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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    Eurofighter Typhoon

    Uhm, very nice indeed but may i inquire where you got the info that the Eurofighter requires a LANTIRN? iirc the eurofighter has by design extensive air to ground capabilities, making a LANTIRN redundant.
  2. Serclaes


    Afaik all aircraft use the Feet/Knot system. At least all the commercial aircraft do and i doubt that military aircraft would use anything different, since the air traffic controller would tell you altitudes in feet.
  3. Serclaes

    Earth Hour 2009

    Yes, i have lived in a country where the king is the ultimate ruler. I was quite young, but i remember details like a more liberal approach to religion and corruption. I also lived in a European country that is very proud and protective of itself, despite not being what it pretends to be. The limited freedom of speech i am talking about is limited by the amount of flak someone gets for being patriotic or disagreeing with Israel. This may sound ridiculous, but it is still very easy in an argue to draw the "nazi card" which serves as kind of a joker. Don't get me wrong, I am for democracy and against the brown sauce. But dismissing a valid claim because the nazis had also the same view on things, is not what i call a fair argue. I'm not going to start and say "the nazis also did good things like the highways" because they simply didn't do any good things. Rather will i mention the debate for a german decoration for bravery. From 1813 to 1945 it was the "Eiserne Kreuz". The cross is also the sign of the Bundeswehr. But no, no the "Eiserne Kreuz" has a bad tradition since the nazis used it, even if it was created long before. This is the sort of thing i deplore. As a funny coincidence, i am in the USA right now and i can say that i have rarely met a German soldier as proud as the soldiers here (having met/seen USMC, Army, Army ROTC and Air Force ROTC). But i don't think i am going to try your suggestion :P
  4. Serclaes

    Earth Hour 2009

    Yeah, well, Germany is the best example for missing freedom of speech and spineless politicians. This is also the reason german nuclear power plants are going offline (to stay on topic). Despite being much more efficient pollution/energy wise than solar panels, barrages, wind turbines etc. Sure those technologies are in their footsteps, but there are flaws which are much more fundamental than the technology. Be it clouds or night for solar panels, clam for wind turbines etc. Since the population has so been hyped on "green" that you can't say "we need to go back on nuclear power" anymore. Our governments are democratic, because democracy has been the least disastrous in its short history. Or so to say it is not the best but the least of all evils.
  5. Serclaes

    Earth Hour 2009

    The problem is, as long as you are not an expert you can't tell. Somebody has to interpret those numbers for you. Only things you can fully understand are the evidence on which you can build your opinion. Also, there has been climatic change on earth since earth exists. There is evidence of that (or aliens had fun carving erosion marks on earth). How can we, with exact records that start later than 1800 AD, tell if we are responsible for this climatic change? Co2 has an impact on climatic change for sure, but is it the main reason for this "disaster"? Or does earth carry on as before we started filling the air with co2? edit: RTL neutral? seriously?
  6. Serclaes

    Americas Army 3

    Well, the problem it has is that it is meant to be a recruitment advertising tool. On an ad about leather shoes, I'd expect I'd buy leather shoes and not plastic boots. America's Army should depict army life. It's not about being Arma or ofp, it's about being close to the real deal. Since I'm not in the US army i can not tell you what the real deal is, but it's certainly not what America's army is.
  7. Serclaes

    Earth Hour 2009

    OBJECTION. Remember the Frontal21 thing on video games? You really think this was neutral or objective? Don't think because they are not private that they don't have to get money from somewhere. Since you said non-private and advertising less i assume you talk about ARD, ZDF and "dritte" (= third, local programs) programs. Staying critic towards everything you are being told until you have lived it for yourself is important. Everything can be altered so that you can misinterpret it. Oh and btw "freedom" in germany isn't that "free". You can't legally not be on the governments radar. You have to be registered if you're living somewhere, have to have an insurance etc. On topic, i am not going to take any special measure for "earth day". I try all the time not to waste water or energy.
  8. Serclaes

    CCIP Functions

    I am no mathematics genius at all, quite the opposite in fact but i do have a few observations. I am missing the velocity. While the speed command returns only the speed ahead and backwards, while the velocity is the real speed. I am even not sure if the speed command returns the airspeed or the speed over ground. As a scripter, i would advise you to calculate a position and then write another function which converts a 3d position onto a 2d position on screen. Also, if you can't or are to lazy to convert it to sqf, i might be of help there
  9. Serclaes

    Windows 7 RC1 released today (May 5th)

    My money is on wine. The arma rating is still garbage but flashpoint goty has silver. Seeing it has DRM again, i will not buy Windows 7. It's not the OS' job to check on what i am doing. My solution is open source. If arma, the damned sound card and the trackir were supported :P
  10. I'm all for good comms. But your suggestion isnogud I'd suggest an implementation by frequency. If you're not on the frequency you can't hear. No compromise. For cadets you could have an autotune "phonebook" as in FSX. Oh, and if you have chaos on your VON, you could use some radioing procedures. Maybe that will help. Anyway i think BI thought of something and if not, its too late for any suggestion anyhow.
  11. Serclaes

    US Infantry - 2005

    They look excellent. How about making the arm patch a hiddenselection? So everybody can make the patch like they want with setObjectTexture.
  12. I'm not sure if this statement is correct. The world size in meters is not limited, but the cell size is. Also, big maps like to crash arma, because the memory gets devoured.
  13. If you encode your stringtable with UTF-8, you could use ä, ö, ü instead of ae, oe and ue for the german strings. Also, some orthography wouldn't be bad either. I don't have a problem with small characters instead of capital letters, but if you don't have capital letters in one string, don't put them in others. Also, for the german strings: STR_TXT_GEAR,"waffe" should be "bewaffnung" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_3,"- Betrete deine Basis nicht, wenn du die feindliche Flagge hast" should be "Betritt deine Basis nicht, wenn du die feindliche Flagge trägst" STR_BRIEF_DIAG_4,"- Flaggenförderung : %1 punkte für Mannschaft, %2 punkte fürden Flaggenüberbringer" should be "Flaggenablieferung: %1 Punkte für Mannschaft, %2 Punkte für Flaggenträger" There is a lot more but i don't have time to correct all of them. You should have your translator look over them again, because some of them aren't what one would say. "Flaggenueberbringer" for instance is way too bulky rather take "Flaggentraeger".
  14. I think what he means is that there is more land. The map Sahrani was big, but the island (the actual land) was small.
  15. Serclaes

    The Su-34

    By asymetric balance i mean, that you don't have to give both sides a modern plane, but you could make the plane expensive for the one side and make the AA rockets cheap for the others. This was imo also a major flaw with CTI in OFP times. Every unit had its exact oponent on the other side, different only in name and model but apart from that, everything was the same. Armor, speed, damage etc. There was no way to get a tactical advantage/disadvantage on the gear. I think it could make for a lot more interesting battles if you had to turn the enemies advantage in your advantage. For example, if he had tanks, do not fight in the open. Lure them into the cities and give them an ass full of your cheap AT rockets or your cheap mines, IEDs or other explosive devices. The thing is to use your tactical brain, instead of just grabbing a gun of bigger size. If he has short range weapons, attack him on long range (M16 vs AKs). If he has good spotting devices, get good camouflage (UAVs vs Civilian clothing or mockups). if you are outnumbered, fight in narrow places where the enemy stands in each others way. It's tactical 101 really.
  16. Serclaes

    ARMA II - UH-1Y Venom In-Game Sounds

    i got that don't worry. My point is, as long as i can't really start up the engine, i don't see the point. By that i mean, if i can't set the power to BAT, open the fuel valves, activate fuel boost, set the engine RPM to 10%, start eng1, set GEN1 to on, BAT off, eng2 rpm to 10%, start eng2, gear in, set both eng rpm to 100%, turn GEN2 on, set my pos lights to beacon, landing lights on and all the other stuff, i do not need to sit idly by while the engines are starting. I probably forgot a lot there since it has been a while since i turned on a UH-1N in a simulated environment, but i guess i have the main steps and its not too different from a UH-1Y. Bottom line: as long as it takes some time until the rotor has correct RPM, it's wonderful, but too much without user's interaction is boring.
  17. Serclaes

    ARMA II - UH-1Y Venom In-Game Sounds

    You could still simulate that by yourself, since the engine doesn't turn on immediately after you jump in. Except of course if you leave your collective up, but that's not very professional now. It's entirely optional :P
  18. Serclaes

    The Su-34

    Ever heard of asymmetric balance?
  19. Serclaes

    Request German Community Support

    [bavarian]ja verreck![/bavarian] Janus 104 is the best so far. I'd say it like that. When i get home i'll record some stuff.
  20. Serclaes

    Request German Community Support

    Yea, i got that part but look at the differences in the translations. I still believe to translate "Suppressive fire" with "Unterdrückungsfeuer" is not the correct one. I never heard anyone say "MG unterdrückungsfeuer geben". If P85 wants it authentic, they've got to clear those aspects of the translation.
  21. Serclaes

    Request German Community Support

    I'd rather take a few liberties with the translation. Kept the sense but didn't keep the words.
  22. Serclaes

    Request German Community Support

    Hmmm, i'm trying to translate it, but it would be nice to have some more info on the sentences. Are all of those meant to be shouted?
  23. Serclaes


    hehe, Miles i'm obviously not an expert, but the textures do not look like they have been multiplied with an ambient occlusion thingy. Let me show you what i mean: This is the base texture without ambient occlusion: noOcclusion This is the ambient occlusion map, baked by Blender (the 3d modelling tool i use) onto my UV layout AO Map this is the AO map applied to the model onlyOcclusion Notice the places like window and door frame (and the door itself) being darker. And here the base texture mutiplied with the ambient occlusion texture: final tex It's not perfect. I still have some errors in my UV layout and the texture isnt final, but you should get the idea. If the UV layout is done, the ambient occlusion is just a few clicks away. Bottom line: i believe an ambient occlusion map would greatly improve your texture and therefore your model. Or you may just make the ambient occlusion map a bit stronger, since after all, you may already have an AO map applied to your texture. Â
  24. Serclaes


    Also, the thousand feet gauge in the ASL height indicator in the left side of the panel doesn't turn. I can't remember which aircraft it was but probably not the SAR version. Â Edit: just double checked: its on both versions What it looks like (copilot seat) What it should look like (pilot seat)
  25. Serclaes


    More coffee! Thanks for the hint VXR