government still wants to pull all the strings instead of letting market forces work naturally. Yup, China probably will come out as a superpower in a couple of decades, but boy do they have some serious problems that they'll have to deal with. Â They'll have their wicked inflation rates and their millions of people that would like to retire before they die. As for the fall of the "Communist" system in China? Â Don't expect it to happen anytime soon. EiZei, am I mistaken anywhere? By the way, do you have a bone to pick with the Chinese government?
  17. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    Mikey likes it!
  18. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    It's not very important, but you would certainly notice it while looking at your soldier in 3rd person. Â The targeting laser and javelin seen carried by the soldiers in screenshots are so big and bulky that it would have to look awkard while rolling. Â At any rate, you would not roll around with this stuff on your back in real life. Â It would be so difficult and take so long that it would defeat the purpose of rolling in the first place. Better stick to scrambling on all fours.
  19. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    Hey, nobody in here mentioned the Lost reference. "Previously on Lost..." BI are Lost fans! "Hey, uh, Jack. There's, like, some new dude on the island. He keeps saying he wants to go to some girl named Sara." "Not now Hurley, I'm waiting for the 1Q 2007 Armed Assault release date." "What! No, dude. The numbers are bad. The numbers are BAD!"
  20. Stendac

    Xbox vs PC

    The limitations of the XBOX were disappointing. The significantly shorter view distance meant that some missions had to be altered. Sometimes enemy soldiers just kinda popped up in front of you and it was noticeable that they were put there on purpose by the mission designers to fill an empty gap. I liked OFP's tense periods where there were no enemy soldiers, but you had to keep an eye out for any hidden ones. When you close in the engagement ranges like that you take OFP out of its strong suit, especially while using a controller instead of a mouse. (The voice acting could have been better as well.) In more ways than one, it felt like a dumber version of the PC OFP. But, it was still a good experience for BI. They made improvements in a number of areas, so I'm still happy.
  21. Stendac

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    Because the insurgents usually don't bomb their own cities. And the US military usually doesn't attack insurgents using carbombs in marketplaces.
  22. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Yeah, it's just a halfway solution, but it still creates new problems that will take time to work out. Â Time is something that BI no longer has. Â And what works for a RTS might not cut it for the close-up perspective of an FPS and the more complex AI interaction. Â We'd better not expect much in terms of building destruction. Â I think the best we can hope for right now is a better looking post-destruction model for the buildings. Wow, the tantrum wasn't necessary after all. Â The previews have been over this. Â Cool, the AI will seek cover BEFORE they reload. Â I wish I'd learn to do the same...
  23. Stendac

    ArmA Progress Updates

    Will the game prevent us from rolling if we've got a javelin (or other large crap) on our backs?
  24. Stendac

    USA Politics Thread - *No gun debate*

    I wouldn't care so much either if FOX News wasn't the #1 rated news channel in America and if they didn't tout their own "objectivity". (On the other other hand, even though FOX News is #1 in ratings, CNN supposedly has more unique viewers.) Bad example. We don't see any innocents being killed in that video. And I don't blame soldiers for cheering after calling in an airstrike on an enemy position. It's not that I think that Iraqis are better off due to the war. It's obvious that they are not. I'm saying that you should use confirmed examples of US soldiers mistreating them. Not some YouTube video of soldiers cheering during an airstrike. For example, an article on Abu Ghraib would have better served your argument.
  25. Stendac

    William Porter's Blog

    ...And people that live in Hawaii. Not "flip flops"; they're "slippers"! lol. Okay, that's enough.