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Everything posted by S.O.S

  1. S.O.S

    What about a demo??

    Agreed, the first demo was a weird but at the same time amazing experince. If it comes out this year then I guess in december, if not then that will happen what happened last time - most likely. The weird thing about BIS is they dont want to say anything and thats why I think they are not gonna keep their "promise" (i call it promise) with the digit >5< in the release date.
  2. S.O.S

    Armed Assault - Self Publish?

    nonsense topic, steam is definitely no publisher LOL steam is a software platform created by valve to buy/update/check/install/manage accounts/etc of games made by valve such as hl2, cs/s etc etc u cant compare vac to punkbuster, vac is for the newer valve games only as far as im confirmed... microsoft is not a publisher of games which they didnt develop or bought. ea...gay ass pirates.
  3. S.O.S

    3 way c&h or ctf maps

    oh rgr,sorry, just rediscovered this forum again after a little break from ofp and, nevertheless, i can still recommend these maps.
  4. S.O.S


    "What's involved for mission designers/server admins : Include the COC_NS folder in each mission which stats are used on (This could be automated by a simple program), the FlashStat script folder, and a line in the init. Finaly/most importantly : The username and password stored in a file in the OFP root. (The script would then be run, thus allowing it to be passed to the website, without the file being included in the mission)" u want ofp to login into a "site" and upload stats or what? ->ofp cant do that.
  5. S.O.S

    3 way c&h or ctf maps

    i guess u mean c&h maps with 3 flag, but it could be also possible that u mean maps with 3 main possible pathes to reach the flags? (from CCL, addon less), anyways this maps r v good: -campkellum -daylight -drymouth -regina -operation thunder -middleground -opatov etc. (cant remember) http://www.ofpelite.com/downloads/mpmissions/
  6. did u check your ofp folder on your dedicated server out yet (especially those tmp folders)? why isit saying tmp56965 as far as i remember it was called like tmp[port-of-ofp-server] maybe u just stop your ofp server, delete those tmp folders and then try again.
  7. S.O.S

    What about a demo??

    Sounds to me BIS doesnt know what they want and/or dont have a schedule of how they want to spread out the game, as simpel as that. Before u make a game u should know what u want and if u dont even know if theres going to be a demo then it just seems unprofessional to me. ofp was a great game tho and i trusted in the work of bis but moving the release date of a game from quarter to quarter year by year is breaking the trust of custumers. i may understand that the bis team is probably a reletive young team which is as a result of that obviously a bit unsure how they want to go on but it doesnt change the facts and the appearance of that what we players get presented. But at the same time the reason is probably the non-interest of a publisher for that great game which has to promote/advertise this complexe and pretty unusal computer game. just my thoughts.
  8. S.O.S

    MP Request List!

    ->good< 1:1 spectator script and an ingame lobby, maybe something like an ingame irc client/lobby. -smooth animations/movement of soldiers (not like cs or noob battlefield 1944 / cod animations) -working for all to hear horn in cars rofl radio in cars with mp3 lmao jk -LOOOONG good ofp campaign(s) (not so short like the reisstance one). -as realsitic as possible sounds of guns and vehicles -missions editor with syntax/command libary (help) -easy patch system (we can all remember the old patch problems at the beginning with ofp) /"auto-ingame-online-updater" -new corner-scope-system (against "corner camping") -webinterface to command the server
  9. S.O.S

    MP Request List!

    ->good< 1:1 spectator script and an ingame lobby, maybe something like an ingame irc client/lobby. -smooth animations/movement of soldiers (not like cs or noob battlefield 1944 / cod animations) -working for all to hear horn in cars rofl radio in cars with mp3 lmao jk -LOOOONG good ofp campaign(s) (not so short like the reisstance one). -as realsitic as possible sounds of guns and vehicles -missions editor with syntax/command libary (help) -easy patch system (we can all remember the old patch problems at the beginning with ofp) /"auto-ingame-online-updater" -new corner-scope-system (against "corner camping") -webinterface to command the server
  10. S.O.S

    The king of pings

    Thats my little record: http://ofpelite.com/sos/screenshots/ping_record.jpg [Pic > 100kb - Fubar]
  11. S.O.S

    OFP font

    yes just modify the fonts.pbo if u know how... also i would like to know how u want to use the fonts.pbo as fontfile in windows raedor "you can find the fonts in fop\data\fonts.pbo" ?