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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    AI Improvement

    It's a little more complicated than that. For example: should they throw smoke when injured by mortars? Hit by a car? When they have cover and fire superiority? Where should the smoke go? You see adding the "injured -> throw smoke" is not as simple as that.
  2. That's bad news. I had hoped you would carry GSEP over to ArmA3. I love the Chernarus/Takistan setting and I especially liked your expansions of it. :(
  3. Serclaes

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    So true. I consider myself lucky to work with one language and technology only. But then again it's hard to stay up to speed in my own time.
  4. Serclaes

    (RTT related) Blue force tracker/GPS?

    Overlays for rendered textures. Iirc the AH-64 D Block III can receive video from a UAV. You could display that stream onto the MFD with the proper overlay. Or situational awareness aids for rear view cameras fe.
  5. Serclaes

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Not to mention changing content already paid for. But I could imagine them updating the units with IR textures, thus justifying a "new" set of units. But they wouldn't overwrite existing units.
  6. Serclaes

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    Some of my admin colleagues would :) But yea, it's rather negligible for game development. Point was that you can't say one language is better than the other in general(I don't consider brainfuck a language :P).
  7. Serclaes

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    A language is a tool. Saying one is generally better than the other is as wrong as saying a hammer is better than a screwdriver. That said, python has its uses but I wouldn't want to make a full blown web application with it. Especially since java has spring/wicket.
  8. Serclaes

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    Heh, yea it's no wonder tools like maven are necessary in a corporate environment. But with them, I've never had dependency problems.
  9. Serclaes

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    Java doesn't require IDEs. In fact I passed my first semester with jEdit/Notepad++ alone, since managing a few classes and imports wasn't that much work. I can relate to what you feel though. I feel python has bad documentation and is tedious to learn.
  10. Serclaes

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    I thought the same but then I remembered why I bought the Gaea Command supporter version for 40 (haven't had the opportunity to test yet) and the DLC for 10. So now I'm ok with that and I hope they can generate the funds they need to make a good game.
  11. Please check out this video made by Sgt Ace / Atsche:
  12. Serclaes

    Football: Euro 2012

    As long as the goalie isn't Czech, it should be alright if he shoots. Damn, my beer is empty at kickoff. Argh. ---------- Post added at 21:31 ---------- Previous post was at 20:54 ---------- Well, on to whiskey then. :rolleyes:
  13. Serclaes

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    It's definitely the best Idea to learn programming with small goals. So modding is definitely the best you can do.
  14. Serclaes

    What Languages are the ArmA Series Programmed In?

    When I got interested in programming I started with C. But in retrospect I should have started with Java, since C has a lot of overhead. I had to do some C++ later on and spent more time trying to figure out that pointer/reference/object stuff than actual logic. Also for me the object oriented programming is a lot more than just understanding how objects work. It's what you can do with it like patterns or paradigms like inversion of control and then it's about knowing what you shouldn't do with that language. ;)
  15. Serclaes

    Endangered Languages Project

    Dialects do not count as "language" unfortunately. Even if they can have quite an extended vocabulary in use.
  16. Serclaes

    maps under construction:

    It looks awesome. I hope to play it soon!
  17. For having all objects? That would be too bad, I was looking forward to learn something in the process :D
  18. With list of objects and a PBO name it should be child's play to create the config. I guess if I could out how objects are defined in a config it would take me a few minutes to create the config. (gosh i really need to learn something quicker than java :P)
  19. Serclaes

    What Are Your Favorite Programs/Applications?

    Haha, I'm glad I'm not the only one not having a "smart" phone. :)
  20. Serclaes

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Have I roamed Chernarus too much if I know exactly where this is? :( At least if it is where I think it is. :P @boota: What kind of OPFOR would you suggest?
  21. Serclaes

    Stackable Items (Money)

    It would be awesome to access magazine round count via getter and setter. You could change the money count, make a workaround for "rifle chambering a round so you have 31 instead of 30 rounds", simulate bad rounds, refill clips from a box or other partially filled clips etc. Only with direct access to the magazine object :(
  22. Serclaes

    Army of the Czech Republic DLC

    Let's see, what do I get: - Probably updated Chernarus objects (with IR textures for example) - Probably engine improvements (even if I already got some, see beta patches) - A set of probably good singleplayer missions - A wide range of new units, even with desert textures - The freedom for BIS to release ArmA3 in their own time, not when money or publishers dictate it For 10€? I'd even eat less and cheaper to be able to buy that...
  23. I can't remember exactly which games came first but I always liked the tactics behind games. I can remember commanche gold, jagged alliance 2 and even CS 1.5 when played with the right people. Then I got introduced to OFP on a LAN (a friend bought me the GOTY since I was a few months too young), played MFCTI through the night and got hooked.
  24. Serclaes

    What Are Your Favorite Programs/Applications?

    Aaaah forgot about it: Eclipse and its plugins! Also: SQuirrel or DBVisualizer.