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About Shottie

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal


  • Interests
  1. Shottie

    Is it worth it?

    I have played heavily OFP and the expansion packs. I also modded my game to add those delta force mission and I loved it. However there were parts of the game I didn't like. There weren't many sniper mission and when I shot at a patrol of enemies they would know my exact location. Also I couldn't sneak into enemy bases or sneak near troops without them knowing where I was. Is ArmA any different?
  2. Shottie

    Dynamic Afghanistan - DELTA FORCE

    Does anyone have any tips on staying alive? Night seems to be my best chance (had 2 night patrols and lost nobody) but I cant seem to stay alive in the day time. Also, how can I select individual men in your squad? For example, telling one AT soldier to shoot at a tank, truck etc, and how to tell a medic to heal a wounded soldier. Thanks guys. BTW, this thing is great!
  3. Shottie

    Nature Pack - European

    I said this on the newst add-on thread and he said they would be up by tomorrow. That was 3 days ago.
  4. Shottie

    WGL Texture Replacement Pack

    Sorry, I was detailed enough. The link to the first map pack doesnt work. I need the first pack in order to have this one work.
  5. Shottie

    WGL Texture Replacement Pack

    I can't seem to DL it with the link that is above. Can someone send me another link?
  6. Shottie

    Question about Add-ons.

    Ah, so better to download it all over and over again instead of only the stuff you don't have yet......pure logic at work Wow, people need to learn how to read the rest of the post instead of finding one thing to flame on. I asked a single question and I get people ripping it apart like its a thesis. Can't people ask simple questions without smart-ass comments? All I wanted was a simple 'yes' or 'no' with an explanation not a 'hell no' followed by a rude and ignorant comment.
  7. Shottie

    Question about Add-ons.

    Ah, so better to download it all over and over again instead of only the stuff you don't have yet......pure logic at work Wow, people need to learn how to read the rest of the post instead of finding one thing to flame on. I asked a single question and I get people ripping it apart like its a thesis. Can't people ask simple questions without smart-ass comments? All I wanted was a simple 'yes' or 'no' with an explanation not a 'hell no' followed by a rude and ignorant comment.
  8. Shottie

    Question about Add-ons.

    Imagin DLing that much just in things you dont have, and having to do it one by one, how would you like that? I never said that could be the only way, they could have one huge DL with everything and another links with seperate DLs.
  9. Shottie

    Question about Add-ons.

    Imagin DLing that much just in things you dont have, and having to do it one by one, how would you like that? I never said that could be the only way, they could have one huge DL with everything and another links with seperate DLs.
  10. Forgive me noob and lazy question: Why can't people who make missions put everything needed for it in one DL and install? Instead of having a huge list of links to go DL it, I understand different things require different ways of installing, but keeping everything together and having the readme should get the job done, right? thanks guys.
  11. Forgive me noob and lazy question: Why can't people who make missions put everything needed for it in one DL and install? Instead of having a huge list of links to go DL it, I understand different things require different ways of installing, but keeping everything together and having the readme should get the job done, right? thanks guys.
  12. I'm sorry about that Placebo. So Mr. Cheese what is Lipmod and Invasion 44 like? (i.e. campiagns, weapons, vechiles, etc.)
  13. Shottie


    I don't know what you mean by this. So you want an RTS option?