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Posts posted by shifty-afc

  1. So how the hell do we fix this? BIS don't you ever come in and help? This is a very annoying issue. If you forget to do the FLUSH command you just can't play. It's a prick.

    Nice name Shifty-AFC... copy cat ;)

    Ahum, I use the name Shifty since OFP1 so thats about 8 years now.:yay:

    I registred here as AFC coz someone stole my name. :butbut:

    Btw whats the lastest patch then. 1.04?? If so, Ive got that one and still have this problem.

    If theres a newer one please redirect me to a link.


  2. I thought I install OFP incl latest patches on my laptop. To kill some time after work.


    When I try to connect to a MP game (Internet via Gamespy) I click "Join" and I get "Creating Client" on the screen which always dumps me back to the MP screen with "Connecting Failed".

    OS: Windows XP

    Connection: Vodafone USB stick UMTS

    I even tried taking down my firewall and that didn't help. Single player runs beautifully.

    Anyone have any ideas?


  3. not that im a sadist or anything, but some gore in this game would make it alot different. i find it fun approaching bodies and seeing what happened to then. basic painskins arent enought for me. i want SOF2 style flesh wonds CMON!!! in this day and age we should have every good bit of every game put together to make one awesome experience. All this game is lacking is the little parts that make a game awesome without u even realising it. I am all for realism and simulation type gameplay, cos who can deny that realism = Fun, fuck off all u left for dead freaks who say realism makes games boring...... WTF so u call life boring do u? anyhoo my point is that realisitc gameplay makes for a fun game!! and Arma II is pretty good. wopuld be 100% if it had whatever it lacks. leave that upto u freaks to decide

    Go play Left 4 dead.


  4. I had the same after playing for 20 minutes, heavy lag and crashed to desktop.

    Windows gfwx were messed up and had to restart the pc.

    First 20 minutes it played like a dream, I did run the benchmark and had 35 fps.

    I wanted to buy the full but im a bit uncertain now

  5. Any tips on getting this AA chopper to fly beautifully like in OFP?

    I still dont have a clue why in the world they changed the helo characteristics.

    And its the same with a lot of other stuff in AA they have changed for the worse.

    If it aint broke dont fix it I should say.

    But BIS has prolly a good reason to do so. huh.gif
