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Everything posted by Sgt_Eversmann

  1. Sgt_Eversmann

    ArmA Addon request thread

    Me wants Seahawks and Navy Seals. And I want CH/MH 53
  2. Sgt_Eversmann

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    Old German Airforce Trainer Eurocopter EC 135 from the Bundespolizei
  3. Sgt_Eversmann


    Somehow the Model looks strange. Think it needs some sharp and smooth edges! hmm, too bad blackblood isn around anymore, his scar model was really good for ofp and with addition of normal maps and so on it would rock in ArmA I think Looking forward to further progress on your scar scuba
  4. We hereby release our first addon, the v0.5 BETA I.E.D Addon! This addon adds an IED to the game, aswell as a map marker. More information available in the included PDF readme file. Download here
  5. Sgt_Eversmann

    1st Infantry Division

    OT: Looking forward to anything cameron does to the Units better?
  6. Sgt_Eversmann

    1st Infantry Division

    don't take my comment to serious. I did understand the campaign and the mixed unit reason
  7. Sgt_Eversmann

    WIP: stuff you are working on!

    Is that the Russian counterpart to the Dauphin? looks alot like it. and looks quite good on your screnies
  8. Sgt_Eversmann

    1st Infantry Division

    It is nice yes. but rember the story of arma US forces was just abt to leave the island when SLA attacked Thats a bug! Army would never mix with Marines...neither they are leaving an Island nor they just arrived Think some BIS guy was a little to creative when getting that idea
  9. Sgt_Eversmann

    1st Infantry Division

    Stewy it's call groin protector as far as I remember
  10. Sgt_Eversmann

    1st Infantry Division

    Cameron you are the one who turns the BIS shit into the good thing The standart ArmA Units should have looked like the one on the Screenie. Good job mate, looking forward to them
  11. Sgt_Eversmann

    BIS, we need a proper documentation !

    your right! Maybe someone is making Everon? have you ever tried to translate "Fachinformatiker Anwendungsentwicklung Auszubildender" ? I tried and the best thing I found was that... German sucks, I know
  12. Sgt_Eversmann

    BIS, we need a proper documentation !

    MAX! holy cow. what happened to you? you haven't been in MSN for years! My opinion is, that a proper documentation is standart for a new tool nowadays. And as Vlad postet the link, BIS thinks the same. so checklist done. Thanks BIS
  13. Sgt_Eversmann

    BIS, we need a proper documentation !

    MAX! holy cow. what happened to you? you haven't been in MSN for years! My opinion is, that a proper documentation is standart for a new tool nowadays. And as Vlad postet the link, BIS thinks the same. so checklist done. Thanks BIS
  14. Sgt_Eversmann

    BIS, we need a proper documentation !

    I agree too! I'm an IT Expert trainee and the first thing I've learnd was to document everything you do.
  15. Sgt_Eversmann

    BIS, we need a proper documentation !

    I agree too! I'm an IT Expert trainee and the first thing I've learnd was to document everything you do.
  16. Sgt_Eversmann

    O2 its here!!!!

    I guess Personal Edition is more meant to be not the Full Oxygen 2 like BIS uses it for making models for ArmA. (correct me if I'm wrong). Sure you can use it to get your models into ArmA and release them
  17. Sgt_Eversmann

    O2 its here!!!!

    you can use OFP Tutorials for O2 quite well The new O2 is almost the same, with some new features. But basically it's the same and I guess old ofp O2 tutorials will do the job
  18. Sgt_Eversmann

    Oxygen 2

    I think BIS feels guilty because of ArmA2 and now gave us the Tools trying to get the view back on ArmA and not onto the future ... ... ... ... jk
  19. Sgt_Eversmann

    Oxygen 2

    I think BIS feels guilty because of ArmA2 and now gave us the Tools trying to get the view back on ArmA and not onto the future ... ... ... ... jk
  20. Sgt_Eversmann

    Thank You BIS for the TOOLS!

    Looking forward to see some stuff in my ArmA DjFrogstar now, finally it's worth to install ArmA again. No more workarounds needed to make new Islands. Same goes for Soldiers, Objects, Weapons, Cars... I know atleast 3 persons who will be happy with the new O2 Jackal, Rockape and DjFrogstar I put a thank you here when I'm at home and the tools are working
  21. Sgt_Eversmann

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    Friday, July 20th. Tuttlingen - Honberg, Germany, Schandmaul concert: I have some more on my dev-art profil: Click me my friend Still messing around with my crappy digicam Actually the first band was "Letzte Instanz" and after them it was "Schandmaul"'s turn. Messed the naming of the pictures. Anyway, hope you like at least one or two of 'em Offical Schandmaul page
  22. Sgt_Eversmann

    Keep on Truckin - Trailer mod

    Could someone upload the video to youtube? Because here @ work it's better for me to watch youtube links than download videos This is very promising and I hope that we'll get _many_ variations in the future It would be like 18 Wheels of Steel (I mean the PC Game) and making some cool big missions it would be even better edit: Just bought 18 Wheels of Steel - Haulin for like 20€ ZOMG, the old truckin times, spending hours with my little brother in front of the pc, delivering virtual goods will be back in some days
  23. Sgt_Eversmann

    SecuROM problem - Error 7001

    have you got the download version of ArmA? Because the Patch only works with the DVD Version of ArmA. Atleast I think that
  24. Sgt_Eversmann

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    Update v1.08 High Speed Mirror You're so evil man! I like you
  25. Sgt_Eversmann

    Info on upcoming 1.08 patch

    *puts cd into drive* *turns winamp on* "It's the final countdown..." *waits for lunch @12.30*