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About Sanesh

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    OF cwc<br>Vietcong + 2<br>T-72 GAME<br>silent hunter III<br>AF2-3<br>subcommander
  1. Sanesh

    New ArmA trailer

    Hi ! The trailer was nice,I only missed some ingame shots from the inside of the whicles f.e.: tanks, tc-s. It would be great to see the progress since OF + some infos like "how" active will the "consols" be inside.Will they be just "decorations" or usable elements?
  2. Sanesh

    Americas Army as Training tool

    I tried to play AA ,but first i had a version with a bugg the assault training newer finished,but one of my friends had a good one so I was watching his progress end helping him with the mental( ? ) test after we pasd and got throo as a SF he tried to go to a serwer (we didnt experienced any intresting gameplay just training until this) ,finaly managed to get in one and it vasnt satisfiing(lots of work for nothing...),I mean sometimes we sav one guy running somwhere and that was it all ,basicly there was no squad to be in,no military feeling for eg. in counterstrike U can experience mor and better teamplay and it was not made to simulate any military actions
  3. Sanesh

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    oH ,and I forgott the mine fields !!!!! + minefields would be tricky, not just for wehicles for people to
  4. Sanesh

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA?

    hmm I mostli agree with the ideas above about more realism + there should be amphibious type manuvers,not just with troopcravlers but also with tanks like t-72 etc. for eg. leeding a tank kolumn hyden in a river ;crossing most of the rivers withaut bridges or on transportable bridges or something like that... +troobs should be abel to "travel" on the hull of the tank for faster transport in a combination tank+squad +use of towed artillery with artillery crew or moving artillery