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Everything posted by Smokki

  1. I have an empty ural "M1", RACS soldier who's driving it, And squad "com1" wich is inside the truck Everything is fine until the drop off location, I have tried everything to make the squad disembark the ural with no luck! If anyone know how this can be done, please help me! Problem seems to be caused by the empty vehicle that has my assigned driver. With ready 4x4 jeep everything works fine!
  2. Nope, won't work, thanks tough. Yes the driver is separate soldier (not on the squad), same side (independent), and driving empty ural. I just don't get it. Can it realy be so hard to get out of a truck!!
  3. Making mission where friendly forces including player must retreat to marker "retreatpos" after trigger "a1". Even if they still have waypoints left. Any ideas? I tried... {_x move getMarkerPos "retreatpos", 0} foreach units group com1 ...for the trigger but doesn't work. For the group leader init I have: com1 = group this EDIT: I get error message type group, expected object
  4. Smokki

    Do you like Sahrani?

    I found Sahrani to be far better than OFP islands not to mention Nogova. Sure Everon is my all time favourite CTI map and Malden is nice too in many ways. What I don't understand is why Nogova is great in any way? It was too big (regarding the use of space) and boring, had some realy stupid city design and some forests were just...well...boring. Nogova just seemed like randomly generated piece of nothing. Thats why I like Sahrani. City design is realistic, forests are so cool looking I could go camping there. Everywhere I look I found something interesting. You should just take a offroad and drive around Sahrani to see how huge improvement it is  . The difference between north and south Sahrani is a bit "rough" yes but I don't cares as long as it works.
  5. I thought these kind of things would be fixed in arma, but I was propably wrong. How to get units behind sandbags (fence in editor) to actually shoot targets? It's propably impossible but anyway.
  6. Smokki


    Thanks again Everythin worked as you said it would. They stop at the "retreatpos" and thats the way I like it (mission ends there). The waypoint sign (on your screen showing where next waypoint is) just won't show the retreat position (it stay back at the last "real" waypoint).
  7. Smokki


    Thank you for your help  That script works great: How could I run it for multiple squads at same time? Yes I'm a bit noob with scripts  Only problem for me is not seeing "retreatpos" as a waypoint. The old waypoint is still there, but that is just minor problem. Thank you. Â
  8. Smokki


    {_x domove getMarkerPos "retreatpos", 0} foreach units com1 That works. But I need a waypoint that is added to group "com1": wp1 = com1 addwaypoint [getmarkerpos "retreatpos", 0] Now i need "com1" to move to that waypoint after trigger "a1" That's the part I don't know.
  9. Hmmm...Why don't chopper find waypoint when I change flyinheight? Chopper itself changes height but won't find the waypoint.
  10. Allways wanted to know that for sure. I'm only getting those sounds for personal use so it won't be much of a problem.
  11. So.. Would adding speech to your mission from example Half-Life1 be illegal? And another question: Anyone know any good sites where to get speech files for missions? I know those text-to-speech programs but I need some emotion in speech too
  12. So... I am making a mission that ends for a cool fighting cutscene in hotel. I have placed units in the hotel and want them to wait until order to shoot is given. Problem is: Waypoints don't seem to work inside houses (units just walk away). So no triggering it that way. Any suggestions?
  13. Thanks On Activation : {_x setCombatMode "YELLOW"} foreach thisList That is just what I needed.
  14. No problem  It's no difference if I sync it to first or second. They still won't stay put.
  15. Yes I know that   But I have placed those units in spesific places (in that building) and I don't want them to move or do anything else than target each others before command is given. So if I put waypoint near unit (never fire...etc) and another waypoint (open fire...etc) and command that would activate that last waypoint it would be perfect. But then unit decides that the first waypoint is somewhere in building (not in front of him as I would like it) and goes somewhere. I need something that prevents them to kill each others before I say so.
  16. Smokki

    Salute with no weapon

    Try: "unitname" playmove "AmovPercMstpSnonWnonDnon_SaluteIn" Works for me Â
  17. I think we need more civilians. Something else than tourists: -Normal citizens -Police units -Security guards -Oil workers -Some scientists etc.
  18. Smokki

    grass? eye candy?

    In game "Joint Operations" grass was generated only near you but enemy far away (hiding in grass) was partly invisible. So you were able to hide in grass that was generated near you.
  19. Smokki

    Some c&c stuff

    Nice to see this promising mod is not dead . OFP is just so perfect game for C&C.
  20. Smokki

    WWIIEC Operation Hexenjagd

    Wow! I didn't even know that ofp can be so scary  . Realy great job. We reguest a sequel! Â
  21. Smokki

    Sacurity guards?

    Thanks . Have to check them out.
  22. Anyone know if there is some good looking security dudes out? I'm mainly looking for those HL kind of "Barneys" . I know that farmlands pack has security guard but they don't fit so good into my mission.
  23. Smokki

    New replacement XMS and XM-177E2

    Nice work . By the way, can I play multiplayer games with this addon?
  24. Smokki

    OFP videography

    Realy nice stuff, as was the first one too . OFP 2 should have this kind of starting intro