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Everything posted by SM_Azazel

  1. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    i made new ones but they are not working in game yet here is an teaser of the arab pack plus an cute story
  2. SM_Azazel

    A New AH-64 Pack

    you can't make proxies and rockets turn on an helo. and the other problem is the memory points require them to be on the gun so you might end up with way way movement etc.
  3. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    umm the face wasn't what i asked aboot lol i wanna know aboot the damage textures. i know all the faces are ok..
  4. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    ok some opinions on some damage textures for the civis and terrorists (note this is not an modle in pack this is damage textures) good enuff or need more work. (note i suck at damage textures)
  5. SM_Azazel

    AH-64 Pack Release

    your israeli one is wrong. it should have the big huge ass yellow "V" on the sides. not jsut an roundel
  6. SM_Azazel

    The Iraq thread 4

    east vs west? wtf? where is my east vs west thing? and you convert over to corn oil like the diesel engine was first designed to run on before oil companies said no it has to run on oil products. and btw i hate the east and west they are the same thing just different ideals. just like democrates and republicans same same thing just an different face. and the whorship of money was jsut one thing. do we really need to go over all the things muslisms well extremists hate aboot the west and their modern ways? money was just an simple single thing.. don't try to pick apart what i say to twist it into something else with out actually making an valid point.
  7. SM_Azazel

    The Iraq thread 4

    lol nah all americans and arabs are the same racist women beaters. lol maybe humor does not fit will on forums.. lol there edited my post to help those who lack the humor gene
  8. SM_Azazel

    The Iraq thread 4

    lol you pick out of everything i said was that? it was an joke. i am not arrogent and i know rednekcs beat their wives too. like miles always says there is little difference between an arab and an redneck both are racist arrogent and stupid. (note this is an joke) (note this is stupid redrick of raditcal extermists) as for poor and darkages you don't listen to the "good" muslim redrick do you? they hate worship of money wich they do anyways. but they want their countries and muslim world brought back into the darkages of clierc rule poor and mindless whorship of their god. and death to all who oppose them. but really they are stupid arrogent hypocritssince they love their modern rifles and bombs. their money to get from oil.. if the west pulled out of the middle east and no longered let the arabs control them through oil. the middle east would collaps. then once the terorrists money dried up they would be begging the west to come back. look at afghanistan if it was not for bin laden and his friends afghanistan and the taliban would ahve collaps due to no money to run anything. yes they were given money from western companies but not enuff to keep an goverment and military running
  9. SM_Azazel

    The Iraq thread 4

    um genocide does not even work look at russia and chechinya. they do geonicde there and it ends up making things worse. the only way to solve anything is to just leave them alone but that was screwed up when we gave iraq AND iran money and weapons along with all those other arab countries that are only powerful due to the rotted flesh called oil. if we did nto need oil the middle east would become very poor and fall back intot he darkages just like the "good" muslims like it but once they have that then what is the point of thier lives? besides beatign and opressing their women.. so let's just stop using oil and make the middle east an dark rotten hell so it is an win win..
  10. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    lol rude blunt but um yes they are ugly and incorrect lol i will probly update them with one from the police.. as for the middle eastern arab terrorists/civis miles just gave them back to me so i will run through them check it out then post some screen shots.
  11. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    that last image is the prison guard units not really police. but yes same concept. but the bullet proof helmet comes in all the styles. i found an site to buy them. oh and i think there is an strap on them already you just can't always see it due to clipping and it only beign an plane
  12. SM_Azazel

    M1A2 SEP

    foudn soem news aboot the replacement of the old engine in the m1a2 Source also the army is lookign intot he israeli LAHAT missiles. it also talks aboot the replacement of the main gun to the german 120mm. along with an few other things.. but that is just stupid to keep all that on the tank when you have an supply truck right behide you that is carrying all that stuff in it. i also never said maintance crew i said supply. big difference. supply trucks just have the supplies for the crew to use. and in most blitzkrieg battles the US loves to fight if you lose oil pressure in your tank or blow and track you leave the tank behide and keep moving forward. you don't stop and repair it. you wait till after the battle is over or till the trail end can catch up. you load the crew up in an m113 destory the tank and move on. hell in iraq they had tanks in combat that where only semi damaged but destoried them so they could keep moving forward.
  13. SM_Azazel

    M1A2 SEP

    why would you bother havign "fuel" cans on an m1 it burns like 10 liters of fuel per mile an 10 liter can would not get you very far. from my understanding is that most "fuel" cans on tanks are actually just water cans. for drinking water and stuff. usually in combat if the tank runs out of fuel you would have had the supply train near you. and if you have an hydo leak you would abond the tank securing it or destorying it letting the other supply units moving up on yoru flank to repair it./ so most likely those cans are jsut drinkign water or coolant water, or bathing water well just water..
  14. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    it is hard to get the helemts correct since once you put an cover on them it changes the profile. and all our helemts have covers.
  15. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    so most image i seen are of the idf style helmet and that is what they will have other wise you might as well play with us forces in od uniforms and just called them israeli.
  16. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    that is not true the idf helmet has the same protection level as the US one. they are both laminated kevlar. and one israeli company offers an actual bulletproof helmet in idf, british and us styles. and the idf does not standard issue us helmets. they only bought them because they where cheap and needed more then the israeli companies could provide but they are not standard issue. the israeli helmet is standard.. the US style is rare.. so we will not make an us style helmet for the normal infantry. Source
  17. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    goggles we had but i removed them. they will be added back in later but only for SF and paratroopers maybe the armour corp. the US helmets are only used when there was not enuff of the israeli helmets and fpr those denial missions. we are adding some soldiers in US camo with US helmets for that type of mission. and face shield would be on riot police and might be added if we ask FDF nicely for their riot police helmets..
  18. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    yeah that is an ghillie suit camo covers. i think we are working on new camo suits for the snipers.. cuz right now they are ugly but it is what we have. um there is no new screen shots of the middle eastern terrorists since miles has been working on them and anytihng i have is older. i might try to get him to send them over to me so i can finish them off.
  19. SM_Azazel

    Upcoming lost brother addons

    you mean an normal infantry with an clown hat and baggy german camo pants? really they should be covered in an ghillie suit.. that image is of 1 sniper wearing his own 3rd party pants. since there is no issued camo for the idf.
  20. SM_Azazel

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    so it IS and ugly car with an drunk in the back.. lol what type of car is that tho? ie brand etc
  21. SM_Azazel

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    an ugly ass car with an drunk in the back? lol what is that?
  22. SM_Azazel

    J Rambo's Mid-East fighters

    i know why they lack the proxies. the robed units are based on that old DX wwii russian soldier add on. wich means they also lack NVG proxies as well as for screen shots of the lost brother middle eastern terrorists nope no up todate ones. they ahve been heavly modifed since the last sceen shots..
  23. SM_Azazel

    IM:UC Mod Thread

    yeah arabic is differen then hebrew. hebrew is always read right to left even numbers wich are rarely used most hebrew uses western digits for numbers sicne you can confuse hebrew numbers with words and there is an few different ways to write the same number
  24. SM_Azazel

    Csla 2

    I vote for real layouts. i hate all the fake never used layouts some of the apache mods are doing..
  25. SM_Azazel

    J Rambo's Mid-East fighters

    these are ok i preffer the lost brothers middle eastern terrorist and civilian pack due out soon.