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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    Training from Amerca's Army Games in ArmA3

    I liked the AA training because it was a little like role playing. And it wasn't "press WASD to move" it was an obstacle course. With running (then the DI shouting for sprinting), sliding (hey wait when sprinting and pressing duck I slide? cool), mantling/vaulting, climbing ladders, moving left and right and everything in under a minute. See what they did there? Story would be cool (as in ofp) but I'd be ok with a "basic training" like the AA one. Provided the setting is good.
  2. Serclaes

    Real life pictures that could be ArmA

    Or just shooting from the left shoulder to avoid exposing more of the body? For me it's more that the photographer is so far away from cover that makes it fake.
  3. You could try a running take off: make it light on the skids and push the cyclic slowly forward, slowly gain speed until ETL then take off :) Oh about that: trying a running take off is a little strange because the chopper would skid on the front part of the skid (you know the bent part). I'm not sure it's meant to do that, meaning there is something strange happening with the flight model. Maybe the center of mass is too far ahead, or the skids don't skid lightly enough? Just did a little googling for the AH-6: Heres the weights I could come up with: Hydra Pod: ~15.97 Kg M134: 29.98 Kg FFAR Rocket: 6.2 Kg 762 NATO round: ~10.5g As for the mount: I have no idea. I just guessed it to 30 Kg.
  4. That's because the AH6s guns and ammo do not seem to have been added to the weight. As long as I didn't miss another getter that is :P That'ld be 2xM134, the FFAR launcher, the mount, 4000rds 762 NATO, 14 Hydras. About the torque: Try setting the weather to the sunniest possible in summer and like 1300 or 1400 hrs. That should change the air density a fair bit :)
  5. Serclaes

    Getters and Density

    Sorry missed them because they were not in the BIKI. And my Java enterprise wiring couldn't think of getters without "get" and different naming than the setter. I hate it when that happens :D Thanks a lot for pointing those out! How about rotorRPMTD? Anything on the density?
  6. Seriously though, I was just checking the new commands page in the biki for some getters but I couldn't find the getters for CustomWeightRTD, EngineRPMRTD, BrakesRTD and some others. May we please have those getters? Maybe it can be tied into the process of making the bridge for java? :) Some getters like targetRPM and actualRPM could be very handy too! Also, and I realise this might be more to ask, may we get direct control over the AirDensity variable? I realise it's tied to the weather, daytime and season, but thinking along the lines of Ruebe's weather simulation, this could come in handy.
  7. Serclaes

    "Tab" targeting issues

    But that has got nothing to do with the fire and forget behaviour. Iirc this positive identification is implemented in arma (as you can have yellow dots), it's just that AI has a hard time detecting targets on long range just using optics. Also this radar is used for planes as well, and there most certainly are white, yellow and red dots.
  8. Serclaes

    The all new: Ask a moderator about the forum & rules

    If I may interject: as I understand it's not about WIP or critique but rather about WIP or "hype". From what I gathered, Max Power is planning a thread for WIP & critiques ONLY (means no "hype"). You might post a WIP and might receive critiques. Then it's up to you if you follow or ignore them. But the pictures need in essence to be made with that WIP mindset. For those "hype" posts there is still the Combat Photography thread (like Parvus did for Combat! back then). Or a dedicated thread.
  9. I can confirm there is torque induced yaw when you have a little weight and high density altitude. But torque induced yaw won't happen in forward flight a lot. Because the tail rotor gains effectiveness with ETL and the fuselage stabilizes. for example: use "this setCustomWeightRTD 500;" in the init of a light chopper and see how much torque induced yaw you get. I think at 600 you won't even be able to do a hover out of ground effect. btw: in this of yours you have a lot yawing and hence skidding when you pull full collective. Too bad the turn indicator isn't functional.All in all I don't really get what you mean Derbysieger...
  10. Serclaes

    RUBE Weather Module

    I can only second that: phenomenal job! I'll be sure to check the code out too!
  11. You're right how could we?! Comanche Gold! Good times, good times... Griffon 2-6 this is Darkstar!
  12. Colonization wasn't already cited here. Tho admittedly freeciv because I'm too lazy to run a DOSBOX. I like remember games like duke nukem 3D (loved 4ever too :D), Rebel assault, Civilization, Railroad tycoon, Jazz Jackrabbit. I've been meaning to try Master of Orion. I remember my dad playing and liking it a lot. Oh almost forgot: Master of Magic! That was an awesome game... ---------- Post added at 00:08 ---------- Previous post was at 00:02 ---------- Actually, considering that i'm going to be away from my desktop for 4 weeks soon and my notebook isn't that powerful, I guess it's the perfect opportunity to play those old games. Thanks for reminding me!
  13. Serclaes

    Variable engine sound

    Ok I just tried again. Took so long because I got carried away doing running take offs with a 1000kg load in the littlebird. :D I can hear it slightly in the turns but not under general conditions. I tried to hover out of ground effect (impossible with 2 passengers + 1000kg), saw the RPM drop as I pulled full pitch and was still sinking. Engine sounded the same. Also there isn't a low RPM warning. :)
  14. Serclaes

    Jagged Alliance

    I have the same problem. What also bothers me is that you can't have a military style stacking waiting for somebody to open the door to rush in, because the plan and go doesn't realise the door is open after it's opened :/
  15. Serclaes

    Variable engine sound

    +1 Nothing like the sound of straining turbines. Might be passed on to the arma3 vehicles, so that strain and not speed defines the whine of the engine.
  16. Serclaes

    Jagged Alliance

    While I like the real time with pause system, it's sad they removed the fog of war. This reduces tactics to "get the guy with the longest range to shoot and wait for the rest to come". Generally a lot of complexity has been taken out of the game. I dislike that very much. Militia isn't trained anymore, you have to manually hand them weapons. Mercs aren't bought on a time basis but for the whole game (it seems). You can't train them or have them repair stuff anymore from the strategic screen. Also it seems you can't have a helicopter anymore :( I like what they did to the strategic screen tho. Good system with great flexibility but the overall game world seems reduced. The overall flair of the maps is pretty good tho. Played the game for a few hours now. While it has it's shortcomings and isn't really JA2, I enjoy(ed) it. Just don't expect the same complexity as JA2. ---------- Post added at 12:17 ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 ---------- Oh i forgot about that but yeah, that i missed too. Was very funny picking your character based on those weird questions. :D
  17. Serclaes

    Near death experiences/intense situations.

    A few years back I almost got shot at during a battue. It was just buckshot but it was way too close for comfort. It's unbelievable how moronic people with guns can behave.
  18. Serclaes

    Take On: Hinds!

    Long story short: It's a paid addon. But see this: with each release of a DLC for ArmA2 OA came engine improvements to the whole game. BIS is kinda finnancing their long term support with DLCs. btw: A2 = ArmA2 FR stands for "free" it's a low res version of arma with the single player disabled. CO: Combined Operations. ArmA2 + Operation Arrowhead (see below) OA: Operation Arrowhead a standalone expansion. (Can be combined with A2FR for a "CO Lite") RFT: A lite version of OA + the 2 DLCs namely BAF + PMC BAF: British Armed Forces a DLC/paid addon for OA. If you haven't paid it you get low res textures and no singleplayer missions/campaigns. PMC: Private Military Contractory(company?) a DLC/paid addon for OA. Same as BAF. For starters I'd advise A2FR to test it online, then A2CO. edit: michal beat me to it :P
  19. Serclaes

    Take On: Hinds!

    DARY! :P This system with DLCs and other games to make every game profit from each other turns out to be pretty awesome. Wecanhazrallysimulator next?
  20. I noticed there was a very detailed cockpit but I never realised you are THAT insane about the details :P I really hope this model can be apreciated even more in the future. Like the instruments with ToH/ArmA3 and the rest with a 6DOF TrackIr. Don't know why but knowing so much careful detailed craftsmanship has been put into the model makes my flying experience with even better. Thanks a lot for that! Also: have you ever considered making some tutorials on how to make such great textures/models?
  21. Serclaes

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    Hmm I thought this was possible with any crime? I mean one commits a crime in say france and lives in germany, germany would have to obey that warrant. Iirc there was recently a case where german authorities put down some websites solely on a foreign warrant. But this jurisdiction shopping could be bothersome.
  22. Serclaes

    SOPA - Internet as we know it about to be gone?

    I'm sorry but I never understand why people rant about GEZ. The public TV and radio stations have a huge net of correspondants (you know people actually gathering info rather than just skmming of AP, Reuters etc) throughout the world, no advertising after 2000, HD quality and some of the best program. Oh and everything can be watched online (just thanks to those private morons only a week or so). And at what cost? No where near private rates. And rather GEZ than additional taxes. Concerning ACTA, here's what a lawyer has to blog about it (german sorry):http://www.internet-law.de/2012/02/ist-die-acta-hysterie-berechtigt.html tl;dr much of that ACTA BS has been law in germany for 10 years...
  23. The steering feels very nice. Though in the CRRC or the RHIB at high speeds it tends to turn further than the marker and then has to turn back. Also the controls "car left"/"car right" feel a little strange. I can't put my finger on tho. If I had to guess I'd say the commander steers the boat (since he has a little marker) but I'm not sure at all it's that. The land vehicle controls are awesome. I realise there has been no change to them but the marker makes it so much easier to steer. I just wish the marker wouldn't disappear.
  24. Hey Huey. Torque induced yaw is already implemented. Be sure to play on "expert" mode. Also: it might be not as strong as you are used to because the choppers in ToH are pretty light. Maybe try and load a few passengers and check if you need more pitch to take off ;)
  25. Serclaes

    Aliens and UFOs

    Wait, they were in my modem? :P