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Silent Pro

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Everything posted by Silent Pro

  1. Silent Pro

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    For those of you looking for 85' Era soldiers and equipment, my config keeps things at that level and maintains the integrity of BIS's original values for all units. The config works in MP, and i have pretty much worked out most of the bugs that would cause it to crash in SP and MP. So far this is what i have replaced....excluding the Resistance. WEST Weapons ---------             Replaced With                ------------------- M16                Earls M16A2   M16/M203            WGL M16/M203 XM177E2             Crime City Colt Commando Xm177E2S            Lasers M733 Carbine w/CCO M60 GPMG            INQ M60 Satchel              "  " C4 MP5SD6             INQ MP5SD6 M21                TOW M21 G3A3 ? FNFAL ? UZI UZISD              Crime City UZI SD Soldier Units -------------- Soldier             Hyk 1985 US Soldier Pilot              BAS 160th SOAR Pilots Officer             Hyk 1985 Officer w/ Boonie Officer Night         Hyk 1985 US Soldier BlackOp Day         Lasers Nomex Delta BlackOp            Laser's Delta Operator w/ NOD Blackop LaserGuided   Lasers Nomex Delta Tank Crew          Rudedogs 85' Tank Crew Vehicles ------------- M1A1               SIGMA's M1A1 M2A2               CBT_M2A2ODS M113            CBT M113A2 M113 Ambulance       CBT M113A3 M60                SIGMA's M60 UH-60               BAS MH60K UH-60 MG            BAS UH60L(Plan to reskin in OD) A10(LGB)             Oyman's A10 Grey A10                Oymans A10 OH58 Kiowa           Silesian AH-64           Silesian AH-1            COG Huey Cobra EAST Weapons ---------             Replaced With                ------------------- AK47                       INQ AK47 AK74                       " " AK74 AK47/GL                     " " AK47 + GP30 AK74/GL                     " " AK74 + GP30 AK74SU                     " " AK74SU SVD                       ICP SVD PK                        ICP PK Soldier Units --------------- Soldier DRF Soldier Pilot Tank Crew RHS Tank Crew Officer DRF Officer Spetznaz DRF Spetznaz Vehicles --------------- T55                        RHS Type 59G T72 SIG T72B T80                        SIG T80BV BMP1                       CSLA BMP2                       CSLA Mi17                       CSLA Mi24                       CSLA Su25                       Silesian The Resistance has been replaced with Edges Guerillas, RHS's T55's and of course what is availabe from INQ's weaponpack...other than that i cant think of what else i've changed so far. Also i replaced the weak ass MM1 sound with the one used in ghost recon...soooo much better in my opinion. I have not released this and its not ready for download yet, but i may do it after getting permission from certain addon makers who have not yet been contacted such as Crime City and Laser.
  2. Sorry guys i think im done with all this nonsense.
  3. looking forward to more talk, and no walk from you the internet tough guy.
  4. Look im sorry you couldnt argue your way out of your own circular logic...why do you have to take that out on me? It's not my fault you're that way.
  5. I have inspiration for a new sig now.
  6. Moron, you wanted me to flame you so you could draw attention away from your stupid assumptions. You're about as sincere as George W. Bush. So what does the average gamer(you) who gets off on M733's and protecs have to offer the community? Nothing, because you thought i was nothing just like you. This has gone on far enough.
  7. Glad you like it so much, but wGFXupgrade has been out for several months now...hope you dont go off and delete ECP, Y2K3 or EECP just for my small contribution. After everything you've said, i dont really know what merit your comments have.
  8. oohhh Tell us more Silent Pro.. and are you an addon maker??? no?? maybe perhaps a beta-tester?? no not even? sorry it appears your just like me, the average gamer who feels a little important because you know all about the Protec and the M733. Im glad someone gets off on that  thank you really for educating me all about the Pro-tec helmet because its really a true important part of life for us High School Drop outs out there. You should do your homework before you unleash your genius on these forums. Updated BAS Pavehawks West GFX Upgrade
  9. Hmmm, long lost brother perhaps? ...seperated at birth...que the dramatic daytime soap music!
  10. They are great units, and one way that i've been enjoying them is by using them in my config replacement. I use the operator with woodland and the NOD for the black op night and i use the nomex version for the blackop day. Also i replaced the XMS with the M733 carbine. Using these guys to capture guba in the last mission of the CWC campaign was priceless. I use these guys as i feel they are closer to what delta operators were like in the mid 80's rather than BAS's.
  11. If i am bringing Lasers addon down, why the hell does he welcome my criticism and comments? Sounds like you are taking this much more to heart than he is. Chill out internet tough guy. Do you feel better now, have you released your teen angst yet? By the way geeks everywhere are powering everything you depend on, including having fun with your OFP addons such as Lasers Delta's, they even provide you with the freedom to voice your intelligent opinion on these forums, and for your mom to drive you to the rehab clinic...so perhaps you should be more careful about accusing someone of being a geek, because lately more people are using that as a compliment, because geeks are making it in life. Not high school drop outs.
  12. no i believe you pointed out BAS yourself in your first post when you decided to do an entire "Addon Breakdown" which was entirely not needed. Laser explained his own units already of what they are and what they represented which left you in no place to provide your commentary on comparing them to BAS's. All you had to do was give you opinions on Laser's Delta's and his alone without comparing them to BAS Units. So no you dont get it, just leave your nice comments and be through with it. Take their cock outta your mouth first before posting any of your "Constructive Critisim". :-) First of all you need to READ the WHOLE thread to back up your claims, Laser did not clarify his intentions and the purpose of his addon until after my first post. My post was aimed at all of those who are obsessed either by hating BAS or constantly worshipping them, there was plenty of that before i got into this. I can clearly see what kind of fanatic you are. By the way who the hell gave you authority to decide what comments I should leave on this topic Mr. Uber Moderator? Where do you get off telling me that my comments are unwelcome? What kind of sniveling, snot nosed pimple faced high school drop out thinks he can spout off like that, because of an addon? I simply compared for those people who are too blind or dumb to compare the details of both units( hint hint ). Laser never did this, you did not do this. So for you to say that it is unnecessary is pretty dumb considering a lot of people cant even see the difference between BAS's deltas and the rangers. And what it took for them to see the difference was for Laser to produce a set which features....guess what folks, a black protec, an m733 carbine w/ aimpoint and black body armor. People suddenly wake up and think...oh yeah that looks like Hoot from BHD, OMG, those are DELTAS!!. Most people dont even realize that among those delta operators who were participating in Op. Gothic Serpent, there were SEALS's and USAF CCT's who were wearing the same loadouts or similar to the SFOD-D guys, and no one would ever know the difference, without...DETAIL!!!. Something you obviously dont understand. Landwarrior. Grow up, Â stick to Teen chat rooms. You shouldnt say cock by the way, your mom might take your computer away and erase your porn @Laser I appreciate your openness to comments and constructive criticsims. I am not at all offended by your posts, however annoyed with posts by people like Landwarrior87 and Munk (encountered in another topic). Keep up the great work, I look forward to your next release.
  13. @Laser I never gave you all that much credit for the weapons in the first place, i do like some of them though. There is no need to emphasize what you did do on these units, your work is not in question. I believe you did fulfill the role of creating a good BHD era operator. I cannot be corrected with regard to the helmet, as the MICH and TC2000 are one in the same, see the link... MICH/TC2000 However your MICH seems somewhat large compared to the photos seen on the link i gave, and photos of the operators using the helmet at militaryphotos.net. I feel your work is very good but could benefit from some refinement to really make them more complete. @LandWarrior If i was kissing ass i would sound just like you do in your last post. You dont even get it do you? My point was that Lasers and BAS's deltas are two different units from two different time periods. Laser intended that to be the case, for them to look like BHD era operators from the 90's and a mix from current day operators, not like BAS's modern Deltas from around 2001 - current day. But as i mentioned you dont see that. It's just, "yay, protec, and CAR15 w/ Aimpoint, I love you i want to give birth to your children". Laser has produced some fine work here, but why is it so important to mention BAS, why compare? Why even mention BAS? They made totally different units...one is not better than the other, i would use Lasers units for something different than what i would use BAS's for. Mistaking my comments for something totally biased...like say your post ( not pointing any fingers, toes...etc) is totally absurd. Some of you kids here need to understand what constructive criticicism is and learn how to compare two things without getting personal about it.
  14. Silent Pro

    M4 Pack

    No good ones yet huh? So you want the same people who made these packs to make a pack for you, but you say their first packs are no good. I think you're just lazy.
  15. Silent Pro

    M4 Pack

    If anything addonmakers should be consolidating all the m4 packs into one which has only the best quality of all the m4's available, and thats a lot of them.
  16. Great deltas Laser, but to all those here who keep feeling the need to add that these are better than BAS's or that they can delete BAS's now...why? What is the point of saying that? These are two different versions of the same unit from different time periods. The protec helmets are being used less and less now a days, especially by SFOD-D. Just because they look look like the delta's from BHD does not make them better because they used that particular look in a movie. There are lots of things that are different between BAS's and these... ...nice protec and m733 for all you BHD fanatics(even i like these as i too feel they were sorely missed) ...they have the cool single piece NOD(nice touch, model needs refinement though) ...textures are resonably good(fairly inaccurate though) ...moveable goggles ...varied weaponpack(some models better than others, some are chopped up versions of several existing weapons) ...19 different soldier models ... 3 different uniform outfits BAS's ...Excellent BDU textures of highest quality ...Appropriate MICH, or is it the TC2000 helmet? ...Large weaponpack ...Improved body armor values ...Nomex gloves ...detailed pouches, vests, utilities, Â and armor ...proper camelbak ...models and textures do not tear or warp ...They match the quality and attention to detail that their vehicles and other addons have. ...Several purpose built hi quality missions designed for these units. Lasers and BAS's units may be modelled after the same unit. However if anything they were modeled from different time periods i would say, Lasers represents moreso the unit during the 90's. BAS's gives a fairly good representation of what SFOD-D is like right now and has been since 2001. I'd also like to add that Laser did not do this all on his own, as many neglect to read the documents supplied with the units...you would see that he credits many others for their help, work and permission to use their work in his addon including BAS. The biggest complaint about BAS's stuff has been the weaponpack and the ability to distinguish between Rangers and Delta. People want to be able to look at them like they did in the BHD movies and say "ooh black protec, black vest and armor....blatant USA flag across the chest and an m733 or m727, that must be a Delta operator". Sorry but you need to look harder.... The rangers have their gear, they wear the RACK, RBA, and have their helmets covered with the appropriate woodland or 3 color desert BDU. The deltas have the same helmet, no cover though...different body armor, different vests and uncamouflaged camelbacks. Really guys if a protec helmet and an m733 is what makes an addon the best , then I think your value of these units is much more subjective and less about the quality.
  17. Silent Pro

    BAS Tonali SF and BTR-T

    So that makes you what? A troll at best, but most likely just someone too young and stupid to understand what REAL LIFE is.
  18. Silent Pro

    Drill Sergeants SWP Addon pack.

    Ok, first off i am not attacking Drill Sergeant in any manner, why you feel the need to attack me on his behalf is beyond me. I offer solid suggestions with a real strong ground for argument (not name calling or malicious accusations), and your response does not even justify your support nor Drill Sergeants reasons for continuing down this path. Basically all i've gathered from the arguments presented is that DS chose to make a high poly model, he corrected some errors, had some textures before and now needs new ones for revised models...he's sticking to high poly models because thats his preference. He needs a texture artist to make these look good. You tell me to shutup because you like DS and his work and then you tell me this is for free and he's sharing his work? I cant EVEN sample the work. It has been taken offline. For now the only pertinent information about this addon is that there are some screenshots and that the models are high poly...the rest is all talk. If anything...you need to read these posts more carefully before letting the fanboy inside get the best of you.
  19. Silent Pro

    Drill Sergeants SWP Addon pack.

    If you look at these posts Munk, the file was taken offline before I posted. So i had nothing to do with the "I'm taking my ball with me.." response. Instead of demonizing me why dont you realize what i had posted and think about it. A proven formula has been established by professionals long before you, Gordy, or Drill Sergeant were even drooling at the sight of a 3 dimensional model. Yet you all think you're breaking new ground? You're not breaking any rules, you're just ignoring them. You wont be acomplishing anything unseen or "revolutionary" in OFP. You are skirting aside the suggestions and recommendations by not just the OFP community but game art design methodology in use by the game industry. You claim to be pushing limits, but most of us see you as going backward, you really are reinventing the wheel by going through all the pitfalls that the original inventors already went through. Drill Sergeant, you cant change the world, especially not in this sense. You want to give us a monster truck in place of a Porsche 911 Carerra. Sorry but, i dont think so.
  20. Silent Pro

    Drill Sergeants SWP Addon pack.

    Dont bother, they're not even textured yet.
  21. Silent Pro

    Updated BAS Pavehawks

    Your welcome GoOB! @ Heavy Metal Thats because the site is not back online yet. I myself will miss BAS's presence as well, had a feeling this was coming though. It is sad, but i hope i can see you BAS guys and gals playing online more often. Would be a pleasure to do some co-op's and even some CTF, C&H with you all. Enjoy your break BAS, you've earned it.
  22. Silent Pro

    Updated BAS Pavehawks

    Theres always a critic, hope everyone is enjoying the updates to the pavehawks. To the point. No, it doesnt look quite right when 160th flyboys are crewing this bird but, we all realize that. Let me tell you a little story, maybe it'll help some of you learn from it. First off i'd like to say gamers are some of the most spoiled, immature, selfish beggars and hermits on the planet (of course you know what kind i am speaking of). Now, going back about 3 or 4 months ago BAS released their latest addon, the USAF HH60 series PaveHawks, before hand they had warned us not to expect a desert version to accompany it. At release I indeed saw that it was missing, i played the demo mission. Had fun, but i knew BAS could not be whined (you know like what some of you do here), wined (as in intoxicated) or dined into making the desert skin, no matter how much I or the others missed the desert version. So i went ahead and did it myself. Luckily i had a few days off and had completed the reskin within the next day or so. At that point i now had my own desert version flying around tonal, Nogova...etc. Was i all that happy that i now had this all to myself? No not really, I was proud of my work but was missing something. I knew BAS wanted a desert version, BAS week was struggling and i sought to do something for the community. I provided them with this reskin to distribute with their updates and have never regretted it since. Now most of the OFP community knows, cares and is excited about their existance, I had tried to gain some exposure before but, only few really cared. So if you want something, go do it yourself before you make yourself a nuisance to those who need not be bothered with the whining of a child who is not his/her own. Go start your own PJ's, SEALS, or updated infantry pack. If you dont have the skill, learn how if it matters that much to you. To those who are grateful and understand what BAS is about. You guys have been very supportive and understanding...may you all someday contribute to this community.
  23. Silent Pro

    Very Important Announcement from BAS

    Hellfish, I really hope your PR threats are not directed at me, because i dont know what I did wrong at this point.
  24. Silent Pro

    Very Important Announcement from BAS

    BAS, What a good run you guys made for OFP, we will never forget how it all started with your littlebird's and how you finished things off with the mostly complete pavehawks. Your other unreleased projects full of ambition and excitement will leave us all with an empty feeling, since we never got to experience them. We can only hope that the many other talented individuals in this community will pick up where you left off. May you make a speedy return to us. Best wishes to all of you at BAS. P.S (If it's ok with you guys, i will release the desert pavehawk).
  25. Silent Pro

    Drill Sergeants SWP Addon pack.

    The point is that it has been shown and proven that hi res Jpeg textures on any 3d model in OFP are texture memory hogs. Creating hi poly models and using them is not impossible, texturing them with hi res images and then trying to use them is impractical. Maybe it's your time wasted but, just like anything...if you try to prove to people that your brute force method of doing things is the best way possible rather than doing things the most efficient way possible, you are sure to have many people complain. I am not complaining but, you want your models to be high poly, thats your choice. But just know you cannot backup claims of high levels of performance and compatability with one or two cases, and then apply your successes across the board for all cases After you texture these, how will ofp react? Why push the limits of the 3d engine? Its not a 3d benchmark you are trying to make, its an addon. Developers have held to the simple formula for 3d models and their textures for a long time now, simple models(low poly), great textures(high detail and compressed) and recently (HW t&l effects, bump mapping, pixel shading, vertex shading...etc). The focus has never been and will not be the 3d model until much later down the road. Until bus speeds and transfer rates become wide enough to accomodate what is needed to calculate the geometry of these high poly models, you will not see them in usage. It has and always will be the textures, lighting, shading and effects that make a 3d model look great, not the other way around. OFP's problem is memory managment like i said earlier. With poly's, it doesnt matter how large they are. A face is still just a group of vertices no matter what scale it is. Rendering a face without textures is cake for any system, rendering each face with mapped textures is what tests the systems GPU, CPU, RAM and video ram subystems. And yes JPEG, textures are a no-no. You want to squeeze every single frame per second out of a 3d engine, not gouge it until it cant take anymore. Hope that helps you understand what all the hoopla is about.