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Posts posted by Sgt.Storm

  1. Ok, sorry for long waiting on info!!!

    But have been busy with school and trying to teach myself to make addons. I have looked into forums, manuals, etc to understand creating them but I am just way to confused even with the basic templates!!!

    But I have been working hard on all the campaigns, every single one has had progress build up after the last couple of weeks.

    But like I said before the last campaign on my list fictional ww3 Iraq war cannot happen and will be closed until I can get a hang on creating addons

  2. Hello again!!!

    I have been busy with lots of things, but I didn't forget about the mod!

    Mod Progress

    Desert Storm: 5%

    Iraqi Freedom: 10%

    Sinai War: 10%

    Fictional WW3 Iraq War: 0%

    The last one has no progress because of addons needed?

    If anyone wants to help please pm me.

    Basiclly I need to get units for the time like the pic of the two soldiers somewhere here on this topic.

    If anyone wants to help with this I would be very very apreciated!!! smile_o.gif

  3. I am scraping the idea for Iraq/Iran campaign unless enough people want me to include it.

    But I am scraping the idea because a new idea popped in my head(I get a lot of new ideas). But this is a ficitional campaign of a 3rd war in Iraq.

    You play as a U.S. Army Soldier sent to this war to protect the oil fields and and take control of the entire sector.

    I have gotten permission from Kman 3000(Hopefully didn't forget something in name) to use some of his units.

    So expect some fresh units into a fresh battle biggrin_o.gif

  4. Thx from your replies and I will try to get my levels to Revolt 1998.

    As for the story views, like all my projects I always have different views (Allies,Axis). This time I am adding a civilian to it. I don't know if he will be in Desert Storm or Iraqi Freedom(Haven't decided). You will play as a doctor helping the Iraqi wounded. Don't know yet also if he will end as a hostage but he will be in a couple battles with him in the middle of it. smile_o.gif

  5. Ok need to clearify some stuff from emails I got

    This mod will take place during the Desert Storm operation. So all the addons will relate at the time. But I am also focusing on Iraqi Freedom but the map that I need right now is not out yet but hopefully soon.

    So basiclly Desert Storm is going to be worked on and if the 2 maps that I need come out soon enough and I get permission I will work on the Iraqi Freedom part of the operations.

    And in the operations you will not fight all the time you might patrol, convoy protection, night watch. Stuff like that. help.gif

  6. Sorry for taking so long to post. banghead.gif

    This mod will be a collection of addons,scripts,anims,etc. Basiclly like FFUR but not as a replacement. This is a Iraq based mod and will use high quality addons to represent this(irst need to get permission from respective creators). Than I will create with the help of maybe one more person a campaign and missions to go along with it.


    I am able to take screenshots but the turn as tga files if anyone can help me turn them into jpg please respond.

    And if you want to join the team please respond. pistols.gif

  7. I.m going to take another stab at this!!!

    My question is,

    What would you like to see in OFP for addons,anim,campaign

    But please I am hoping to keep one side the U.S. against another army

    Please post below, but keep within the listed bondery. yay.gif

  8. This is an idea and might never happen until I get some info about soemthing but how would anyone feel about a made up conflict that uses the U.S.'s new soldier(helmet,armour,weapons,etc).

    If you like this and like above if I don't get in U.S.M.C Mod I'll make up a story.

    Here is a pic

    Future Warrior

  9. Hello again, This mod might be dead if Fischkopp finds something for me to do on the USMC 1.4 Mod. He is right just like Jakerod and it probabaly wouldn't be possible. But if Fischkopp can't find something for me to do I will do find out what to do next.

    Any more info that is needed please PM me


  10. It seems kile a lot of people of aren't very interested about this idea.  My question to the public would be interesting and have enough people who are interested enough to work on it with me.

    Please post your ideas below and if you are interested in the idea. notworthy.gif

    Also if your idea does not have to be based in Iraq if you have an idea of a war,operation,etc whatever could make a great story and that hasen't been done yet please post below.

  11. Hello again to clear up some of the story this unit is ficitional but willl be part of Lima Company. But this squad is ficitional so their will not be any one from the real Lima Company.

    Some of the battles


    Retaking Baghdad(Fiction)

    A lot of the urban battles will take place on these two cities.

    What I am hoping is to make two islands based on the two cities and get them close as possible to the real thing but probably not the actual size.

    Like the missions above, some are real and some are fiction. I want to make this a very long but very interesting story. So if you want a very very true story you probably won't find it here. But you will find a lot but not all. smile_o.gif

  12. If you want to start renaming things please post below, but please no flaming confused_o.gif

    A couple fo things

    Why Lost Honor?

    It is about a bunch of marines who have never seen combat, who think it is an easy trip and they will come home unscratched.  But throughout the operation they soon find out they will depend on one another and pull their resources together. And at the end all their skills will be put on the test as save each other from impending doom from the Iraqi Regime

    Name Changing?

    I am willing to change the name but it has to be something to rpresent honor,respect,integrity,(something that is respectful and has something to do with my objective)

  13. Hi this is basically a new idea I got and I diidn't want to put this under a campaign idea.  This is about Iraqi Freedom.  I want this to be a complete mod of addons,animations,campaign,islands,etc.  

    But this is what I am hoping this to be, if you have any other ideas please post below or if you are interested please post below.


    A marine unit is moving into Iraq and most are seeing thier first tour of Duty. You will go through hell in the eyes of all the men of this unit. From ambushes, to patrols, from open combat, to urban combat.

    Cutscenes I am hoping will represent news broadcasts and will show the progress of the war.

    Thanks!!! xmas_o.gif

    PS: If you need any more info please post below

  14. This news is about that zombie campaign that I posted a way back:

    This is one that I want the community to decide.

    Like the





    This is the one I got so far for a story

    12 days later after the U.S. closes it borders after a virulent is spread from an outside country, the country goes dark.

    Only one marine battalion is left standing on an Island that is completely infected. The virulent spreads by the biting,etc (zombie flicks) and turns them into zombies. Your objective get off the island and into what is left of the new safe zone

  15. Island Progress 5%

    Hello, I have completley reworked my island from the ground up and more like a baghdad type city. Right now I have a smal piece of highway going through the city and 2 blocks on each side of it.

    Again I am creating this in the editor and if their is any way of converting this into a playable island please post.

    I am creating this island for my campaign for my needs.

    This campaign is based on the Iraq War but in a fictional place and about fictional events. This will be included in the EOTS Campaign notworthy.gif

  16. Sorry I can't make a video but if I can find out how to I'll send it to ylou

    Joining team, it depends if you can handle that I won't be able to work a bunch of hours a weekday due to job and school but I'll do my best. But I'll join, but someone on the team might want to try mission to see if it is any good, for you guys.
