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    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Last problems, I tested BOH add and I found that BOH MBT90 have aaccurate shooting with AI. It always shoot the barrel, have you changed that? And did you add the PLA artillery system in your packet?

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Call me CYCLE6 or Psychal. "Sam" is the web site of our BBS. I don't understand why they hassled you? Because you are Japanese? Some of the Chinese are very radical that they think should killed all Japanese. I feel sorry about that. I understand that there are lot's of Japanese people love peace and hate wars. I know there are still many kind, frindly Japanese people. But the only way to stop these radical men is let every Japanese understand and give their respect to other Asain peoples. Let me show you guys something: these pics are from Korean kids, as what I've said the only way to stop these is give enough respect to other Asian peoples.

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Well I agree with you that we should learn something from Japanese. I agree with that they are more rich and more developed. Unlike many Chinese, I do buy Japanese commodity and I watch Japanese movies. As what I have said, we are not focusing on the history. In 1979 we had agreement and we forgived them at that time. But right now they have changed. They start to discriminate other Asain Ethnic. They have an ethnocentrism. That's not enough, they teach their kids the ethnocentrism and treat the WWII as a "Sant War"! Is there any German will be forgive if there are still Nazis? So, You got a wrong order. It's not because we don't accept thier apology, so they don't apologize. It is because they still have an ethnocentrism even they apologized!! How can we accept the apology like that!! Not only Chinese, even Korean and other Asian people can't accept their apology. Yes of course, OFP is a game. We play it for fun, but you play in that way for fun and we don't feel funny. At the end I should say, it is not your faults, as V60(Which is a leader of sam)said if we wanna keep the honor of China, of People's Liberation Army. We should work out a campaign immediately. Well, if I can't convince you then you just keep it your way. Maybe Chinese and Japanese will humiliate each other in their own campaigns. And you guys just watch it for fun. By the way: Tony always made his decision with out telling us. He said he thought that PLA mod was too powerful and it's hard to have a fair fight between BOHmod and PLAmod. But I have a question: Did you add the big abnormal robot of BOHmod in your transform pack?

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    I was quite busy these days so I just have no time to check this web. All allies? Who? You'n'me? Or with Japan? It's not me wanna look behind, because Japanese are not respecting to Chinese people RIGHT NOW!!, they are teaching their kid in their text book said their Aggression War in WWII is a "Justice War" Right Now!!Try think if your enemy attack your country and massacred your people Raped your women and after they lost the war they said they were fighting with "Justice!!" Their War Criminas are seen as Heros of Japan Right Now!! If they agree with the history, and give respect to Chinese people and all Asian People, I won't care to put them in a game with us, They be the good guy, we be the bad guy. It's ok! But if they don't respect us, they still have a god damn dream on aggress us again, and you put them in a Justice role and put us in a negative side of courese we will feel up set!! You don't understand just because you are not Chinese. Just because you don't hunderstand, what are Japanese doing now(not only because of past). At last, I said I can't stop you. I don't know where are you, and I can do nothing to stop you. But I still wanna ask you for one thing at last: Could you please erase all the Military Marks of PLA? You just need the weapons and equipment, and you don't need to show every one that this is exactly Chinese P.L.A. right? You only need to play a game. Why not just use some suppose mark on them? Goog luck and have a good work on your paket. Hope the aggression like WWII will never happen again.

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    We don't really care if you add the PLA mod go against some countrys, you can try US or Russian against us, it's ok. But I think one thing you guys really don't understand: WE HATE japanese, and THEY HATE US!!! I can't tell you how do we hate them because I think I can't us any dirty words. But I can feel the hate in my blood and bone!!! So many country on the world, but you just chosed japan!! It's really not a good choice for Chinese people. Whatever, if you still wanna make such a stuff, go ahead, I can't stop you.