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Everything posted by Shinkansen

  1. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Yes, those guys and their african milicia the Askaris.
  2. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    yes, that's right. I also wold like to see the german colonial "Schutztruppe".
  3. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Great work!!! I like it!!!
  4. Shinkansen

    Gizmo mapping is driving me crazy

    Hi, thanks to all for the input, I tried to apply a texture with gizmo on the airplane, but the results are rather poor. I think that the geo is too complicated and the higly detailed texture must be carefully strechted to fit to the surface. So I made a really large texture to sharpen it out, the new size is 10 times larger
  5. Hi, I have an airplane... and I want to apply a texture as gizmo mapping to it to get very sharp textures I hope. I know how to start the gizmo tool and uploading the texure is also no problem, but then I wonder which values I need for the gizmo map. Always the texure is hanging somewhere on the plan... What to do next??
  6. Shinkansen

    House Divided.

    The last big project is a fortress, first I had Fort Sumter in my mind, but it is too big, so I made a small version of it. This fort will need a 60m x 60 m square on the map. So I think there is no need to split the fort in several parts, but that have to be carefully tested on a map.
  7. Shinkansen

    House Divided.

    Here we build up the fleet, first a 40 gun frigate under heavy development and a steam ram to sink it
  8. Shinkansen

    House Divided.

    Hi, with this building block a city can be build up quickly. The buildings have at the moment some working textures to test fire geo and geo lods
  9. Shinkansen

    House Divided.

    Hi, here are some early screenshots to show what I am doing and to ask if some similar ideas have been already made or if someone would like to texture some of the objects and for other useful comments and ideas. All houses are enterable, you can climb on the roof and if you are a really lucky guy you can jumb from one block to the next.
  10. Shinkansen

    head texture problems

    Hi, it worked!!! Thank you very much!
  11. Shinkansen

    head texture problems

    Hi, I have an old addon (biscamel pilot) converted to mlod with odol 2.4 and packed it again. After this the face texture is also visible on the helmet??? But only ingame, not in O2. How can I fix this?
  12. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    And final a new ship for entente side
  13. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Some equipment for the german army
  14. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Here comes the tank collection
  15. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    here comes the "weekend output"
  16. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Hi, I would like to take both offers In return: A steam sail ship with shootable sails (pics released under pirate mod) A steam ram (you might have seen it in this stupid-funny movie "Sahara") Merrimack Monitor A fast small sailing ship for smuggler, pirates and so on with shootable sails... Somewhere I have the plans of the "Constitution" its a little bit older than ACW aera but frigate-design didn't changed much. A small version of Fort Sumter A stylish wooden bridge construction like in sleepy hollow if I remember right. Any additional ships can be made if someone can find some plans. I once thought about a mississippi steam ship, very stylish!
  17. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Hi, I like it!!!! Of course we can do a deal, in return I will fix my acw_ships collection and will send it to you as fast as possible...
  18. Shinkansen

    Vehicles and Proxies

    Hi, the underwater section defines the hole ship it is of class "ship". So it is underwater it can't be damaged by direct hits with rockets and bombs, but with COCTorpedoes, it might suffer from indirect hits. The five segments that defines the hull and superstructure of the ship are class "house", they can be damaged and destroyed. if they are near a class "tank" weapon Ai can hit them. I gave the houses a very low armor value and the underwater structur a very high armor value. So attacking airplanes can make a ship useless but can't sink it easily. Torpedoe hits are still a problem, because this must be carefully balanced and I think I have to run through COC scripts to understand how they are working. If the underwater structure is too deep, you might have collision detection and that will throw the ship away (try this with PC Midway, it can fly if collision detection is activated). But on the other hand torpedoes can swim under the ship without detonation, if underwater section is to flat.
  19. Shinkansen

    Vehicles and Proxies

    Hi, for big ships I have one underwater section and five hull sections, each can be hit individuall. There must be some kind of weapon on each hull segment, because AI won't attack houses.
  20. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    here we go...
  21. Shinkansen

    Vehicles and Proxies

    Hi, no walking its strange to walk on an empty carrier that has normally a crew of 1000. The ship is not existing its a wild combination of houses like Philcommando. The base is a underwater "house", holding five deck part houses to define the hull, all details that appear more than four times are also proxys class weapon, because small boats or rescue islands smaller guns and so on need a lot of points and as a rule of the thumb the main structure shouldn't go over 5000 points and it is very difficult to make several lods, because the center of mass shouldn't change because it is needed to place the active weapons. Proxy are all of type weapon if I remember right.
  22. Shinkansen

    Vehicles and Proxies

    Hi, yes on the carrier all planes and crews are proxys of class weapon, this was designed to have a carrier caught in preparation during an air attack, so its an AI version. Therefore you are not allowed to walk on the deck or land on the deck, There will be other versions that allow landing. So problem is that you can hit the carrier but you cant destroy the airplanes onboard. To camouflage this a lot of smoke scripts will be fired of.
  23. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Hi, try the invtarget.pbo; with an getpos, setpos script you can place an invisible target on the Archangel and they will shoot on him. This is also very funny if you set an invisible target to a plane to force infantry to shoot at the plane.
  24. Shinkansen

    Some Siege Equipment

    I like this!!! Good work!
  25. Shinkansen

    WWI Mod

    Here comes a new model of a Fokker Dr.1. I thought it might be funny to have some different versions for a real flying circus. In the internet there are a lot of painting schemes for this airplane, but I thought it might be funny to leave it to the community. If you want your one special Fokker Dr.I feel free to select a symbol and a background color that will be painted on the fuselage and on the three upper wing parts.