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Silent Pro

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Everything posted by Silent Pro

  1. Silent Pro

    Spyware Troubleshooter

    Spyware is a likely candidate for problems including : fragmentagtion of HDD, performance slow downs, increased cpu usage, file corruption, out of memory errors, and even BSOD's. It's possible that it caused your freeze up. By the way some handy tools in case you dont know where to look: Ad-Aware 1.06 Spybot Search and Destroy CW Shredder HiJackThis Spy Subtract
  2. Silent Pro

    Spyware Troubleshooter

    Spyware is a likely candidate for problems including : fragmentagtion of HDD, performance slow downs, increased cpu usage, file corruption, out of memory errors, and even BSOD's. It's possible that it caused your freeze up. By the way some handy tools in case you dont know where to look: Ad-Aware 1.06 Spybot Search and Destroy CW Shredder HiJackThis Spy Subtract
  3. Silent Pro

    Spyware Troubleshooter

    So you just want to know if anyone else has had this problem right? You might want to start by telling us what the problem was in the first place, instead of telling us "it messed up" and you took it in to get it fixed.
  4. Silent Pro

    Spyware Troubleshooter

    So you just want to know if anyone else has had this problem right? You might want to start by telling us what the problem was in the first place, instead of telling us "it messed up" and you took it in to get it fixed.
  5. Silent Pro

    Bushfires Mod

    Hellfish, Â Your mod sounds very promising. But i might recommend you get in contact with Maddog McEwan the founder and CO of the 666th Black Brigade, he was in South Africa and served during the Angolan war as a member of 51 Recce. He has a wealth of first hand information and has several contacts with other South Africans who would be very interested in this modification. You can reach him at this url http://www.666th.com his contact info should be somewhere on the site, if you cant reach him you can always post in their forum. BTW, tell him Eagle sent you
  6. Silent Pro

    ODOL >>MLOD Problem

    Hi, I recently took Hyk's Woodland Officer and wanted to upgrade that old stinky Hotdog Stand Cap to a proper US Army patrol cap. So i did, but the problem is that the lower torso part of the model warps but...everything else is pretty much fine. I've tried downloading BIS's sample models but they seem to no longer be available for download due to the ftp being down. I did manage to use Matthijs's Int. soldier for reference but that got me no where. If someone has encountered this problem what do i need to do to fix it. P.S I know that ODOL Explorer screws some parts of the model up, but i really dont have any other options for creating a soldier right now. Especially since all i want to do is modify the hat. Many Thanks, Silent Pro
  7. Silent Pro

    LSR Addons

    Good enuff for me Flogger. I'm sorry about jumping on your back like that, its only too often that the kind of behavior i described is displayed here at these forums. Im all for open discussions and im glad to know that it's being encouraged. I for one felt JAM had great potential but because of the lack of unity eveeryones been speaking of, it never took off. Perhaps snypa can share exactly what he means in terms of the applications to the actual config file.
  8. Silent Pro

    LSR Addons

    Maybe i misunderstood you, but your last post seemed to come across as one which commonly has the convenient position of tossing something aside without providing anything useful to take it's place. You ask for people to bring in new concepts yet you have nothing to offer yourself? Isn't that kind of like making everyone do the work for you?
  9. Silent Pro

    LSR Addons

    I agree with Acecombat, but more importantly if you have the ability to bitch about JAM being an old concept, then surely you must have some new concept that is worth talking about. If you do then please share it. If not, i suggest you keep sitting on the sidelines where opinions from those who have nothing to offer (other than a bad attitude) matter the most.
  10. Silent Pro

    idot guide to the mortar fireing

    The best part is that i just saw this for the first time no more than a minute before i logged in here. Hey i think it would be cool if a moderator made that flash movie a sticky post for all the "billy"'s out there.
  11. Silent Pro

    idot guide to the mortar fireing

    Posting and You...
  12. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    Extraction is right. I am limited to reskinning the model ONLY. By the way if you guys knew why STT is doing this, you would not question his decision at all. Trust me this will benefit us all in the long run.
  13. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    Guys, this involves things that are greater than ourselves. Please respect STT's decision on this matter and my own to comply with his requests, as it is his work after all. It's not for me or anyone else except STT to decide. I'm sorry
  14. Silent Pro

    ODOL >>MLOD Problem

    Thanks guys. I'll give everyone's suggestion a shot. I just got back from a nice weekend with my girlfriend. Lester, Im using the v.2.0 standalone public release.
  15. Silent Pro

    ODOL >>MLOD Problem

  16. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    I'm hoping you guys saw the screenshots posted on the first post so you can see what color these blackhawks will look like. Funny but i keep hearing from you guys about the color and i spent a good amount of time trying to get the color right, and it was not easy at all. Monty, i will most likely go with a lot of your suggestions since you seem to have the most information regarding these birds. I will give you a hollar if i need more.. Thank you all for your suggestions, they have given me many options and pathways to go with this project. However in keeping with the standards that BAS had kept, i want these to be as realistic as their previous blackhawk releases.
  17. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    Just so you know i have been granted permission to release. However, for basic quality control i have agreed to run these by Tigershark before im ready to cut them loose. But so far all i have are the two variants seen in the screenshots. So please dont think that these are all near completion. Maximus, Unfortunately i wont be going that route, because first and foremost this addon is standalone. Meaning it can be used without a dependency on the original game. However, this addon will require BAS's original Blackhawks for usage. Sorry man. If you want i can save you the hassle of Un-pbo'ing the addon by giving you the p3d path.
  18. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    Glad to see so much interest!! Â I will take the suggestion about adding the seats back into the blackhawks, but I will miss seeing those BAS cargo proxies. As for the pilot, co-pilot deal...i dont think it's possible to have two pilot or two gunner positions on any vehicle in OFP.
  19. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    I chose that variant as a direct replacement for the BIS version for the config modders. That variant may not be a common one but according to FAS.ORG the variant is possible, as they can mount anything on those pylons that is compatible with the system and im sure ffar pods would be one of those items. As for the different MG's, i think that might be a good way of mixing things up. However i dont know of any systems other than the m60, .50 cal m2, m240 and 7.62 m134 that are being deployed on these blackhawks.
  20. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    These are US Army variants, the MG version is just a reskin of the BAS UH-60L. However the UH-60 with 2x FFARS and fuel tanks was a modification of the AH60L DAP. The medevac version will be in need of some model tweaking as well.
  21. Silent Pro

    Updated UH-60 Blackhawks for OFP

    The medevac version will look something like this... >100KB
  22. Silent Pro

    PMS - Sniper Pack

    These look very nice, but will you guys please remove that hard coded face. That thing has been around since the first p3d edited sniper's were released back in 2001, even before Resistance was out. IMHO it's dated, of low quality and looks plain weird. Worst case scenario, replace it with something better. But ultimately it would be nice if you could leave that so that OFP uses the selected user face and the AI randomly selects a face.
  23. Silent Pro

    USB brand

    So is this a PCI-USB expansion card? Or is this an onboard USB Controller? If its onboard try and update the drivers by downloading the latest VIA Hyperion or 4-in-1 drivers. If it is not onboard download the latest drivers from the manufacturer of the PCI-USB card.
  24. Silent Pro

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    @Kurayami I know things arent entirely 100% 1985, but as i said...im trying to keep it as close as possible. I did research various things such as the T80 and T72, but I can only work with what has been made. Many of the differences however are not seen in terms of the models and textures but rather the functionality and capabilities of the real world hardware. In this case im only using the models and textures, with BIS's default values...things like increased thrust in the real UH60L wont make a difference differentiating between the UH60A or L since i use the default values anyway and there are few visible differences between the two. The MH60K, well like i said I can only work with what i have at the moment. My next task might be to actually modify the mh-60k model or the DAP to look like the UH60L w/ pylons for FFAR's and Hellfires. As for using the wrong M2 versions well that was an honest mistake, and i should have researched that better. Thanks for letting me know. EDIT Misread your bit about the T55, i will reevaluate my options on that one since it may not be the most accurate. But you should also remember that price is ultimately what the sale of any equipment comes down to, and China was and is very good at cannibalizing and reproducing Russian equipment into their own variants for sale to many sources including small slavic or Balkan island states. In my opinion i feel that the Type59 is indeed a fairly realistic option. Wolf, Â I'd like to send it to you but at the moment i dont think im ready to start distributing it to people, i think it needs more work and honestly i dont have permission from everyone's work im using yet. So until then, using Papys or Kurayami's config may be an option. Or rather, developing your own config some more might be fun.
  25. Silent Pro

    Y2K3 Vs EECP

    For the 85 stuff, i dont feel it is that important to replace things like the urals and 5ton trucks... besides like you said thats not available right now. So far everything that is pretty much a combat piece has been replaced.