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Posts posted by Sgt.Storm

  1. Sorry for keep adding to the list of forgetfulness, but I wanted to know which of the islands would work best, for Eye of the Storm. I wanted to use a jungle map with cities, villages, and/or towns. If you want more info on the campaign search for Eye of the Storm and if that does not give enough info reply to that post and I will get back to you.  Thanks to all who have read my two posts. Added: If you post a other island it has to be under the specifications of it has to have a jungle or a valley (Like Strike), cities,villages, or towns, and has to be nice.

  2. Right now I haven't had any problems with the island but if you have any ideas of an island. Mission wise, I still want to try making the campaign but what about this, I make like you said General Baron make a single mission said it out but then keep doing it until the whole thing is complete. Just wondering if this would work. And I was wondering what I should do for that one mission, any ideas.

  3. Hi  I have been playing both the oringinal and expansion of OFP since they came out, but I am a newb at making perfect missions like most people who send them out to the community. I have been working on a story to use to send it to the community but I wanted to know if the story is good and if anyone wants to help me insert briefings into the campaign. Well here is the story:

    The Year:2005

    Island or Map:Dak Seang

    Story: You play as James Troska in a Special Forces unit in the middle of a civil war among its inhabitants.  It is the rainy season and fighting heats up against special forces units. battles rage from all out fire fights, to stealth ops, to extractions, and defending missions.  Well here is the story.  Constuctive critizism wanted. Sorry no pictures availiable at this time. Also again, sorry for editing this again but if you want any more info on campaign send a reply and I will see what I can do.

  4. Hi, Your special forces look awsome biggrin_o.gif. But like every one hase said, the arms are to scrawny. And gear wise, go on google and type in black hawk gear. They have some great gear that you could use. One idea is to put knee pads and army pads on them. And weapon ideas could include the xm8 rifle, (I think you can find them on OFP.Org.) These are just ideas, but they look good already.
