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Sen†ry ˛°°ł

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About Sen†ry ˛°°ł

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    At first my friends and my girlfriend. My most interests are body building and go out with friends. And as my hobby if i have got free time then i will use my computer, for  leading my project "Tiberian Genesis" Mod for Operation Flashpoint and then for Armed Assault.
  1. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    it will be a mix, in renegade you cant build your own bases, but in our mod you will be able. @xnodunitx of course we have to test you @Myst9999 We will do Visceroids, and i think we will do an extra animation for it, and a weapon like in OFP strokefist, but with more attackrange, like 4-5meters... Public: Soon some new news about the GUI menu, we will do a little video about it, it has included original C&C Tiberian Sun movies in the buttons, just a little surprise soon Sentry
  2. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    would be nice if you could help us, and if you have got the knowhow about texturing then you will be automatically in the TG mod :P it just needs your word "yes" Sentry
  3. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    Of course, Reborn pwns us with their skins n' textures.. if we find some texture creators like them then we will pwn them too with the textures and with our feautures what we have in arma what they havent in C&C Renegade ;P And we will do some custom units too, like: GDI: Sniper, Officer, Chemical Unit, Special Unit ( will not give more infos about it ), Machinegunner NOD: Sniper, officer, Flamethrower Unit, Special Unit (like black hand, but no infos for now ), Machinegunner some more will follow i think and for the weapon equipment: we will not only do example for GDI a Assault riffle and a Disc Grenade, we will do some couple of weapons, like sniper riffles, flamethrower, chemical thrower, rocket launcher(s), mines, grenades (smoke, explode) , pistols, Machineguns (light & heavy), some assault guns (maybe with grenlauncher) , minigun, shotguns, railgun, tiberium gun and some more Just, the Vehicles and buildings will not be customised, only Infantries and weapons. Sentry
  4. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    no she isnt anymore in our mod, she has taken models fron an another mod and has said it is her own work, what it wasnt, she has made that 3x, so i have kicked her..
  5. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    Sure but we need the BIS tools to get those textures on the model But thanks for your help! Hope they will come soon, like xmas or new year Sentry
  6. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    SJB Weapons Pack

    Loved your weapons in OFP, so i will also love them in Arma Sentry
  7. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    BTR-4 Armoured Personnel Carrier

    I like the fire support one much more than then ormal APC Nice work so far! Sentry
  8. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    New Update.... modified the GUI Menus in Arma... just take a look, hope you like it! GDI NOD You see i have wrote there a little text at down-left side, like change to GDI, or change to NOD... this means that it is possible that you can change to this style what you want, but it is still under work, so its just WIP! And we are the first which have modified that menu and with that choice of changing the menus itself Hope you guys like it Sentry
  9. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    Thx... I will when i have got my new pc, because on this one here i got horrible bugs, and cant work seriously, example : Adobe Photoshop wont work, dunno why Need a new PC anyway, so, i will PM you if i got the new one and if I need your help. Thx nodunit... Brotherhood of NOD Sentry
  10. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    Ok understood too Thx for this! it is very useful! Sentry
  11. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    hehe thanks :P you have to know, its just a test with the old textures from OFP. We dont have the tools for doing normal maps etc atm... BIS havent released it And we are currently searching members that can do normal mapping and skins Sen†ry ˛°°ł
  12. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    Hi! just a new test more with the textures for the GDI Orca Fighter! Enjoy! ltrs Sen†ry ˛°°ł
  13. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    ArmA official site changed

    I like it.. Thx! Nice job Sentry
  14. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    Tiberian Genesis Mod

    That would be nice, we are currently searching members mostly members what can do normal maps n' bump maps... difficult to find communication is with MSN, Email or ICQ.... but atm i have got a little prob with my PC, like with my MSN, it wont start because my Internet Explorer is down, and it wont accept Firefox as standard browser for the MSN messenger so atm the contacts to me are only over the forum, ICQ or email... -Sentry
  15. Sen†ry ˛°°ł

    oldskool ofp menu and loading screen mod for arma

    we are testing around with this here Sentry