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Posts posted by S.O.S

  1. Theres also a lightning bug when I go into the back of a brdm for example everything starts to illuminate in a unrealistic way like there would be a very strong white halogen light in the inner of the vehicle. it should be darker in the inner of the vehicles.

  2. It´s one of my Favoruit songs. I like this. And this music is my taste. When you dont like the music ok. And i chosse this song because of part "i came to you. It means "Armed Assault is comming to us.

    And to all who think they can make better videos...do it and show it here. I want to see it.

    Lol i like the movie biggrin_o.gif

  3. Hey guys,

    I'm looking for a way to revive the flashpoint-spirit of some of my friends. At Lan-Parties, when i suggest to play flashpoint, some of the guys say that flashpoint has too old graphics and is always the same. Then I tell that there are TONS OF GREAT ADDONS and you simply have to install some to highly improve gameplay. Manually installing is very time intensive but what about a SIMPLE INSTALLER?!

    Then I grabbed Nullsofts Install-System(v2) and made a good installer with just the right addons and missions. Now I want the installer to autodetect the user's flashpoint-folder to which the addons/missions will be installed.

    On Winterofp.com you can download a similar installer that is just like i want mine and it CAN DETECT the Flashpoint Folder.

    I think it must be something like that

    InstallDir "$PROGRAMFILES\Flashpoint"


    InstallDir "$OFP"

    Can anybody help me please?

    <table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

    InstallDirRegKey HKLM \

    "SOFTWARE\Codemasters\Flashpoint Resistance" \


  4. whats wrong with ur screenshot?

    yo u have a new nvidia graphiccard and hte newer nvidia drivers r known to be incompatible with ofp...and u also shouldnt install older drivers because then u might have problems/slower graphic in other games for which u probably bought that card.

    theres not much what u can really do - just: dont use nvidia its jsut simple bad.

  5. Quote[/b] ]To use a server running FWATCH, and the CoC_NetworkServices scripts, and a site/database.

    When a unit kills another unit/vehicle, the information is passed to the server, and then the server passes this, along with an ID and password to the site.

    I have read your post, dont tell me to read it again, so heres the question: _how_ isit passed from the ofp-server to the http-server?

  6. to say it easy try one or more of these irreparabel steps:

    -delete ur last active userprofile and ur Flashpoint.cfg, rerun the FlashpointPreferences.exe

    -delete unecessary addons (res\addons\wink_o.gif, keep them as low as possible, try using mod folders for each mod or addons-collection (eg: crcti, mfcti, rts, bas, etc...)

  7. I think BIS is bullshitting us all with there empty excuses, instead of working on on Armed Assault they create this fucking VBS2 which nobody of us can pay anyways, but the government. if they would at least keep one of there announcements (release date) which obivously wont be this year or ever next year - just as last year and the year before - then there could be something to look forward.

    Anybody who still belives in bis and armed assault should start to think what this company did the last 3 years for ofp, they made promises over and over but didnt bring it at all, even the xbox version is so cheap - no new missions rarely new textures maybe a few new sound eefect and some little xbox graphics-improvements, wow - cool, but thats about it basicly.

    I would think nothing of this company if there wouldnt have been operation flashpoint cwc or resistance, but actually thats history.

    The tourney of us civil ofp fans seems to stop here obviously.

  8. for our ctf dedicated server with 30 players we used this settings which were fine for ctf:

    MaxMsgSend = 768;

    MaxSizeGuaranteed = 512;

    MaxSizeNonguaranteed= 512;

    MinBandwidth = 1048576;

    MaxBandwidth = 3122560;

    MinErrorToSend = 0.01;

    MaxCustomFileSize = 30720;

    necessary upload bandwidth: 1 to 3 mbit/s

    necessary processor for ctf maps with 20 to 30 players: at least 2ghz non-celeon/non-duron/non-sempron

    hint: never buy gameservers with this processors is my personal experince even a celeron 2.4ghz is complete bullshit for a 10 players ctf map.
