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Silent Pro

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Everything posted by Silent Pro

  1. Silent Pro

    Drill Sergeants SWP Addon pack.

    Your stress test is good at showing what you have and what you were doing while using your weaponpack. However, yopu forgot one major thing...framerates. What all games all boil down to when someone asks if a game is playable they mean "what is the framerate?" Test your weaponpack against other well known packs with lower polycounts such as earls weapons, BAS's weapons, INQ's and even BIS's to show the performance hit each type will have. Your weapons arent even textured yet and your benchmark doesnt take into account what it will be like when they are textured. So in essence, your benchmarks will not be a reaslistic representation of performance after the final product. OFP's biggest problem is managing lots of hi quality textures efficiently without causing other problems. That is why others keep Poly's without textures running really only get crunched by the GPU and or CPU, and without textures that removes a major peformance hit that the computer experiences when mapping textures after loading them into memory, your benchmark does not account for those things. Bottom line, accurate framerates should be reported if you are going to benchmark and claim that everything runs lag free. While were at it, let it be known that anything under 30fps should be considered low framerate, as that is the most widely accepted value for full motion.
  2. Silent Pro

    Snipers from Ghost in the Grass - a release!

    Marine Sniper, My only suggestion is to remove that awful face that you have hard coded into the model and allow OFP to use the default faces randomly, thereby also allowing custom faces to be assigned using the setface command. Not everyone likes their snipers to have lipstick, and eyeshadow. Other than that, it looks pretty good. Keep improving it though, im sure you still see room for improvement in some areas.
  3. Silent Pro

    Terrorism or "Modern" war?

    I never stated that our nation has the purity of a saint, no nation has that. No people on this earth have that. I agree that our country should be accountable for it's mistakes and intentional injustices. I myself am a proud American who might call himself a patriot in the name of the ideals by which this country was originally established, a Jeffersonian if you will. I am not proud of the fact that after 9/11 hundreds if not thousands of Arab Americans were detained, questioned and literally disappeared from society for a period of about three weeks. The last time in history i heard of that happening was in latin america: Brazil, Argentina and Chile under fascist rule. That says something about what i feel this government is bordering close to. In no way do I support the war by ignoring our shortcomings and glorifying our successes. Capturing Saddam was inconsequential, it was fluff...nice to know he's behind bars but, what did it matter? We were still occupying a country and our soldiers are still left there without a "clear" objective and strategy. The terrorists may view us as terrorists as we bomb them and salvo them with artillery fire and gunship fire. But, i do not in my right mind ever label all peoples of islam as terrorists because a select few are jihadists who feel it is necessary to behead and suicide bomb westerners. My point was directed at Chill, he was not stating a fact. He didnt even explain himself. I was challenging him to be more substantial in his accusations, if he feels i am a terrorist...i want to know why he feels like he is superior to me. Why i have to be villified? Americas current administration suffers from a superiority complex, not it's people. This administration has coined terms such as "unilateral pre-emption", similar to cold war era catch phrases created by Presidents Reagan and Bush. The path is the same no matter how much the administration denies it, they are still using a coldwar era doctrine to fight a 21st century war in which there are flashpoints all over the globe and not enough americans to be fighting them. This is not warfare, nor is it terrorism. They want our annhialation, right now they are simply murdering us like criminals. They want a war with the USA only they want it in reality, not psychologically. They want the war on our land, they want our streets to be ravaged by war as theirs have been for years. Pain is what they want for us, they want us to suffer the same pain if not more. They dream of cleansing this world of our civilization, and others like it. They dream of the day that islam will be the religion and political organization of all people in the world. Here's some light reading to support these allegations. Islamic Extremist Training Manual Links to Islamic Extremist Websites
  4. Silent Pro

    Terrorism or "Modern" war?

    Flame bait anyone? Would anyone like to take a freebie at a troll? It's a perfect opportunity, mighty tempting i must admit. So who are you to be calling Americans terrorists? What glorious pompous name would you refer to yourself with?
  5. Silent Pro

    Config question

    He can do whatever he wants with the addon as long as he doesnt distribute it and misrepresent the work he did or the work BAS did.
  6. Silent Pro

    New bas thread

    Thanks, Avon and Kurayami. I will also be surprised when it is released
  7. Silent Pro

    New bas thread

    I did retexture it for my own use at first. But i then got in contact with Tigershark, and he and the BAS team were interested in including this reskin as part of their Pavehawk update. BAS will release this but give me credit for my work on the textures.
  8. Silent Pro

    New bas thread

    Well i am the one that reskinned it.
  9. Silent Pro

    New bas thread

    Funny enough, but even I dont know when they are going to release that desert pavehawk. Large Shot Large Shot 2
  10. Silent Pro

    An error

    Hehe... You really need to get outside more.
  11. Silent Pro

    An error

    Try downloading the hisky pack with the installer, same goes for the moon and star pack. By the way, half of the time you seem to post in the wrong forum, whats up with that? And whats up with using the word "like"... Not "like" i havent heard enough Orange County girls "like" use that word "like" 10 times in the same sentence, "like" anyways... Hope the installer works for you
  12. Silent Pro

    Ofp needs to be updated

    One problem with that idea Sputnik, servers are already doing this by providing a "Zeus Addon Pack", "MTCO" pack or even a "Citadel Pack" for download. The packs are in excess of 100MB's usually and by the time OFP2 is released we will have server addon packs that reach past 600MB's. So on top of the size of the package, now there are several of these packages floating around with many of the same addons enclosed within them. So what you have is people downloading different addon packs for different servers with redundant addons in each package. Waste of space and time. The only way your idea would work is if BIS officially put their stamp on the package, released a patch to prevent modified config messages in multiplayer and unified the package across all of OFP's compatible platforms. Then the community would accept the addons as a standard, and only then. Until then every server, modfication team, clan etc... will continue to have it's own agenda and thus it's own idea of what addons they deem useful. Even if one or two servers participate in creating a standardized addon pack...the problem still lies in getting the concept to take off with the community. The best solution I think are the replacement config modifications which others including myself have created, which simply replace units with newer and better versions. The community seems very enthusiastic about this for the following reasons: The user simply has to download what they need, the config replaces the desired units so now the problem of creating missions for the addons is no longer an issue. You can replay OFP's single player missions, Multiplayer missions, CWC, resistance, or red hammer campaigns with the new units. It also allows mission makers to avoid the complication of requring users to download addons for their missions as they can be played wtih the config mod, or without...its up to the user.
  13. Silent Pro

    Earl & sucheys marines problem!

    Right...email account, harddrive, whats the difference anyway*sarcasm*?
  14. Silent Pro

    Earl & sucheys marines problem!

    You have 6mb of free HD space? Â I dont think windows will even allow you to boot up unless you have more than 100mb due to virtual memory, pagefile or swap file usage. You might be able to boot, but it will probably warn you and tell you to delete stuff, and then prevent you from running anything that uses virtual memory with an "Error, Out of memory" message. Time to clear out your p0rn folder kiddo:D P.S Can't believe you've been missing out on all these great addons because of dial up. If broadband's available, get it....ASAP!
  15. Silent Pro

    U.s. army special forces

    If you guys are looking for ideas for these SF guys, i can suggest using DTD's No Easy Day Modification for Ghost Recon as a reference and guide. There are several character models and loads of weapons available, what interests me in particular are the expansive m4 variations available to the spec ops community, it really is astounding. No Easy Day Modification P.S Nice work Extraction, i am fairly pleased with several of these guys...theres always room for improvement but, its easy to see that the effort is there. Keep it up, cant wait to see the next phase.
  16. Silent Pro

    U.s. army special forces

    If you guys are looking for ideas for these SF guys, i can suggest using DTD's No Easy Day Modification for Ghost Recon as a reference and guide. There are several character models and loads of weapons available, what interests me in particular are the expansive m4 variations available to the spec ops community, it really is astounding. No Easy Day Modification P.S Nice work Extraction, i am fairly pleased with several of these guys...theres always room for improvement but, its easy to see that the effort is there. Keep it up, cant wait to see the next phase.
  17. Silent Pro

    Vdv pack v2.0 by orcs

    Yeah i was thinking maybe the vodka is an issue. It wouldnt be the first time i've seen someone posting while under the influence.
  18. Silent Pro

    Vdv pack v2.0 by orcs

    Your units are excellent Denorc. Personally, i have tried your units and put them against a 4 man squad of delta's including myself, the fight was not unfair. Also 11 men vs one of sigma's m1 abrams did not end in the abrams losing...it was damaged but the abrams cleaned house. So i dont know where these "biased" issues are coming from because i am certainly not seeing them, in fact these guys tend to act and react in a very human way. Denorc, I dont understand how or why you make statements like this: I dont remember anyone mentioning the quote above in this thread at all. Really, your english is not all that bad but what the heck do your Cold War era sentiments have to do with your addon or anyone here? The impression I get from some of your posts is that the rest of the world with the exception of you and G.W Bush, have joined the post cold war era. There is no need for your flame bait here.
  19. Silent Pro

    Green berets

    I was under the impression he wanted Nam era Green Berets, thats why i referred him to the nampack. From my experience the nampack has army Air Cav and marines, but so what? It also has SEALS, MFR and Army SF(Green Berets), which is what he is looking for.
  20. Silent Pro

    Green berets

    You've heard of SEB's NAMPACK 2 right? They dont explicitly list green berets, however green berets fall under the category of Special Forces thus...using any one of the Special Forces Units is using a green beret. They just dont have the berets modelled though...but im sure you can survive without them.
  21. Silent Pro

    Total request addon workshop

    The m1014 has already been made by Inquisitor and Earl. Both versions are superb, i like Earl's a bit more though.
  22. Silent Pro

    F-117a nighthawk

    Hi Vektorboson, I love your new pilots! They look great, but i have a few suggestions. The visor seems a bit too large and needs to be a bit more round around the bottom. This link should show you what i mean Excellent Pics Hope this might help you in your final stages of releasing this addon.
  23. Silent Pro

    Total request addon workshop

    Regarding pilots, Vektorboson is going to release a new pilot complete with HGU-55 helmet and O2 mask. So far it looks very good, much better by far when compared to the standard BIS pilot. I would be prepared to use this pilot in my config to replace the pilots who fly fixed wing aircraft such as the SU25 and A10, and leave the BAS pilots for flying the helo's. See his thread about the f117, screenshots included.
  24. Silent Pro

    Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

    I think you posted in the wrong thread Bobcatt