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Everything posted by Spikekid

  1. Hi! Is there any way to turn the environment undestroyable? I mean objects like bildings, trees, shrubs. 10x
  2. Spikekid

    Undestroyable environment (bildings, trees)

    Thanks but, there must be easier way to do that! I realy need that one for my DM. Im respawning tanks and after 10 minutes play the map is ruined .
  3. I want a script who can spawn friendly soldiers(parachuting) and join them to me. I want to activate that with the radio (0-0-1). So when I call the command 0-0-1 there will be parachuting frendly soldiers coming to join me(Repidiately)! Is that possible and how can I do it?? Singleplayer!!! 10x
  4. Spikekid

    Radio Spawn

    Yeah Its all right now. Thank you for everything you did for me. Only one question remains now - I wanna spawn only one medic in the group? How can I do that?
  5. Spikekid

    Radio Spawn

    ? ParaInProgress : exit ParaInProgress = true _i = Count Units Group Player _grp = Group Player #drop ? _i > 11 : ParaInProgress = false; exit _x = (getPos Player select 0) - 150 + Random 300 _y = (getPos Player select 1) - 150 + Random 300 _z = 200 _x = 1+ random 4 _unit = _unitArray select _x _unitArray = ["SoldierWB","SoldierWLaw","SoldierWMG","SoldierWMiner& quot;,"SoldierWMedic"] PARA = "ParachuteWest" CreateVehicle [_x,_y,_z] _unit CreateUnit [[_x,_y,_z], _grp, "this moveInDriver PARA", Random 1, "PRIVATE"] PARA setPos [_x,_y,150] ~.1 _i = _i + 1 goto "drop" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This is my .sqs file! As you see I fixed the class names. Now when I call the radio I see the soldiers in my command window,but they are somewhere in A55! Where is the problem?
  6. Spikekid

    Radio Spawn

    How can I spawn random soldiers?(LAW,granade,MG)
  7. Spikekid

    Radio Spawn

    Yeah It works. Im very very grateful to you!!
  8. Spikekid

    Radio Spawn

    Guys, I realy need that one. Im part of the ofp comunity too, so please help me with that script!
  9. Is there any way you can respawn with your old weapons and uniform? Instead of coming back as a standard soldier with an M16 30 rounds. I tryed everything but still no succes . Is there ANY (simple)way?
  10. Spikekid

    When (what date) did you all first play ofp?

    July 2002, I cant forget those first days with ofp. In the beggining the game was 2 hard hor me, but after 2 months of playng I was just CRAZY about this game ! You know ofp gives you everything you want from a game! And I dont wanna see ofp changed for worse!
  11. Is there any way you can respawn with your old weapons and uniform? Instead of coming back as a standard soldier with an M16 30 rounds. I tryed everything but still no succes . Is there ANY way?
  12. Spikekid

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Yeah the lag. That is the main problem in that kind of modifications. Can't we optimize it somehow?
  13. Spikekid

    Mapfact discussion thread

    I have very strange idea, but its my ofp dream So The whole map will be filled with units, vehicles and objects. I mean the most of the islands in real time. With the civilians on the streets doing their normal activities. The bases and the soldiers inside. Something like gta. Is that possible and can you do it?
  14. Spikekid

    Out of video memory?

    I can't start my ofp! When I start the aplication the game crashes and following message appears: ----------------------------------------------------------- Cannot create 3D device: Adapter 0 (RADEON 9600 SERIES ) Fullscreen Resolution 1024x768, format X8R8G8B8/D24S8, refresh 75hz. Error D3DERR_OUTOFFVIDEOMEMORY ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have the latest drivers from ati.com. I changed the aperture size from 256 to 64 My ofp version is updated to 1.96, but still no succes! How can I run the game? SOLVED
  15. Spikekid

    Out of video memory?

  16. I wanna choose weapons and mag. in the briefing? How can I do that?