Silver Surfer
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Everything posted by Silver Surfer
Since 1.14 my game freeze at least every 3rd mp mission (bezerk or warfare) and I have to close ArmA over the Task Manager. This is the first version I have this kind of problem with. The second problem is that people get kick out of mp games a lot because "the battle eye client did not respond" ....
Most of the warfare missions I played crashed my ArmA. I think its a combination of heavy AI action and to many objects. Warefare is the only mission I have this kind of problem with. So I would say there is still a lot to do left on this mission.
Well I was playing a lot on the different server´s that run c&h missions in the last couple month but the cheating problem is getting worse and worse. At the moment there is actually no point in playing c&h maps anymore because you dont need to wait long for some assholes running cheats and ruin the game. That was allready a big problem in OFP but BIS never solved the problem. So in ArmA we still have the same problems like in OFP. Will we have the same problem in ArmA 2 as well? If yes I have to go straight for OFP 2 beause whats the point in online gaming when every 4rd guy is running a cheat...? I realy hope BIS is taking this problem more SERIOUS this time and will come up with something that works. so long
Ok I solved the first part of my MP ending problem I misunderstood some lines in the pdf file (sorry for that) ... My last problem is to implement an outro script into the f_mpEndReceiver.sqf script. I think the problem is that the original script was a sqs file and the new script is a sqf file. What do I need to change to make it work? edit: the link is just fine greetings silver
1. Yes I am talking about human players. 2. I test on a dedicated server. 3. good to know
Hello, first thanks Fer to you and your people, this framework is realy very usefull! But I have also some question about the frame work: 1. Kegetys Spec Scipt: Restricting visible sides (Coop version) How can I restrit the script to only offer me player to select in the target window insted of the whole side? 2. All player are dead the mission ends Everybody would think thats the way it should be. The problem is I use a trigger to count all players so soon they all dead a trigger is executing an outro script (little camera script). On the end of this script is the variable that actual triggers the ending of the mission via the MP Ending Controller. That means without the outro script the command to to exit the mission is missing but anyhow the mission ends?! 3. Updating to newer BAS f versions You sad there would be a note in the read me if it is necessary to update the init, desc, and so on as well. I couldn´t find one yet does that mean I only need to overwrite the f folder im my mission? greetings silver
Well maybe that wasn´t the best example ... my point was that there are a lot of serious bugs in ArmA that are already written in the ArmA bug tracker AND confirmed but not fixed yet. The setpos thing I was talking about is that you are unable to lift objects on a level of 2 meters for example to build a wall or something the server will put all objects on the ground. <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> obj1 setpos [ getPos obj1 select 0, getPos obj1 select 1, 2] this inside the Init of any object wouldnt work (at least on my ded server). If you know how to do it please tell me because I couldn´t find out.
I read that the AI behavior is a BI problem but this influence the game play this badly that you should think about a work around until BI fixed the problem(s) and we all know BI is not exactly fast in solving bugs .... or why setpos getpos still dosent work in mp.
Then he should might think about a decent place to host his "addons" because this one dosent work this well (or only for member) and creating an account for a script is not realy an option.
Is there a mirror FileFront always gives my this message: Your download has failed. You have an invalid session set. Click here to try your download again.
Hm well I am not sure why the "Ammo truck" dosent´t have ammoboxes anymore but the repair truck does. Today I also realized that so long you dont have a decent AA system, its basicly only about who is able to build a couple LGB planes first and bomb the shit out of the other base. Its takes a lot of fun out of rts in my personal opinion. Maybe it would help if you are required to hold an airport to be able to build planes (maybe only on it).
Hi there, I found a old OFP script it was a very usefull script that took care about AI (Inf and vehicle) movments you can also let the AI patrol in a certain area by random waypoints. I dont understand enough from scripting to tanslate it to Arma by myself so could one of you might have a look on it? Yes I know this looks very lazy but unfortunaly scripts are just a buch of numbers and signs for me so no idear what to change and whoever wrote this script did a excellent job. Init: (the numbers are object IDs, SF1 is the unit that moves) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[SF1,5143,5137,3962,3927] exec "Host\move_wp.sqs" Script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? !(local server):exit _MAN= _this select 0 _MAN SetBehaviour "safe" _Z=1 #Runde ~Random 5 ? _Z == 1 : _w=_this select 1 ? _Z == 2 : _w=_this select 2 ? _Z == 3 : _w=_this select 3 ? _Z == 4 : _w=_this select 4 _MAN setspeedmode "limited" _MAN move getpos(object _w) @ (UnitReady _MAN) or (not alive _MAN) or Behaviour _MAN == "Combat" ? (not alive _MAN) : exit ? Behaviour _MAN == "Combat" : goto "Weiter" _Z=_Z+1 ? _Z == 5 : _Z=1 goto "Runde" #Weiter _ziel = _MAN ?_MAN KnowsAbout S1 > 0 : _ziel = S1 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S2 > 0 : _ziel = S2 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S3 > 0 : _ziel = S3 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S4 > 0 : _ziel = S4 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S5 > 0 : _ziel = S5 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S6 > 0 : _ziel = S6 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S7 > 0 : _ziel = S7 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S8 > 0 : _ziel = S8 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S9 > 0 : _ziel = S9 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S10 > 0 : _ziel = S10 ?_MAN KnowsAbout S11 > 0 : _ziel = S11 _MAN move getpos _ziel @ !( Behaviour _MAN == "Combat") or (not alive _MAN) goto "Runde" Init: (i02 is the unit, 60 is the radius and safe the combat mode) <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[i02,60,"safe"] exec "Host\move_area.sqs" Script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? !(local server):exit _Grupp = group (_this select 0) _ER= _this select 1 _Wi= _this select 2 _ER1= _ER+_ER _Xpos = (getpos (Leader _Grupp) select 0) _Ypos = (getpos (Leader _Grupp) select 1) (Leader _Grupp) SetBehaviour _Wi #Runde _XZ= (Random _ER1) -_ER _YZ= (Random _ER1) -_ER _X=(_XZ + _Xpos) _Y=(_YZ + _Ypos) ~1 (Leader _Grupp) move [_X,_Y] (Leader _Grupp) setspeedmode "limited" @ (UnitReady (Leader _Grupp)) or (not alive (Leader _Grupp)) or Behaviour (Leader _Grupp) == "Combat" ~5 ? (not alive (Leader _Grupp)) : exit ? Behaviour (Leader _Grupp) == "Combat" : goto "Weiter" ~Random 10 goto "Runde" #Weiter ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S1 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S1; goto "Weiter1" ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S2 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S2; goto "Weiter1" ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S3 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S3; goto "Weiter1" ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S4 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S4; goto "Weiter1" ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S5 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S5; goto "Weiter1" ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S6 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S6; goto "Weiter1" ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S7 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S7; goto "Weiter1" ?(Leader _Grupp) KnowsAbout S8 > 0 : (Leader _Grupp) move getpos S8 #Weiter1 @ !( Behaviour (Leader _Grupp) == "Combat") goto "Runde" Waypoint part for vehicles Init: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> [t01,12760,12702,12760,12940] exec "Host\tank_wp.sqs" Script: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> ? !(local server):exit _Tank= _this select 0 _Tank SetBehaviour "safe" _Z=1 #Runde ~Random 8 ? _Z == 1 : _w=_this select 1 ? _Z == 2 : _w=_this select 2 ? _Z == 3 : _w=_this select 3 ? _Z == 4 : _w=_this select 4 _Tank setspeedmode "normal" _Tank move getpos(object _w) @ (UnitReady _Tank) or (not alive _Tank) or Behaviour _Tank == "Combat" ? (not alive _Tank) : exit ? Behaviour _Tank == "Combat" : goto "Weiter" _Z=_Z+1 ? _Z == 5 : _Z=1 goto "Runde" #Weiter _ziel = _Tank ?_Tank KnowsAbout S1 > 0 : _ziel = S1 ?_Tank KnowsAbout S2 > 0 : _ziel = S2 ?_Tank KnowsAbout S3 > 0 : _ziel = S3 ?_Tank KnowsAbout S4 > 0 : _ziel = S4 ?_Tank KnowsAbout S5 > 0 : _ziel = S5 ?_Tank KnowsAbout S6 > 0 : _ziel = S6 ?_Tank KnowsAbout S7 > 0 : _ziel = S7 ?_Tank KnowsAbout S8 > 0 : _ziel = S8 _Tank move getpos _ziel @ !( Behaviour _Tank == "Combat") or (not alive _Tank) goto "Runde" Random part for vehicles Init:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">[i02,60,"safe"] exec "Host\move_area.sqs" Script:<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">? !(local server):exit _tank= _this select 0 _ER= _this select 1 _Wi= _this select 2 _ER1= _ER+_ER _Xpos = (getpos _tank select 0) _Ypos = (getpos _tank select 1) _tank SetBehaviour _Wi #Runde _XZ= (Random _ER1) -_ER _YZ= (Random _ER1) -_ER _X=(_XZ + _Xpos) _Y=(_YZ + _Ypos) ~2 _tank move [_X,_Y] _tank setspeedmode "limited" @ (UnitReady _tank) or (not alive _tank) or Behaviour _tank == "Combat" ? (not alive _tank) : exit ? Behaviour _tank == "Combat" : goto "Weiter" ~Random 20 goto "Runde" #Weiter ?_Tank KnowsAbout S1 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S1; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S2 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S2; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S3 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S3; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S4 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S4; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout IG > 0 : _Tank move getpos IG; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout IE > 0 : _Tank move getpos IE; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S7 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S7; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S8 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S8; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S9 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S9; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S10 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S10; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S11 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S11; goto "Weiter1" ?_Tank KnowsAbout S12 > 0 : _Tank move getpos S12 #Weiter1 @ !( Behaviour _Tank == "Combat") goto "Runde"
Hi, I would like to count all objects within the trigger. In this case I would like to count all mines in the trigger area and set a variable to true so soon the condition is complied. Unfortunately the version in the picture dosen´t work. I diden´t found something useful in the wiki so please don´t link me back to it. thanks silver
count all objects within trigger
Silver Surfer replied to Silver Surfer's topic in ARMA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Arma is taking the code but it dosen´t execute it But maybe my idear was wrong so I better tell you what I am trying to do. The player is supposed to lay a minefield inside the trigger (the minefield have to be bigger than 6 mines) so I put this: <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">({_x isKindOf "Mine"} count thislist)>=6 inside the trigger. The rest stays like shown in the picture but everytime when I lay the mines inside the trigger it dosen´t take off. -
count all objects within trigger
Silver Surfer replied to Silver Surfer's topic in ARMA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
thanks for your answer Kyle. part of my problem is that I have no idear how to script so I dont know how to put the commands into a line that works. In both cases Arma doesn´t accept the code. -
count all objects within trigger
Silver Surfer replied to Silver Surfer's topic in ARMA - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Arma is not taking the code. The picture is just an example to illustrate better what I am trying to do. -
I am a "proud" owner of a german SE and at the moment I keep playing Flashpoint because Arma have one of the worst control systems I saw in a long time! What I mean? Well just a example: In Flashpoint there are 61 possible keys to use in Arma there are 135 thats more then double compared with flashpoint. A usual keyboard has about 108 keys that means I have to use my hole keybord to contol Arma and even that is not enough because some keys I have to use double. The control of a game should almost be intuitive because so soon I find myself in a combat I dont want to think about my keyboard I would like to focus my attention on the combat! The best example is flying a helicopter compared to Flashpoint its simply a disaster. I realy hope we can expect improvements here. PS: The post is primary adressed on BIS to express my criticism as a customer over the product I received. greetings silver
Things that Flashpoint could and Arma not
Silver Surfer replied to Silver Surfer's topic in ARMA - GENERAL
You can change the controls realy?! Thanks for the smart advice volks ... If you are happy about it good for you but save your breath because this thread is about something else. @penaut if you are able to change the keyboard settings in a way that I can fly a helicopter/plane similar to flashpoint you will get a cookie.