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Silent Pro

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Everything posted by Silent Pro

  1. Silent Pro

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    If anyone is interested i have made my own modification based on INQ's mod which uses these guys as the default US soldiers, Earls m16a2, m4a1, m16a4/m203, SIGMA's West Armor Pack and the SEBNamPack2's pilots...so far...everything else in this config.cpp is INQ's stuff which is a bit incomplete. I started re-playing the CWC campaign and it's whole new war! Much more fun and adds more depth and atmosphere to this already great game. Biggest issue is that INQ's unbinarized config.cpp has a problem with the handgun proxy where if you try to switch to the handgun, the body is essentially stuck in place, when you try to turn the body, you are limited to around 60 degrees of motion. I repeat if you try to run, your player will run in place and not move an inch. If anyone knows where i can get an unedited, unbinarized config.cpp please point me in the right direction, so far all i have found is the ECP config.cpp and INQ's config, and INQ's is less than complete. The ECP config has way too many entries that are modified and would probably cause problems, besides i dont want to mix the ECP config with my own. I've tried searching these forums to no avail. Thanks for any help, you guys can provide.
  2. Silent Pro

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    Right, great work! Do we use this config in place of the standard OFP config.bin? Or do we unpbo the Hyk addon and replace the config.cpp in there? Sorry if i seem without a clue about this, but i havent worked with replacing units other than in missions and the like, rather than replacing the standard units by default in missions, campaigns, and the game in all it's entirety.
  3. Silent Pro

    New bas thread

    I think you need to reorganize your priorities Mr. Bean and remember that OFP is a game, BAS makes these addons because they love doing it...and it's something they do on their own time at whatever pace they want. To put it simply, you lose nothing from waiting for these addons in fact you should go do something useful like read a book, go see old friends, ask out that girl you like, something...anything other than complaining about why the next BAS addon is not released yet, because it's not like your comments are going to speed things up. Would you rush the release of your own addon because someone you dont even know started complaining on a forum? I doubt it, judging by your attitude you'd probably go slower or stop work altogether just to piss them off.
  4. Silent Pro

    New bas thread

    Well if its of any consolation perhaps some of you would like to take a look at these... More Pavehawks...but a bit different Full daylight screenshots I approached Tigershark only a day ago after the initial release of the Pavehawks with this reskin, apparantly it made a good impression and everyone will be able to enjoy this along with the other pavehawks, however you may see yet another iteration of the pavehawks in a fictitious winter camo scheme to boot. I guess you could consider some of these screenshots as part of BAS week's screenshot portion.
  5. Silent Pro

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    More reskins... New Pavehawks
  6. Silent Pro

    Ofpmark part deux (ofpmark v2.0)

    Very cool, it's lonely at the top though.   I just purchased the mobo, CPU and RAM for this rig this past Christmas and i can only say great things about how it handles OFP versus my Athlon Tbird 1400 and 512MB PC133 SDRAM. However one thing i keep seeing is that OFP seems to be GPU limited(BIS needs to do some DirectX and Hw T&L optimizing here) in tests 4 and 5, which weigh heavily on the hardware because of view distance and terrain detail. Interestingly enough, I dont see the Intel Chipsets rising to the challenge of the AMD systems, which in plain words shows what a game is supposed to do without "special" hardware optimizations. I tested with everything in the readme, shadows, multitexturing, the whole 9 yards...including 2x FSAA and 2x Anisotropic Filtering and the high quality settings in my driver control panel. I am very pleased with these results  P.S I forgot to mention that the OS i am running is Win Xp Pro, SP1
  7. Silent Pro

    Ofpmark part deux (ofpmark v2.0)

    hi all, This would be my first post here at the BI Forums, but i am no stranger to this place. Anyway my benchmark went as follows, sorry no screenshot my current host is down and im hoping they will get back online sometime soon. -RESULTS- ----------- Test One: 28.9901 Test Two: 30.3386 Test Three: 29.5372 Test Four: 14.1176 Test Five: 6.17325 SilentPro's OFPMark is 2183.14! And now...my Specs: AMD Athlon XP Barton 3000+ @3200+ MSI KT6 Delta LSR BIOS V.5.4(Great mobo!) VIA Hyperion 4.49's FSB=200Mhz Multiplier = 11(Instead of 10.5) KRETON 512MB PC3200 DDR RAM @ 400Mhz(By all means this is some good ram) CAS LATENCY 2.5 RAS Pulse Width = 6 RAS-CAS Delay = 3 FIC Radeon 9700 Pro @ 344/317 default is (325/311) DirectX 9.0b Texture Preference = High Quality Mipmap Quality = Quality VSYNC=DISABLED Maxtor DiamondMax 30GB 7200RPM ATA100 Sound Blaster Audigy Value OnBoard NIC