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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    Dutch Minister may ban remains in extremely violent games

    What I take from the post + title is that the problem is excessive gore. On this matter I have read a sentence a long time ago, which is spot on: "Only those want gore in games, who haven't seen it in real life". And I fully agree with this. I have seen various animals being cut open and apart and I do not need chopped of limbs or 3 metes of bowel hanging out in games. In my opinion it does not serve a purpose. Seeing some blood after a hit and some on the ground (which might be required to track a wounded enemy) is fully ok, but anything more than that is pushing the limits. If I would lean far out of the window I could even say that those who enjoy it might need help...
  2. Serclaes

    Space shuttle mission STS-133 needs your vote!

    ST Theme and magic carpet ride would be awesome. Star trek all the way :p
  3. Serclaes

    Space shuttle mission STS-133 needs your vote!

    Yea, i should get started. If the supply doesn't stop i might have a warp drive done in 53 years. :D
  4. Serclaes

    Space shuttle mission STS-133 needs your vote!

    Wasn't "Magic carpet Ride" what Cochrane played at lift off for his first warp travel? :cool: Edit: Of course it was. I knew my Trekkie (oops outed) senses would not fail me: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1djkR-8xOU Oh and i need to drink less and read more :rolleyes:
  5. Serclaes

    World lighting - Pacific blue?

    I don't know whether that changed with OA, but for ArmA2 the DefaultLighting class does always kick in for every island. Maybe you want to check that.
  6. Serclaes

    Military Humor

    I know there are issues with the soldiers of the Bundeswehr. I know there were strategical issues starting at levels as high as the former defence minister and even the former government. Those issues reflected in having the first real combat unit deployed in afghanistan only in 2007 iirc. Before it were all support units like engineers etc. and yea, they inherently lack ground combat training. And yes, there are physical issues because standards have been lowered, I'm not happy about it either. Still those are not issues solved by outdated training methods. Especially since the Bundeswehr has public relation issues dating as old as 70+ years.
  7. Ahh, the forbidden stuff is always so tempting. You can have my G22 to finish if you want :p
  8. Serclaes

    Military Humor

    Good training has nothing to do with yelling, the DI as common enemy or sleep/food deprivation. Keep in mind that this might emphasize be the "common" case. I bet that on a tactical march with biwac you'd have one meal a day and little sleep. German army has stopped unnecessary yelling and other humiliating actions towards recruits since a long time, yet you'll find that german soldiers aren't worse fighters.
  9. Serclaes

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    New terrain? Guys, that's worth more than 10€ :D
  10. Have a look at the homepage: http://bwmod.net :p
  11. Serclaes

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    Because i'm not biased and arrogant enough to think that they don't? Just because the average farmer lives without running water doesn't mean he's not informed about what is going on.
  12. Serclaes

    Heap Sort

    Mainly runtime since i doubt you are ever going to handle much memory relevant data. It's hard to formulate a specific case. Let's say you are sure to have a long array, you'd select an algorithm that has low runtime in high numbers. If you can have logarithmic runtime, that's what you want. Insert sort for example has n² runtime. Heapsort has n*log(n). But heapsort is not stable. That means that if the array contains equal elements there is no way to tell which one will be first. A stable sort would keep the order. If you already have a sorted array, you might want to use something like bubble or insert sort which then would have O(n) runtime.
  13. Serclaes

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    You and i wouldn't but you know those people running around as medic with a M107, a javelin on back and a satchel charge in the bag. ;) I wish there could be a difference, unfortunately you can't change the animation on a per rifle basis. That's why it has to be working for everything. This is pretty far out. :eek: I wish i could do it myself or see a video through the sights to see how much the sight is moving. But juding from the distance and guessing 1 round every second (probably faster) that's a pretty good rate of fire with high accuracy. But as i said, i fear that less movement could give and advantage to those lag supported strafers.
  14. Serclaes

    ive started my own hand to hand combat style based off....

    In the kung fu i did, the blocks served to deflect the energy from its target. Which, done right, is pretty easy and along with some foot work very rewarding against an unbalanced punch :)
  15. Serclaes

    Slow is smooth, Smooth is steady.

    Keep in mind that he is shooting a pistol. The System in ArmA needs to work equally for a pistol and for a machine gun like the M240. A problem that is always bothering me in other games is that the one on the move is always in advantage of the well emplaced static one. It's mostly too easy to hit targets on the move. Especially tricks like constantly reversing directions while strafing have too low impact on accuracy. Though i agree that the moving in ArmA is rather agressive and could be toned down a bit. As it is forbidden to shoot on the move where i live, i can only ask you to elaborate how far out you could effectively engage targets while on the move (with and without changing direction). This could help a lot in developping the corresponding animations.
  16. Serclaes

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    I concur. It's not right to intentionally mislead the public about this. But having seen their edit of the Apache shooting cameramen and "civilians" i lost my trust in the unbiasedness of Wikileaks. What tells you they didn't withhold other documents which would give an explanation why these people did what they did.
  17. Serclaes

    Over 90,000 US Military Records Leaked

    I don't like this. This could be very dangerous for the troops there. I know they are withholding some time critical information until it is safer to release but i hope they didn't make a mistake while sorting these out. There is a reason why these things are secret and it's not just to keep curious people out, but to save lives.
  18. Serclaes

    Latest Beta Patch: 72197

    how about "lots of objects around" ? Oh btw. very funny how you tell a dev that his comparison is bogus without having a damn clue what you are talking about :)
  19. Serclaes

    British Troops DLC released & Official 1.01 Update

    Come on, 30€ is very cheap for a game the size of OA. I don't have a problem at all with DLC. 9€ for a small campaign and a few coop missions + the potential that the new units bring seems more than fair to me. What i would like next is an adaptation of ArmA2 content up to OA level: Enterable buildungs, IR stuff etc.
  20. Serclaes

    NOH-6A - The forefather of the ULB

    Nice find. Very interesting.
  21. Serclaes

    Anyone willing to trade me their ArmA 2 ?

    Have you even read the post beyond the title? :)
  22. Serclaes

    Recoil (again)

    Look at these guys, that's more like it: Btw, the others are shooting with LLM, the german counterpart of the PEQ2s. You can see the IR dot moving in the distance.
  23. Serclaes

    War with Iran.

    Sorry must be mixing up the countries then :Oo: Edit: Wait you don't talk to saudis anymore? Isn't forgiveness a virtue? Btw. the Israel/Gaza situation ist much more complex than that. I can understand both sides in their claims but i can't understand how the people of Gaza can elect party with a terrorist arm.
  24. Serclaes

    War with Iran.

    You missed my point, but maybe i didn't really make it clear. I was trying to show you that the bible is not anymore the ruleset for a european country. Most christians are detached enough from their religion to have a good laugh. I know a theology student who likes to make cheap jokes out of some sentences of the bible. That is for me a healthy relationship. If you firmly believe in the basics but don't go ballistic on the details. Would you make a cheap joke with sentences from the quran? The problem i have with islam is that it's not only a religion but a form of government. I know the "liberal" islam since i lived in Marocco. Back then i saw less niqabs/burkas then i see today in europe. My mother was allowed to drive a car. In saudi arabia a women can't even sit in the front seat and needs to have a blood relative driving her. is that "modern" religion? Oh and not to forget the recent al qaeda murder on people watching football championship...
  25. Serclaes

    War with Iran.

    It's part of our daily journals to have a satiric/sarcasmic sketch which brings matters, sometimes exaggerated, to the point. We do that btw with everything. Be it politicians or whatever so it's not aimed at Mohamad or the quran, except for being a drawing of him. One of the first religious satiric drawings i've seen represents the pope as fox (you know the fox as "devious" creature) and dates back to renaissance times where the christians started to altercate (correct word?) with their religion. See this example: http://i233.photobucket.com/albums/ee136/1ArmedMan_2007/jesus-barret.jpg Jesus carries a M82/M107 rifle. If i remember correctly in the original image he carries the cross to which he will be nailed. And yet, nobody burned M82/M107 or Barrett flags. Because most christians do not feel offended by that anymore. I consider the relation europe has to christianity as a now "healthy" one. Where you don't live by the bible word for word because some of it just doesn't make sense anymore and is not compatible with the modern western world. You don't even have to live by the bible at all, because you can choose in what you want to believe without others imposing something else on you. And this is exactly the point which is not possible in most muslim countries. In some you are violating the law if you are not muslim. You can, even as non muslim, be prosecuted for kissing before the marriage. What do you think about that?