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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    Tonal Update

    Wise decision But please tell me when the teaser Screenshots come out. I dont want to see them either Cant wait for the release
  2. Serclaes

    Letters, Numbers & Symbols

    wouldnt a 2x2 px do it too? i mean, if its just one color without shadows etc. ?
  3. Serclaes

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    Snow? Oo I only see the dirt on the glass
  4. Serclaes

    Germany 1985

    Wish i would have abilities in 3dsmax or in texturing... Guys, please, make the best out of it. We are all supporting you. I'm including you into my non-religious prayers tonight and for the next months
  5. Who are these wankers voting for "nothing"
  6. Serclaes

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    No probs Hmm.. this normandy thing is interesting. Any info about the story?
  7. Serclaes

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    Is it so hard to copy & paste a name properly or should this have been a small try of sarcasm? xD
  8. Serclaes

    BATTLEFIELD 1939-1945 CORE

    Thats it. It may have been rude but theres definitely some truth in it. Why open a new thread in the "Complete Section" when you can wait 2h you could spend on rephrasing?
  9. Serclaes

    OFP Navy - Frigates

    Nice Gnat Navy didnt interest me that much, but i guess with beta2, my paradise is coming. I smell chopper missions with that frigate  Btw : could you explain your Anti Slam system in the Biki? And maybe make it open source(if it isnt already?) so others can profit from your work and let the navy grow? However, this is just a suggestion. Â
  10. Serclaes

    Military Humor

    OMG .. it´s Oettinger!!1  These guys surely have to learn about geneva conventions once again  True This cant be conform with it. A Upper-Bavaria inspector should investigate this
  11. Serclaes

    Iraq National Guard SF

    Send me a mail and i'll upload it on ofpc.de
  12. Serclaes

    Quad - 50 (gun that is)

    Mirror @ ofpc.de Sadly the textures are rather poor
  13. Serclaes

    Updated Ox Cart by CSJ

    I like the idea with the hidden Passenger. I'll have to try to oxes. Definately a nice improvement. Mirror @ ofpc.de
  14. Serclaes


    I guess the goldish glance comes with the lighting effects on the model. Try around if a white or yellow glance is better
  15. Serclaes


    I volunteer for making some missions. I would even create some small islands. If you could convert some objects?
  16. Serclaes


    Damned xD You could have reminded me that i wanted to do some voice acting for you. Sorry, i totally forgot due to damn virtuality outside ofp. Â I will test the campaign as soon as i can. But its a bad timing, school begun yesterday. Â
  17. Serclaes

    Military Humor

    hrhr if you understand french its even better ^^
  18. Serclaes

    FlashNews 100 Thread

    Bad bad insider...
  19. Serclaes

    why did you use your username

    Johann Tserclaes Graf von Tilly Means : Johann Tserclaes Lord(or earl.. i dont know the difference) of Tilly. Although the spelling is sometimes different and t'Serclaes comes out. But i didnt want to adopt somebody elses name to repeat history or to have an idol. I wanted to make my own name but keep some parts from it.
  20. Serclaes

    FlashNews 100 Thread

    If you release it tomorrow it will be a nice gift to -as far as i know- 3 members of the ofp comunity, celebrating their birthday (including myself). This brings a bit of happiness in my frustrating life Congrats Placebo
  21. Serclaes

    Arc Light and Elephant Grass

    Sure, I will have some time to test it this week end. But i dont have any time nor motivation do to something now. Damned RL.
  22. Serclaes


    This is the old question. Virtual or real? On one hand you can say: they are just polygons. Sure you can say that but on the other hand: Why do these polygons have the form of a men/women/child? I often thought about this subject. Children in ofp would increase the realism, but i'm not sure if i need this last peace of realism. If men are dying for something, they chose so. A child didnt take a decision for itself, for the reason that it isnt able to, or why do children have parents telling them what they should do and what better not? But ofp is a game. These children are just polygons without a life, without being brainwashed and indoctrinated to kill. Although we want to simlate realism, dont we? So we suppose that the child had/has a real life... I dont need children in ofp. Even if the addon maker had in mind that you have to save the children in missions or something like that. The mission maker pulls the strings of the puppets...
  23. Serclaes

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    http://str.rival.cz/items/obrazky/absolut.jpg A masterpiece Gaia, thats of my taste
  24. Serclaes

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    I little Offtopic tho but if you need testers i would love to help you. A nice RAH-66 Commanche wasnt seen seince the DKM one and this one is old. Ever loved the comanche since playing Comanche Gold from Novalogic when i was a little boy.
  25. Serclaes

    OFP photography - Questions & comments

    My apologies for my ignorance about mapping and my lazyness.  I guess you are much more skilled than me, Messiah. I would have to learn how to do that first. This could take longer  If you are done with it, just send me a PM and it, and i'll upload it on ofpc.de Â