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sniper pilot

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Everything posted by sniper pilot

  1. sniper pilot

    ArmA Photography

    good night sir! nice pictures again...
  2. sniper pilot

    ArmA Photography

    Well dont you see the Spec Ops on the Little Birds with their SD weapons? Anyways I would like to see some spetznatz Very nice pictures Ian!! Very nice!
  3. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    that was semi-random... I will still buy Armed Assault even with starforce... WOA! LMAO! Cell phone game? nice video! You can see the bullets move into the M240 nice detail instead of the "vibrating" bullet chain they had in OFP.
  4. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    wow star force? man people are blind...
  5. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    thats a good idea!
  6. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    yeah it sucks... Well whos up for a trip to Germany?
  7. sniper pilot

    Who will Host ArmA Dedicated Servers

    Get-Realism.com is going to get one but probobly after the 505 release...
  8. sniper pilot

    Armed Assault is GOLD !!!

    No they are not old! look at the new camo for the South Sahrani troops! Looks like the Iraqi troops now... CONGRATS BIS! You've Earned it!
  9. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    yup i would take shooting out of vehicles over seeing a mag animation.
  10. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    I am 99.9% sure there wont be... but its not a big deal, hence even a high graphical game like GRAW doesnt have the mag removal... (i hope i got your comment..)
  11. sniper pilot

    The so-called "grown up" community

    very true...
  12. sniper pilot

    ArmA Userbars / Signatures

    Nice Sigs SkyHawk! In spirit of the thread... You can Find more here: Drawing Board
  13. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    yes it is... Its the new Desert Island I belive... Anyways Nice vids...
  14. sniper pilot

    Latest screenshots available

    Well... i have no idea, but it's stated in that preview - "...hraní prvních tří misí ve starší preview-verzi", means "...playing of first three missions from the older preview version" Good point Malcolm
  15. sniper pilot

    Latest screenshots available

    Yeah I did, I guess I sort of blew up too... Man I guess thats what happenes when you wait for somthing for a long time! Roger that placebo sorry...
  16. sniper pilot

    Latest screenshots available

    Look whose complaining pal, look... I love... i mean absolutley LOVE ArmA!There is no doubt that I will purchase it! Thats already been stated so now in the time we have to wait for its release, I am just stating my opinion... yes it makes me "disapointed" that VBS2 has more features, but like I stated, I realize that most features in VBS2 are really not practical to us gamers... ArmA will be great. Oh and the 3 year old thing? What I said was stated in a mature fasion, unlike you who just started going off... We are all on the same team, but we are all different; meaning we have different opinions. I rest my case (I think )
  17. sniper pilot

    Latest screenshots available

    I dont know... but i feel this feeling of disapointment (for the lack of a better word) when VBS2 is mentioned. But then i remember we dont need much of these features... sure it would be nice but heck i can wait till it goes public... EDIT: the reason I feel disapointed is that it holds alot of features over ArmA but then like stated above I realize the features would somewhat be impractical(sp?).
  18. sniper pilot

    ArmA Progress Updates

    well nice graphics none the less...
  19. sniper pilot

    Latest screenshots available

    No one wants to translate huh?
  20. sniper pilot

    What do you *HOPE* will be in ArmA modding?

    I hope to sign on to the zombie mod when ArmA comes out...
  21. sniper pilot

    Textures and Models need major overhaul !!!

    Just imagine the lag rolling over those hills lmao!
  22. sniper pilot

    Textures and Models need major overhaul !!!

    Ok the point of this thread is to convince them to re-do all the textures and models? Ok if you are a human being, then I do not need to explain why that cannot be done at this point in time... Edit: Nice blog by the way afrographX!
  23. sniper pilot

    William Porter's Blog

    No actually, some of the staff at GR think we should have two...One for the people who get it right away, and one for the English speaking folks...I hopefully would be able to attend both but I think ill have to manage just for the English version heh!
  24. sniper pilot

    William Porter's Blog

    Ok it looks like we could manage it, now does anyone know of a great server provider?
  25. sniper pilot

    Game physics

    They worked miricals into Armed Assault, there gonna work godly things into Game 2...