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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    Petition for Tonal to ArmA!

    This may take a while. Though let me remind you that "not forbidden" is not the same as "allowed" Also, what Rom said should tell you everything you need to know, to be honest.
  2. Serclaes

    Tank command - Rotation

    The FORWARD is to tell the driver to drive straight ahead or rather to "stop turning" rather than the speed. As i said, that part is managed by the other two. This would make it easy to make him drive straight again because hitting RIGHT twice after having hit LEFT twice to drive straight again is neither intuitive nor quick. That way you could also quickly turn the other way, by hitting FORWARD once and then the other directional key.
  3. Serclaes

    Tank command - Rotation

    Yes. Sorry, the word in german is "Übersteuern" (über = over, steuern = steer). Override would be more correct i guess. But i learned that the M1A1 does not have this hunter/killer ability meaning that the commander looks through the gunner sight. Only the Marines version of the M1A1 and all versions above have it.
  4. Serclaes


    Back again with the rough "sketch" of the cockpit. I'm aware that the right side isnt the same as the left. Still because of the mirror modifier. I'm afraid to loose it because i'm too lazy doing stuff twice xD http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t01.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t02.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t03.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t04.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t05.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t06.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t07.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....t08.jpg But i guess i will have to loose it now. The next task will probably be the rotor.
  5. Serclaes

    World In Conflict

    I liked it because of the "don't build your base" approach. It didnt bother me that it was lacking the side-hit-more-dammage-but-oblique-less-dammage aspect. I was nice because you could hop in, play for an hour an bail out again. But i agree, the infantry was worthless. The normal infantry guys weren't strong enough to face light vehicles. As Cameron said the other stuff should have been more expensive or infantry cheaper or something to make playing infantry possible, because it wasnt unless the terrain was only woods and the enemy didnt have enough tac points to call down napalm on you every fucking single time you were in a good position again.
  6. Serclaes

    Tank command - Rotation

    Let me explain how the current control method was intended to be used: - commander presses Left (and holds it) - command Left is issued and heard - driver starts turning left - driver continues turning left until ... - command sees the tank is closing to the desired direction, he lets the Left go (releases it) - command Forward is issued and heard - driver stops turning I understand this is not very intuitive, but I think when you get used to it, it can control the tank very efficiently. We came up with this method because it can work with AI and human the same way. I understand other approaches would be possible, some of them perhaps more intuitive, but none we have tested so far was really easy anyway. This is also how it works irl. With a human it is of course easier because he understands "less turn" and "more turn" but how about hitting the button "LEFT" making the driver steer more to the left. Hitting "LEFT" again will then make the commander say "MORE LEFT". If the commander wants the tank to drive ahead he could hit the "FORWARD" button and the driver would stop turning. Right now we have 4 keys used. And this should be AI compatible as it would just make the driver turn faster if you hit a key again. The two other remaining buttons could then be used to make the driver go faster or slower in the direction of the movement. Because right now there is only one REVERSE speed. Hitting the spacebar would turn up the command menu as it does right now but if you press another key, the main turret aligns with the commanders periscope. This is how a commander selects the targets for his gunner. He chooses a target, aims at it then oversteers the main gun. The shooter then makes the range finding and aiming while the commander continues with his search for the next target. Once the current target is destroyed the commander would again oversteer the main gun and so on and so forth. This is called the Hunter/Killer team.
  7. Serclaes


    http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ide.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....jpg.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums/y13/RealKendrick/ah64_15_front.jpg Did some work on the cockpit. Got a problem with the seats. I don't have a clue how the upper part looks like because i couldnt find any close up fotos. Then i believe the pilots seat is moved a bit to the right to make place for the collective but the seat could also be smaller. Also, i think the fuselage/cockpit relation is not good, gonna owrk on that.
  8. Serclaes


    Well, from a AH64A to AH64D there isnt soooo much more work, or am i mistaken I've read about the Block III update. It "restores" the flight capabilities the AH64A had. I found out what was wrong with the top fuselage intake. for some reason i curved the whole fuselage. I think i corrected that but the junction still needs some work. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....nt2.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....int.jpg Here are some close up shots of the stabilizator http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ide.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....tor.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....der.jpg I also reworked the ball at the engine intake: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ide.jpg And the back end of the engine: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ack.jpg I also begun to model the interior: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....pit.jpg Right now its pathetic Â
  9. Serclaes


    Heya again, i've been working on the Apache when time allowed (controversially very rarely). And do not worry, i will not let this become part of any mod which delays my schedule. The apache will be released when it is ready. Not sooner, nor later. Though it could be included in some mods. http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....le2.jpg Ok, so i've modeled the intakes on top: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ire.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....kes.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....top.jpg I know the intake itself is a little bit too big, it will be adjusted later. I'm more worried about the location and the junction with the main fuselage. Thanks to your reference pics xnodunitx i could correct my stabilizer: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....tab.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....top.jpg Its still a bit edgy but i will detail that a bit more. The engine: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ont.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ide.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....top.jpg A problem zone: http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....one.jpg http://i2.photobucket.com/albums....ire.jpg I can't exactly say what i forgot or what is wrong, because on the blueprint (from the side) it looks good :/
  10. Serclaes

    Red's Fix v1.2

    VIP cars have bulletproof glass. Even if a bullet would make it through that it would be off its initial trajectory and have lost a lot of its kinetic energy (not to speak the deformation done by the glass). IIRC the UH-60 isnt bullet proof either. For not being sniped out of a helicopter i would advise playing with the truegameplay mods.
  11. Serclaes

    Consistency with Textures

    What happened to the common colors thing?
  12. Serclaes

    Symphony Of War

    Imo the best sound mod so far. FDF sounds good but not real, Chammy's demo is still bugged, HiFi has high pitch crackling, FROMMZ' sound mod is way too loud (compared to VOIP - Direct Speech). The only glitch is that the A10 is VERY loud anywhere, i would advise re looking into that one because its annoying. Thanks a lot for sharing that one, i've found my "religion". Â
  13. Serclaes


    Did some blitz testing and i must say: astonishing! There are some config glitches here and there. I will give detailed feedback ASAP. I say again, a very very awesome tank and i really hope there will be more of such releases, even if they aren't finished so the comunity may help fixing it!
  14. Serclaes

    USEC F117 (v1.3)

    Don't give away so many hints. I believe i guessed what it's going to be Â
  15. Serclaes

    USEC F117 (v1.3)

    Wow, definately a nice one. I like the effect on the glass. Whats with the JDAM, does it have JDAM capabilities? Or does it lock like a Hellfire?
  16. Serclaes


    xnodunitx i can't thank you enough for what you are doing. I indeed said i want an accurate model and i plan on keeping that. These pictures and your advise are worth money and a lot of it too. Â I've reduced the size of the stabilizator. But i have problems with the top as the picture is quite low res (my apologies). Would you mind re-drawing the shape on this?
  17. Serclaes


    Hello, it's me again with an update. I've been reducing the face count which was very easy thanks to my edge loops. Next on my list is the top of the fuselage. The first time i tried to do it i lacked a picture of it, luckily i found one and can now complete that. The tail is still in the works as i can't complete it as long as the mirror modifier is active. I want to finally get done with the hull to start making normal maps etc
  18. Serclaes

    SVN Access and YOU

    Thanks a lot for the pic. I was using the correct protocol but did not know what "repository path" was for. I entered what you entered and its working now .) Cheers
  19. Serclaes

    SVN Access and YOU

    Heya, as Raedor noticed i tried to set up my SVN stuff yesterday evening and also registered for the Mantis. I was immediately assigned to a task i am willing to comply ASAP, there is one problem though. I cannot figure out how to get my SmartSVN working, which i need to get the latest "build" of CWR (in order to comply with the assignment). Everytime i try to connect to the server this error pops up and i don't know what i'm doing wrong (to be honest i also did not quite understand how svn works). Can anybody help?
  20. Serclaes

    Angelina's Question

    Wow, looks a lot better. Tho, the hips and shoulders are a little bit too low, that makes her look like a child. Try this for proportion reference. Now she doesnt stand straight which is a bit confusing. The upper hips begin with the wrists. The legs with the upper hip are aproximately half the height. So what i would do is to lower the knee and the feet as she is already very small (or maybe i am just used to tall women ). Furthermore, women have broader hips then men, but the hip/shoulder relation is already very good.
  21. I'm having config problems myself so i can't tell if i'm really a help. A wild guess i have is that you did not inherit the Standard clutter. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgWorlds  { class DefaultClutter  { scaleMin = 0.900000; scaleMax = 1.400000; }; [...] }; and then you use the class defined above as parent for your clutter: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class clutter  {  class FSEden_GrassGeneral  : DefaultClutter {        model = "ca\plants\clutter_grass_general.p3d";        affectedByWind = 0.300000;        swLighting = 1;        scaleMin = 0.750000;        scaleMax = 1.000000;      }; [...] }; The problem is that the clutter isnt correctly inherited from the Core class and therefore not "recognised" as clutter. You may want to have a look at CWR_Malden, iirc it has its own clutter, it could be good for a hint or two.
  22. Serclaes

    Best practice for Modelling Landing gear

    I have exactly the same problem with my apache. I was told that separating parts of the mesh can cause Z issues at distance.
  23. Serclaes

    Best practice for Modelling Landing gear

    Unnecessary polys are unnecessary I find that you could lose more polys and faces without losing too much detail. sorry for the sloppy paint over but i'm at work and i only have a touchpad. The red edge loop could be deleted and the yellow could also be deleted and replaced by a normal map. As you will never see this face from the side, it doesnt really matter.
  24. Serclaes

    Best practice for Modelling Landing gear

    It is of course the part you can't see very often. But when you see it, its in high detail (because you're probably standing right next to it). icemotoboy, if you plan on integrating this model into arma, you will have to massively decrease your polycount. The great maximum should be 15k polys but that only for a single object you may use once in a mission. The polycount to aim for should be between 7k and 10k for plane. Unfortunately you already converted your quads into tris. The whole tire could be modelled with 6 edge loops around and maybe 10 along the running surface (so that the whole tire looks round from the side), the rest is imo a case for normal maps. But i'm only an amateur