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About Speedkore

  • Rank
    Lance Corporal
  1. Speedkore


    Really thanks man for this.
  2. Speedkore

    ArmA brightness / light system

    FINALLY THERE IS A SOLUTION http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=75164 not by bis of course. It works for day and night, maybe i play again since 1 year hateing the game.
  3. Speedkore

    About HDR....

    the videos are only to see the lighting effects, with everything to full it happens the same. But no mater, like people says, hate it or love it xD. It's obvious that they released arma 1 for make money without finish it well and then realese arma2. Since many time i'm not playing arma like my clan, we will see in arma2, but sincerely, i don't expect too much.
  4. Speedkore

    About HDR....

    what you say is very beautiful, but not in arma i post it again http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=69859 look it. These changes in light when it is not suposed to happen gets angry many people.
  5. Speedkore

    About HDR....

    Let me show you one post of member "Q" in troubleshoting section, he explains it very well. http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=69859 if you say that this effects happens in real life and you like it i will not post anymore because i can't play with this, it's more strong than me.
  6. Speedkore

    About HDR....

    I am very agree with you MadDogX, they have to do something with the hdr parameters at least.
  7. Speedkore

    About HDR....

    All you say about hdr is very nice... but all we know that the hdr in arma sucks and it has been too early to put this tecnology as the only one option. I like arma, but i dont play it because im tired of see dark and bright fluctuations of light that gives me headaches, fluctuations that in real life i dont percieve.
  8. Speedkore

    About HDR....

    Am i the only one who don't like the hdr lighting effects,in this game and others that are comming out? and am i the only one who allways disable it in all these games because seems that is there for no other purpose other than to blind the player?. Do i have to feel like I've got chlorine in my eyes? Please post your opinions. PS: Who was the supergenius that said?, "We will make ARMA only with and only with the hipermegapretty HDR light system option and we will calculate the AA with the cpu!"
  9. Speedkore

    ArmA brightness / light system

    fucking hdr of shit, it destroyed the whole game for me, i hate hdr!! it is not realism it is a fucking shit. Ban me i don't care anymore, im fucking angry of this shit since the first day a played arma. Im very sad when things like this destroys what was the best game in the world. PS: If i had know ALL the problems that i would have with arma, i did not bought it, and i'm not the only one.
  10. Speedkore

    I hate HDR

    I hate HDR!!!
  11. Speedkore

    Hold breath button

    ok ok i understand it, thanks for the info xD
  12. Speedkore

    Hold breath button

    correct me if i'm wrong, why when a press the hold breath button i can hear the soldier breathing more and more fast when it's supposed that he's holding breath? it wouldn't be that if i press button then he shuts up, and if i stay many time, when i release he makes the sound of drowning, and if i don't ever release the hold breath button he dies!?xD
  13. Speedkore

    Video options question

  14. Speedkore

    Fog bug again!!!!

    110% agree
  15. Speedkore

    Fog bug again!!!!

    keep posting, we need a 100 pages post to developers hear us, they are the only ones who can delete fog like they make at nighttime.