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Sapper 1

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About Sapper 1

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    Military, Sci-Fi, 3D Modeling, Computers, Simulation
  1. Sapper 1

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    South African Defence Force 1980's - Angola - Early Morning Patrol in Buffel Vehicles halted and deployed in all-around defence. SADF Addon (Beta)
  2. Sapper 1

    South africa mod

    Yes, here in Africa landmines was and are used extensivly, but remember they are not just scattered allover the place but are used tacticaly to achieve certain aims. Therefore for the sake of realism ask an Combat Engineer , how and where landmines are used both for OPForces and OWN forces.
  3. Sapper 1

    South africa mod

    Hi Guys Great to see that this will be done, I have been in contact with Hellfish6 and will be sending him some photos of current equipment, vehicles and data of SANDF. Please ask me if you have any requests. I am a officer in the Combat Engineers (Reserves) SANDF.