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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    Moschnyi Island (GSEP)

    I think it's an awesome island. I loved your islands/terrains back in OFP. They always had that tiny bit of extra creativity and generally felt homogen and believable. Especially that no trade-offs for the sake of PVP (like 2 airports) were made, made me like them even more. Also I think the vanilla ArmA2 and OA stuff has a lot of flair. When the gaming industry went desert, BI went middle-european with Chernarus. That made them stand out even more. Please keep up the good work! I usually don't like the 5x5km islands but yours are worth every square meter! A little suggestion tho: I'd love to see terrain in "Green sea" style with winter/summer plants and textures. :)
  2. Serclaes

    AH-64 Pack

    As one who has experienced NodUnit's criticism, I have to say it helped a hell of a lot back then. I went from this: to this in 4-5 Months. Sadly I had to drop modelling because of different events and never got back to the AH-64. Which i often regret for many reasons. I learned a hell of a lot about modelling tho and I still am grateful to all who contributed to it, especially NodUnit. :) To contribute something to the discussion: Modelling is an important part of course, but right now I don't have a clue on how to get a model from blender to O2 and then into arma, with all the normal, specular, proxies etc. So what I think should not be neglected in tutorials is the worklflow. Also, I know it takes a lot of experience, time and patience to craft a really good model. But I always found it especially difficult to determine whether something needed more or less polies, where they are important etc. Hope I made some sense. :)
  3. Serclaes

    Realtime immersive - Militar simulator cryengine

    And those points are pretty unnecessary for a simulator. Iirc VBS2 doesnt even have normal or specular mapping because it only serves one purpose: having to buy more expensive hardware. If they want "dynamic" weather or such, they code an interface with which the instructor can change the weather. That's the kind of dynamic needed. I think you're missing the purpose of this simulator. It's not to replace 100% of training and manoever. It's there to complement it. Make teaching the basics easier, lay tactical foundations which can be refined in the field. Training in a simulator is a hell of a lot less time consuming, less costly and less dangerous. Oh and i want to see the engine capable of rendering a sunlight reflection on my glasses 500m away.
  4. Serclaes


    I think I should elaborate. What basically annoys me with wikileaks is this "uuh we're such good people because we blow the whistle". What in fact happened is a biased cut of the original material. This could happen to any material provided. See the aghanistan reports or the embassy depeches. What tells us that there weren't more uncovered documents, but they didn't fit in the picture wikileaks wanted to build? I have the same problem with anonymous. Who are they to decide what is right or wrong? I certainly wasn't asked, but I was asked lately by the local administration if I agree to an infrastructural change in my neighbourhood. Anonymous has yet to prove to me that it means serious business. Right now I see the pressure they exerted on a german television channel for an ironic report about nerds on the GC. And that tells me that the same subjective people I meet every day are behind this. That leaves me with very great scepticism.
  5. Serclaes


    While I agree to their principal idea I remain sceptic. Wikileaks lost my "trust" when they edited the fuck out of that apache guncam video. Oh and "Quis custodit custodes?".
  6. Serclaes

    They better have female soldiers...

    But having variety without too much work is a good reason too have different ethnicities. Now i only know so much about animations, but i do know that they are pretty expensive to make and hard to adapt to the game. Now imagine you had twice the amount of work. Also, what can of worms would unequal sized hitboxes in pvp be...
  7. http://www.nooooooooooooooo.com/ :( Made my first steps in a real language with his and Kernighan's Programming in C book. Seems like ages ago :(
  8. Serclaes

    Take On Music

    ZO6giM9UAv0&feature=related Maybe not so chopper related but still :p
  9. Serclaes

    Chopper blades and props handling.

    Funny, OFP had a blurred surface as rotor. :o
  10. Dude, the grandma is a Gilmore too ;)
  11. Serclaes

    Danial Craig in CGI: Next Bond film. Worst idea ever?

    And quite spectacular too :D
  12. Serclaes

    Danial Craig in CGI: Next Bond film. Worst idea ever?

    I liked the old 007s and i liked Daniel Craig. Especially since he isn't shallow anymore. Even if quantum of solace could have been a little better. Think of the Daniel Craig stuff as disconnected from the others and just enjoy it ;)
  13. That was unexpected. I remember the Combat! vehicles from ofp, magnificient work. :)
  14. Please continue your way of not forcing a the player down the steam path. Unfortunately you can't go around Steam these days but i finally bought Empire and Metro2033. I had put it off because I knew Empire required steam. Metro2033 was a "hell i'm bored i need a good shooter" thing. Not paying attention to the cover i only discovered while installing that it required steam. :eek: Then i said "what the heck might as well buy empire".
  15. Serclaes

    Target vs. Engage vs. Attack

    Awesome that's another thing that bothered me. I liked distributing targets and then open fire. :)
  16. I like it. Would prefer it in blue tho. :)
  17. To be honest, the missions built in our squad are rarely something releasable. They sometimes require interaction by the designer. None of them has briefings. Some were designed to follow a certain path, like a pre selected LZ. Tho we have developped a campaign of 8 missions with the intent of releasing it in the next 2-3 months (we have to play it first, then they need to be adapted).
  18. Serclaes

    ARMA 2: OA beta build 77819

    Or you just may throw off the tracks in a turn ;)
  19. It looks awesome. The cockpit is simply stunning. But I've noticed that the barometric altimeter is not working and the artificial horizon has no indicator, is that on purpose? :)
  20. How about some WP with impact fuze? :cool:
  21. Yea good stuff. Too bad the topography is so limiting.
  22. Serclaes

    the war that killed the women

    Last time I checked, the relevant chromosome comes from men. ;)
  23. Serclaes

    Military Humor

    Now ask him how far he went with that. Sprinting of course.
  24. Indeed, there should not be a semicolon as the last character in the mod list. having -mod=;;;;;bla should not be a problem, but -mod=bla; is.
  25. Serclaes

    New recoil, please make it go away

    The firmer I held my pistol, the more it shivered (or i shivered). Granted, recoil seemed to be lower, but irl you have to readjust in any case. I prefer this system as it puts the player in the loop and adds a whole new level of skill.