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Everything posted by SFWanabe

  1. I was thinking if any modders out there would be interested in making a Cyprus armed forces mod. I only found a website that just shows they're air force but here it is. Cyprus Air Force
  2. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    Whatever dude. I havent spammed nor have I flamebaited so leave me alone and do your job...... If your not spamming/flamebaiting, what the hell has this: got to do with Warden looking to join the TA? Going a bit OT. But now your flamebaiting so why dont you stop going OT.......
  3. SFWanabe

    The Iraq thread 4

    Whatever you say. I stand beside my opinion.....
  4. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    Whatever dude. I havent spammed nor have I flamebaited so leave me alone and do your job......
  5. SFWanabe

    Vietnam units

    oops sorry about that dude.
  6. SFWanabe

    Yucata County Sheriff's Department

    This is a welcome break from Military addons.
  7. SFWanabe

    Vietnam units

    CJE hueys pack is the best.LINK
  8. SFWanabe

    The Iraq thread 4

    Where did You get that from? VC performed suicidal attacks and terrorist bombings too... Even durring the assaults VC used randomly-selected soldiers as so called "combat engineers" - suicidal squads that were sent ahead of rest to cut trough barbed wire and provoke the defendrs to detonate claymores. the NVA and VC didnt have an undying hatred for the US like these terrorists do. When we withdrew from Vietnam the NVA and VC claimed victory and never held a grudge. So Iraq is worse than Vietnam. i think your wrong on that. the VC was never ashamed to tourture and execute POWs and had some very sick methoods to kill GI's and SV troops. one way i heard involved a crying baby locked in a car rigged w/ explosives. any GI or SV soldier that would investigate the car would explode. and Ho Chi Minh was also i believe a former ally of the U.S. in WWII who was really counting on US support at the end of the war for his nations independance. having been betrayed i think would tend to stir up quite a bit of anger. and the only reason they never held a grudge was that they really didn't have a methood of getting to us. what are they going to do? send guerilla's to swim across the Pacific? they also had other problems to deal w/ their neighbors like China and Cambodia Just because they tortured PoWs doesnt mean a damn thing. If you've noticed that they didnt just do it to us but more or less everyone who was stupid enough to wage war against them. So you didnt explain how I was wrong sooooooo. Also they didnt single us out for terror attacks they did it to the SVs,civvies,Japs,chinks,etc.,etc.,etc.
  9. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    Yes I do agree Bordy.
  10. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    1. Reacting to what? Maybe your just trying to start a flame war.... 2. Now your going off topic so you must not have anything more knowlegable to post ether then....
  11. SFWanabe

    Malvinas |news|

    Great job!!!
  12. SFWanabe

    The Iraq thread 4

    Where did You get that from? VC performed suicidal attacks and terrorist bombings too... Even durring the assaults VC used randomly-selected soldiers as so called "combat engineers" - suicidal squads that were sent ahead of rest to cut trough barbed wire and provoke the defendrs to detonate claymores. the NVA and VC didnt have an undying hatred for the US like these terrorists do. When we withdrew from Vietnam the NVA and VC claimed victory and never held a grudge. So Iraq is worse than Vietnam.
  13. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    Ok dude you just made yourself look stupid by saying that. Yes,but I've think we've gotten a bit off topic so if you like we can create a topic to further this enlighting discussion.
  14. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    I have no problem with weekend warriors I just have have problem with with the ones who think that the National Guard and/or Reserves is a way to get paid for playing soldier.
  15. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    I beileve it was american kids who beat the UK when it was the most powerful nation in the world. Of course we had help from France,Spain,and the Netherlands. But then I'll admit you brits got us real good during the war of 1812.
  16. SFWanabe

    The Iraq thread 4

    It will be alot worse because these insurgents are 10 times more dedicated than the VC and NVA combined.
  17. SFWanabe


    Nice pack ya got there Miles.
  18. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    Dont even start....... I do the same with the Reserves and National Guard here too,because all of them I've met are college kids who think they wont ever have to go to war and whine when they're units are depolyed... No one said you didnt......
  19. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    National Guard,Reservist they're all weekend warriors.
  20. SFWanabe

    Territorial Army

    UK National Guard? Thats new on me.
  21. SFWanabe

    Replacement Packs

    If your looking for modern day stuff go with Y2K3 but if you want stay in the 1985 era then go with FFUR I personaly switch between both often. Also I think ECP is just an effects pack and it comes with Y2K3 and FFUR.
  22. SFWanabe

    The Iraq thread 4

    It will if Bush doesnt grow a brain.....
  23. SFWanabe

    Addon Request

    Thats rich coming from a member of dead mod.
  24. SFWanabe

    CSLA 2 Update1

    That tends to be the story with OFP altogether and not just CSLA but I still love it.
  25. SFWanabe

    UK Desert(ed) troops = BLEED 1.0

    this thread is for Blackblood, not BIS. But its on the BIS forums sooooooooo go back in the corner.....