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Everything posted by Serclaes

  1. Serclaes

    The official football World Cup 2010 in SA thread

    Jesus, my heart stopped beating a few times there. Thanks to Boateng's calf, Lahm's tibia and the good keeper it didn't stop forever :p
  2. Serclaes

    Questionable video on war.

    What would you think happens if those corporations go bancrupt?
  3. Serclaes

    Questionable video on war.

    Well, 1918 was the first time germany had a full blown democracy. So i beg to differ.
  4. Serclaes

    Real Life Photography/Photo Editing II - NO IMAGES >100kb

    @wickedstigma Not sure if DM actually means that but check out the Rule of thirds.
  5. Serclaes

    Questionable video on war.

    Yea sorry. Been studying all day so I'm too worked up for creative arguments. All I wanted to say in my first post is, that soldiers are not triggerhappy killer machines saying "OMFG I'm so bored. Let's fuck some shit up in Iraq." It's the people that the majority has elected that send them there. Now whether or not we support the cause, the soldiers deserve our respect for what they decided to do (serve their country that is). I'm kind of allergic to accross the board soldier bashing.
  6. Serclaes

    Questionable video on war.

    So a soldier is actually an evil murderer if he gets sent to Iraq instead of Afghanistan?
  7. Serclaes

    Questionable video on war.

    Even tho i felt the urge to close the tab after 10 seconds. I resisted to see what it's going to become. I stopped at: So, tell me rapper, why do you think he could grow up living in freedom and choice? Welcome to the world we live in, where some people don't realize that freedom comes at a price. This makes me sick. :mad:
  8. Serclaes

    UDP Transfer Protocol and Online Games

    UDP is faster but it is less reliable than TCP. With TCP you can be sure the data you send is reaching its destination in the order you sent it (in a normal situation). With UDP you can't even be sure the data has arrived. It doesn't even have to arrive in the order you sent it. I think if i had to do a multiplayer game like arma, I'd do much stuff on the client machine and maybe make a lot computable. Ballistics for one. You would just have to send which weapon fired and what the current vector of the projectile is. With that you can compute the rest. Thus having more bandwith available. But to answer your question: In an optimal network i think UDP would be the better to use. Because of the decreased overhead.
  9. Serclaes

    The official football World Cup 2010 in SA thread

    Good playing by Serbia in the first half. Badstuber didn't have a chance. But also a good spirit on the german side after Klose saw red. Too much yellow tho. There were was no real harsh playing and still for every little thing there was a yellow card. I know i'm turning 180° here but watching that game wasn't fun anymore.
  10. Yay Paintball! A good way to honor Planck i think :)
  11. And shoot technicals as door gunner in the black hawk :D
  12. It reminds me very strongly of the old Novalogic Black Hawk Down series. (Maybe you could increase the detail on the sat map a bit ;) ) Other than that i think i fell in love :cool:
  13. Serclaes

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    Nah still doesn't make sense to me. :D Don't get me wrong. I'm really trying to enjoy it. The mix between Star Trek Voyager and Stargate is refreshingly new after seasons of going through the gate and something happening. I just doesn't help having that "far fetched" feeling. The last episode didn't pull me in up until the half time.
  14. Serclaes

    The official football World Cup 2010 in SA thread

    In the beginning it was lacking the movement. You know, start to run, get the ball and continue. But that got better up to the point of Cacau's goal. I think they're just not familiar together. The dive Özil took was unnecessary. I mean come on, 10 minutes in the game and he takes a dive 30m from the goal. Well deserved yellow on that one. I liked the referee tho. Especially how he prosecuted unnecessary roughness and the complaining. Fucking fight for the ball until the referee whistles. He won't change his mind just because you raised your damn arm.
  15. Serclaes

    Stargate Universe [SG:U]

    I think i know what you mean. For almost everything that happened during the first half i had "Far fetched" in mind.
  16. Serclaes


    Sure but for giving orders while taking and returning fire, it's just not enough. It can be heard very far, but not really understood.
  17. Serclaes


    Umm, we use it all the time. In fact, during one of our training sessions, one of our squad leaders used the yell mode and was shouting so loud that his neighbours rang at his door to make sure he is fine. :D
  18. Serclaes


    Good to hear. I know there is more to ACE. But while great potential in the medical systems is not developped, systems like the refueling one get introduced. We would have to decide whether using ACE for 2, 3 or 4 features is really necessary. And i'd hate to have to run ACE for the radio simulation. ;)
  19. Serclaes


    Jeez you gotta get that speech disorder cured :p By the way, i hope there will be a way to use that stuff without ACE. Since arrowhead ships with a lot of features which ACE had, the only things i would really miss are the weapon rest and CQB optics stuff. So in our unit we will have to reconsider whether it's worth it. I mean what is really required from ACE? Just the radio models, right?
  20. Serclaes


    How about RASIM? For radio simulation. I mean why "extended" or "advanced" if there hasn't been any before. ACRE sounds nice though.
  21. Serclaes


    Arr! I be likin'. Yo ho ho
  22. Serclaes

    Military Discussion Thread

    And still you would have to wait for other forces to cross the river. Also i doubt that it can pass the 40% of waterways taht are not bridgeable because those are either in very difficult terrain or too high speed. For example: No modern vehicle in the german army is amphibious anymore. Except maybe the Leopard with the 3m snorkel. Not even the most modern recon vehicle (Fennek) is amphibious. The alternative to the Stryker is: the M113! Thats the vehicle the stryker originally replaced. And despite the cirtics the stryker had to suffer, it is a safer carrier vehicle than the M113. Wait a second, the AMX10 is there to provide fire support and destroy tanks. The MBTs are there to destroy tanks and provide fire support. What Oo No it says "this vehicle has become redundant".
  23. Serclaes


    Well you have time to comment that now :P The new version is much anticipated since we regularly have nights with 15+ players and the plugin just gives in regularly which is very frustrating. :(
  24. Serclaes


    If the code is well commented, i might have the time to look it through and sort those bugs out :)