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About Soldier91

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. Soldier91

    FFUR 2007

    This was certainly worth the wait, after taking a break from OFP last year, I am glad to see a new version of FFUR released. After playing it, I know my Xbox 360 will be collecting dust for a few months! This is outstanding! There was one minor bug I found. If the player is a U.S Helicopter Pilot and grabs some binoculars from an officer, they appear as Night Vision Goggles when you put them on. It was quite funny when I saw it but it should be an easy fix. Other than that no issues, and no CTD's yet! Great Job FFUR! -Soldier out
  2. Whoa! Â Â This aircraft looks amazing! Downloading now.... Â Can't wait to see how it is! I'll update my post once I've tried it. Hats off to you guys for another awesome aircraft for my World War II missions! Soldier
  3. Soldier91

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Whoa! I just played this and I'm telling you guys, this is the ultimate Christmas Gift for OFP. Even the text effects you guys used makes the whole experience much cleaner and better. Really guys hats off to you because i'll be playing OFP more than the games I got for Christmas. The mg on the tank has the coolest effects and the lighting is so much better. Oh man this is just the best ever! Hats off to the FFUR Team for this amazing piece of work! Salutes, Soldier P.S Get some rest guys, you've defiantly earned it
  4. Soldier91

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Yeah let it go. I didn't come on the fourms to whine and debate, thats for another thread. This ones based on a modification of a game and nothing but that. Take your personal matters out in P.M and leave us to drool over those screenshots that TB posted... Keep up the great work guys! I couldn't devote that much time if I tried.... Looking forward to this on Christmas Day! Soldier P.S And thanks for helping all the addons get into one big Community Christmas Present!
  5. Soldier91

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Nice work FFUR Team, You guys always come up with the best stuff. This one is sure to be on my harddrive Christmas day! Keep it up guys! Soldier
  6. Soldier91

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    I just tried out the new Modern FFUR pack. Man guys at FFUR you did an absolutely awesome job. I've never before had so much fun with OFP. It never lags! I'm gonna download the others as soon as I get my new 300 gig hd in. Thanks FFUR, you guys rock! Soldier out.
  7. Soldier91

    FFUR - Huge Release !!

    Yay! Great job FFUR!!!! I'll get those Gamespot mirrors up soon! Well done! Soldier out.
  8. Soldier91

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    LOL! Longer and in color but still cool lol
  9. Soldier91

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    The release seems really close! Can't wait FFUR. This morning I thought of a cool Flash Video Idea for anyone who wants to give a shot at it. The whole plot is sort of like Lord of the Rings. All the members who post in here frequently could be in it. So anyways they're in search for FFUR which is inside mount doom (if you've seen LOTOR you should know mt doom) Or maybe like a Star wars and Thunderbird is Yoda...."have patience young jedi, the release is close" Â Anyways I've rambled on to much but yeah i've seen flash videos about big releases in other forums so it would be cool to do for this one...maybe... Good luck on getting everything finished FFUR! Soldier out. Â
  10. Soldier91

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Thanks Thunderbird for the update on when the packs will be done. Now I can finally stop hitting the refresh button....until this weekend. Can't wait! Soldier out.
  11. Soldier91

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    argh they tease us....but still Reven that is awesome....
  12. Soldier91

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    Sorry but can we get back to talking about FFUR.... So while we wait for it to come out, I've got a question for everyone in general.... 1)When you boot it up, what effect are you going to try out first?  I'll probably shoot down some aircraft and watch the nice fire effects roll out of them  Can't wait FFUR, you've almost worn away the F5 button (refresh) on my keyboard....
  13. Soldier91

    Trench Map

    I wish that FDF ww2 expansion was going. They had a pretty good looking trench Click here for photo of it
  14. Soldier91

    FFUR Incoming HUGE RELEASE !!!

    woah that'll be one big download. Gonna take awhile even if you have a really good connection.....better contact my Broadband company on getting that upgrade to T1...
  15. Soldier91

    Trench Map

    I'm no expert on mapping. But if you could adjust the elevations and such you might be able to create a "trench" or a "crater". I'm not sure if it would work but it might be possible.