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Everything posted by Sgt.Storm

  1. Sgt.Storm

    Modern Warfare Mod

    Here you go sorry but the beta version is not in stage and might not be for a while but here is the alpha version http://rapidshare.de/files/6072984/City_Beta_12345.MIA_Iraz.pbo.html All the problems,addons,and other stuff are on my topic Eye of the Storm Finalization pm me what you think
  2. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Hello again I have a new download to present Mission Alpha(Single Player) This mission is one of large urban battles that I am presenting but this is a alpha and probabaly has a lot wrong with it. But I am giving this to you guys for two reasons for Modern Warefare mod team to see it and because I haven't really shown any of my work!! You will need Safety Catch's Marine Pack(Have to check name again) Fischkopp's Hummvee Pack(Not the new one by SEF) SEP M1A2 ver.1.0 SJB Weapon Pack(200 weapons) LOBO Arab Insurgeants and Civilians Revisited Cat's Afghanistan MIA Iraz BAS Black Hawk Pack I think that is all but please post if I am missing something and I will look right into it. Also one more thing Please post any suggestions on the mission Known Bugs: NO intro or Outro(yet) No objectives(Follow troops and secure the city) Some sloppy Mistakes Here it is Port City Deathmatch
  3. Sgt.Storm

    Modern Warfare Mod

    I have one mission in the works right now for one of my projects I will get it to you as soon as I get it into beta testing. If you go into user missions look for Eye of the Storm Finalization, you can try one of those but they ain't my best but do have cutscenes and I think Outros
  4. Sgt.Storm

    Modern Warfare Mod

    I'm good at making missions and cutscenes 2 problems: I don't have all the time I want due to school. And I am not great at scripting
  5. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Yes I just downloaded them and will be using them in theis reworked version of Eye of the Storm Eye of the Storm will be a completely different version then the first on that was plannde out. I am promising a lot but I am doing my best to get work down for everything. Two things about EOTS: Story: You follow a a marine platoon through the toughest battles of Afghanistan and Iraq. The story follows them as they take out european mercenaries and followers and rip them out of the land they stole. You will experience a lot of night urban full scale battles. This is a reworked version so don't expect any battles on Tonal this is supposed to be in the middle east. Recreuitment: I wish to have at least one person to help me with the work if you are interested or want info please post below
  6. Sgt.Storm

    Modern Warfare Mod

    What kind of jobs are you looking for on the team
  7. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Progress on my work is great and I am in the process hopefully in a month or two but don't count on it to be released. I have been reworking my EOTS stuff due to replies I have had on my regular email. This time it will take place on Cat Afghanistan and maybe MIA Iraz if I do not find anything better like the upcoming Najaf Old City. This is being reworked as a marine story following a marine platoon secure the islands.
  8. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Hello Hello!!! I have some small updates to the main island which will be sometime when I have my main release of my main work so far in about 2 to 3 months. Also I have been lacking on my posts due to the fact that I am still waiting to get my updated graphics which will be a 6800 pcie card
  9. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    It seems that my posts get slower and slower everytime I do this. Cold Semtember beta testing is stopped and progress on it has stopped. This is due to the fact that I have a mission pack almost done with cooler missions and a lot better level design. But my progress slows down everyday due to the fact that armed assault should be released in October from what I heard (Quote me if wrong). The day or week it comes out I will pick it up. And all my work will be transferred to it. Also, Iraq map is nearing completion but like the reply I got it is not considered a map its considered a mission but please bear with me, I'm not the best map editor in the world and it is a lot simplier for me to do it in editor.
  10. Sgt.Storm

    Limit of the campaign size

    It really depends on who is making it, playing it, and if the addons are commonly used. See on my projects I am using a lot of addons but also they are very common and are already installed in people's machines like BAS Blackhawks, Fischkopps Hummvees, and Laser's DeRa pack. So in my opinion it is ok with any size if it is interesting,uses common addons, and is pretty good sized if you use a lot of addons.
  11. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    I'm back again but on my new computer!! Reply: If unless I did not put this into any replies and posts but I did look into making maps into visitor and the others but I had problems with complications and time. And as I said before if I cannot make this map into a whole fledge map I will try something else but expect another form of this map with all my updates very soon. Second I know I have posted many projects but for the exception to the zombie an the EOTS projects everything is in progress and will be done when I say it is done. New Info: Project Last Light %17 Hi again but I thought it would be nice to post who you are playiiing, so here they are. USMC: Sgt.Carson Pvt.Peterson U.S. Army: Lt.Halvorson SSgt.Beckons Black Ops "Razor"
  12. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    I am sorry for the no info for a while but I am waiting for my new pc to reach me in just a couple days (hopefully). But here we go with updates: Island: I have stopped progress until further notice, due to the fact that it seems like nobody cares about it and if so I should use my time better. Island Progress: 65% Stopped Until further Notice Progress on Projects: Slowed down til new computer arrives and will be back and running when it comes.
  13. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Hi again about the island: 1. If you are downloading this island you are doing a public test. Â Please it would be appreicated that a reply is sent after intial testing. 2. I have added to the island a market area for the Iraq part also to the Iraq part I have added housing next to the ridge by the ocean. Â This city I am hoping will give you a feeling of Baghdad or Fallugh with a really big map. If you have seen the map the empty space left will be covered by the Iraq part. 3. Also I have gotten a email asking why I have parts that are not Iraqish, this is because this is an International island filling the role of different countries in one little package. 4. Don't be afraid of the size of the download in my opinion this is the biggist city that I have seen not compared to Gaia or Tonal Hope you all like it. P.S. I should have a quick mission availbable in the next couple days showing some urban gurella combat.
  14. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Hi against my better judgement am releasing my International island. The Iraq oart of the city is not complete and is just showing a little of what the big part will look like. 2 things though 1. Because of time I haven't been able to contact all addon parties about using their addons but will do so as soon as I got time (I.E. maybe after this). 2. This is not considered an island so don't try finding this in your mission editing island folder. This is considered an island but if I can get you guys interested you guys might help. Addons Needed: 3WX: Buildings Pack Misc Objects Objects Afghan Everon and Salang: Afghan Objects Afghan Civil House Ags Objects: BAS Tonal and Opfor Editor Upgrade 1.05 (I think thatis what its called) Mapfact Objects Nomad Mod Objects Orsoles Foxholes Most of this stuff I found on the CZ. website. Also if you can't find  the Nomad Objects they are found in CAT'S Afghanistan and the foxholes are found under the misc stuff under the addons folder. Well here it is a first look at International Island http://rapidshare.de/files/4291842/Iraq_Map_Alpha.Intro.pbo.html
  15. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Modern Iraq City part is being worked on as I speak. This map will based on maps and pictures I have seen. This city is being based on Baghdad and Falluagh pics found on Google. This city will have battle damage representing abuse or war like the Iraq War, but it will be untouched by any cultures that are found in my map. This city has all the modern things you would expect sidewalks, roads, and big buildings. This part of the city will also have a layout like Mogadishu but will be untouched by African cutlture. Sorry also because of the heavy work being done and I want you all to have the whole map to look at, in my judgement I have postponed the release date for a couple more weeks. Story of Team Scarecrow: This project is based on a fictionus war against the invicible undead. You are against these foes but also a reival gang against the gang that you protect in your city and bases. Your objectives are to keep the population from getting eaten by the undead. But you also have to feed these foes so they don't break down the fences. You will have to kill enemy soldiers and gangs and leave them there to be feed to the zombies. TYou will also have to get supplies and other things to your population, hazmat teams, and your Scarecrow team.
  16. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    I am very sorry to say this but like cold september we have a glitch in the island but don't be alarmed this will be fixed. The only really big problem is that my antivirus ware is becoming to the next subscription year. So info and demos,betas whatever will be a lot slower due to the fact that I will use my father's laptop but I can only use it on weekends. But I have two more days and before this becomes true I will hopefully have fixed the glitch and send an alpha test of the uncompleted and non usable in mission editor unless you no how sometime tommorow or on tuesday. Also I have work on a another(yes another) very small project working with a squad called the scarcrows on Gaia helping Hazmat and Civilian forces beat back immortal zombies that won't stay dead. This project probably won't even be released until Chrismas when I have the extra time without the other projects.
  17. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    I have and the some good, bad, great, and ugly news. Great: I have been getting some great time working with the island and porjects. I have been giving it a lot of thought and I have no replies so I have been giving this project to days and the winner is unless I gett replies before Saturday a mix of Falluagh and Baghdad. I did this to make to large cities for middle eastern fighting but with a taste of different countries. Also I have about 6 to7 before indo becomes a little quieter like maybe 1 to 2 posts per week. I am going to make this Iraqi city a untouched city with no battle damage, and no other countries except for itself. But to do this I need a middle eastern city pack that dipicts a modern middle eastern city please reply telling me what pack I should use thx this is much appreciated. Ugly: Cold September test failed due to a major bug in the first part. This is being fixed don't worry but this is causing it to go into a couple more tests for a couple more weeks due to last vacations, and organizing school. The really big problem I am acing is no help with addons. I wish I could get a team to work addons but again I think I think I will be using the great addons of the community.
  18. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Again I have a update on all things of this project: Island Progress: 49% I am just finishing up on the military residential area of my half of the map, which means I will cease development for a couple days and wait for replies if not I will think of something else! Also I have tested the map with a couple combat scenarios, and I have been able to get some really cool urban battles for the Middle Eastern, African area with some on foot action. The only real big problem I am facing is the roads. I have been experienceing some major problems with AI cars on roads they will go to slow or they will try to find a better route like just finding a better road. If anyone can help me with this that would be aprreciated. The roads are as straight as possible and I have alley ways and smaller roads leading else where. Project: Weeks Before the Light Progress 3% I say 3 percent because I haven't worked on it since the Island started what I have right now is a long intro and a Mission with Israli armed forces attacking a small ammo dump in Mazar E Sharrif Project Last Light Progress 10% Cold September is completed and is going through extensive beta testing to make sure it is bug free. Should have it released in a week with a little present to all who download it! Progress with Last Light is going well but like the other project it is stopped for a while till the island for part of these projects is completed. I have a small request even though I'm not supposed to (Please no negative reply) if I can a experienced or any kind of addon maker to help me with this project. These are the things I wanted to do: Nogoven Armed Forces (Instead of the Resistance army) Striker Armoured Personnel Carrier Hummvee (Here is what I want to do is let passengers shoot out side of doors) U.S. Armed Forces (Marines, Army, Special, Rangers, Medical, Engineers, Tankers, Air, Sea) I know this is a long list and could take months but I am willing to help with what I can do. Please if you respond please 1. Don't state that this is a request and I should not do it because I do know and I am not requesting anyone to do it I am only asking for help 2. Please state what you can do and what you want to do if you want to do Air, Units, Sea, Tanks/trucks. Thx!!
  19. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Hi there I know you are there, Well! Here we go again I have gotten a few requests from my email here they are: 1. Hong Kong 2. Hue 3. Baghdad 4. Falluagh (Spelt wrong sorry) These are the ones that I got from my email, my favorites are Hong Kong and Falluagh. The only problem is the fact that it wouldn't be a full sized city due to the fact that I am using Desert Island and I am hitting the half way mark. Please if you want to see what I am talking about go to Desert Island hit the middle where the island goes narrow go to the right. Also once I get the final ideas to build these I need a Building Pack or more. I want to make thes cities as modern as possible to realistic fact. Just to remind these are not the final results. If you all can please reply tonight but I can always wait.
  20. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Hi progress on the International Island is coming to its 50% mark. But here is the deal, I have started running low on ideas and have to think a little longer for what to create on the other side of the island. But here we go, I have given a lot of thought, and unless I don't get any replies about this, I am asking what do you want to see on that other side. I probably can accept only a couple of ideas but all of you through your ideas out there and once I got all the ideas I will choose a couple of them and I will tell you which ones after I am done, please try giving countries and nations that OFP doesn't have right now.
  21. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Thanks, the only problem the dxdll conflicts with my Geforce MX. Thanks though for your help. Also a couple updates on the Island: My map is nearing the end of Desert Island which means once completed I will rework the island and test it for bugs so the island is perfect. These are the addons that I am curently using for this island but might not be limited too, 3wx Building Pack n(Sorry if I put wrong name) Nomad Mod Builing/Object Pack Mapfact Barracks/Objects (I think this is what its called) 3wx Harbor Pack BAS Tonal Island (Uses the building/misc. pack under Empty Also I am thinking of naming the streets, roads, turf, stuff like that, and I wanted to ask the community "Give me names you want me to call them." I will have a public alpha view/play mission/map very soon but again it is not the completed version. THIS ISLAND IS NOT CONSIDERED AN ISLAND DUE TO THE FACT THAT IS CONSIDERED A MISSION. If anyone would help me convert this into a full fledge map/island please relpy here. Thx everyone!!!
  22. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Hi once again I will post a reply, I have ceased development for Project Last Light for about two weeks to give me a lot more time on the International Island. I will change the private alpha testing into a public testing as soon as I get my map into alpha stage, but be warned this is not a complete map because the all of the right side isn't done. And also because I haven't made a map before this this map is considered a mission due to the fact that no one has helped me make it into a full fledged map. But I am hoping if you guys look st this map you might get interested enough to help me out. This map has a little bit of every thing it has a heavily influenced New York City part very large once done, a African, Iraq, Afghanistan style city with with small parts of each culture. if anyone has a way of talking screenshots of Ofp I can get screenshots of my island. Have a great week everyone!
  23. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    Thanks, Chipper! Well today I have some more news about Island "Last Light City" This city has been in progress ever since I mentioned it. It is on the Desert Island and I have almost covered the city in America, Africa, Iraq, And Afghanistan. The buildings and mix in my opinion mix very well considering they are different. The island itself is almost 35% done. But I will be spending at least a couple more weeks on it. I want to release it to the public in at least Beta form by October 17th my birthday as a present from me to you guys. Hopefully you will see it in the upcoming Mission Cold September. That map won't be able to be used as a regular map. If anyone could help me import the mission into a map that would be helpful. Also, next weekend for the map I will have a private Alpha test or look at version of the map if you want to be in it please reply back.
  24. Sgt.Storm

    Eye of the Storm Finalization

    As of today I have worked on my map as soon as i got it. But progress on the map is good and I have almost the whole left side of the Desert Island is almost complete. This island I am now considering it to become a International Island that will have buildings from Africa, Iraq, Afghanistan, America. This map has a Military Outpost, and a Middle Class, Poor City to the Left.
  25. Sgt.Storm

    BMI - International Blackops releas

    I haven't read all the posts but did the patch fix the problem with the untis going through the car because I went through the hood of a jeep. But this doesn't bother me so much, because I love the quality and work put into these.