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About Superball

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  1. Superball

    KP CTI Released

    That's great to hear! All I see is Evolution on the servers...we need CTI back
  2. Superball

    BW@DVD 1.6

    Cool thanks! I got it to work now, I just overrid all the old files with the new ones Played for acouple of hours, looks killer!
  3. Superball

    BW@DVD 1.6

    Looks nice! But can I just replace all my 'old' BWfiles in my BW Mod-folder with the new ones or do I need to create a whole new folder for 1.7? If so, do I still need the old folder with the old files? Sorry if this is abit confusing lol, hope you understand Also; I reckon US and BW both need seperate mod-folders?
  4. Superball

    Operation Urup campaign final release

    That's cool man! Once you got the 'idea' complete just give me a ring and I'll be happy to test it again
  5. Superball

    Operation Urup campaign final release

    I had the same bug as 23-Down had, black screen with Good Job Soldier at the end of Mission 1 doesn't go away... I'm still at mission 2 aswell, this is way harder then the BETA Campaign
  6. Superball

    Operation Urup campaign final release

    Finally! I was waiting for this one to be released, gonna play it now!
  7. Superball

    Need testers for Operation Urup Campaign

    Hey, I've been on these forums for a very long time now but decided to register since I'm following your campaign. Two things I noticed during the General Yazov mission; 1: On the individual-updated version at the very beginning when a Soldier says; ''They're coming'' it goes into a 'cutscene' and wont come out of it. 2: When I reach the base where Yazov is with my tanks, all of my fuel is empty again..Don't know if this is supposed to happen so you take the base on foot but it's annoying hehe Overall a great campaign and I'm gonna continue this afternoon