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Everything posted by Sixy

  1. Sixy

    Napoleonic Wars Mod Addon Pack Release

    Great work ProfTournesol. I'm very glad that you're still carrying on with this unique mod. I second Tankieboy's suggestion of expanding the British Army's 95th Rifles, maybe adding an officer class to them. Also, I agree that the baker rifles should have the bayonet swords removed, they look better without them fitted anyway Keep up the excellent work mate
  2. Sixy

    Vietnam: The Experience - v0.2

    Any news on the progress for the next release?
  3. Sixy

    G36 Pack

    They're semi-transparent
  4. Very cool stuff. The G36 weapons configurations available seems the most comprehensive since the lost bro's H&K pack. Anyway, it's also good to see some units that have that sort of civilian paramilitary look to them like the CIA SAD. Update soon?
  5. Sixy

    CPP making no sense

    I used a PBO Patcher from an OFP website to unpack it originally, I've downloaded and used WinPBO. It's okay now. Thanks for the advice.
  6. Hi, I'm attempting to edit a config file from the Napoleonic Wars mod, with the makers permission. I've unpacked the designated .pbo, but the problem occurs when I run into editing the config .cpp, it comes out in gibberish. Like so
  7. Sixy

    Napoleonic Wars Mod Addon Pack Release

    Well, if you don't mind, would it be all right if I edit it myself, if you could point me to the pbo file containing the information needed?
  8. Sixy

    Napoleonic Wars Mod Addon Pack Release

    Hi, great mod. Just a quick question on the Baker rifle, it is made in OFP to be more accurate then the musket yes? Not meaning to be a pain, but it doesn't seem that different from a musket in terms of accuracy, or maybe it's just me, could you clarify? thanks