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Silent Pro

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About Silent Pro

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  1. Silent Pro

    ATI Crash...Arma has encountered a problem

    Thrott, do you have a Creative Labs X-Fi sound card? The thing that seemed to increase my stability the most was disabling the hardware acceleration and EAX? Any experience with that?
  2. Silent Pro

    ATI Crash...Arma has encountered a problem

    I updated my ArmA to 1.14, performance seemed to get a nice burst of life after that! All I needed now was to ensure the stability. So i began perusing some of these threads some more and found a few instances of people droppping their ArmA graphics settings to Normal or Low and disabling Audio Hardware Acceleration and EAX. Guess what? It actually worked. Not the greatest solution as I absolutely love EAX and having Hardware Accelerated audio, and 2x anti-aliasing. But, hey I can run ArmA! I guess i'll sort the rest out as i go.
  3. Silent Pro

    ATI Crash...Arma has encountered a problem

    Yep, thats what the Hot Fix drivers are for. Been installing those since they released them in January(Catalyst 8.1). Basically anyone with an AGP card on vista or XP was unable to run any DirectX based game, you couldn't even get the dxdiag tests to run. The link above isn't resolving for me right now. Can't really do that since ATI borked their AGP support as of the 7.8 release till 8.1. Believe me I've actually spent almost a whole year patching this turd of a video card trying to get it to work. Thanks for trying, I just wish I knew someone who has been able to get past this.
  4. Hi, I've searched around the forums a bit and have seen quite a few suggestions on how to get around this "Arma has encountered a problem" CTD but i've not seen anything definitive for a particular setup. So to start, I'll explain my issue and my setup. CPU: AMD Barton 3200+ RAM: 2GB PC3200 OCZ DDR GPU: AGP Visiontek ATI Radeon HD2600XT 512MB RAM Sound Card: Sound Blaster X-FI XtremeGamer ATI CCC Settings: (Running Visiontek/ATI 8.6 drivers. Can't run 8.8's since those cause my games to go into a full lock) AA = Let software choose AF = Let software choose VSYNC = Disabled AI = Disabled ArmA Settings (Running ArmA v.1.06 right now, but have tried 1.08 and 1.14 also) : All Texture Details = Normal(except Object = High) Shading Detail = Low AA = Normal AF = Disabled Res = 1280 X 960 @ 32bit Sound: Hardware Acceleration = enabled EAX = enabled Symptoms: Launch ArmA, successfully starts up and heads into the intro. The intro runs till the part after the town and the soldiers are walking around, the next scene has the camera fly up and over a hill, once it gets over the hill strange artfiacts appear(a wall of untextured polygons forms in the sky in the distance) and then boom, CTD. If I also run the "Sanitize" mission I can get into the mission for a few moments, the minute my squad and I are able to view down on to the main street of the town where all the baddies are...the game CTD's. I have tried Disabling Catalyst AI, disabling HW acceleration, EAX, lowering my GFX settings, played with maxmem and disabled my swap/page file and I have not seen anything get better. I read somewhere that there is patch being developed to fix this issue with ATI cards, but there are so many issues with ATI cards now I am probably mistaken and am thinking of a patch to fix the problems with crossfire. Anyway, I've had ArmA for 7 months now and haven't been able to do squat. Someone help, please. Don't make me go back to OFP.
  5. Silent Pro

    Revolt 1998 Released!

    Kaos, Â I experienceed the same thing on "Respect the Gun", except instead of ALT-tabbing i hit escape to pause, then the bullet cam would launch. None the less, it was a great mission. But i was really impressed when i got to the "failed infiltration" mission with the tonali sf, the cutscene was awesome...and the mission was just as good. King Nothing, Â I hope you plan on making more campaigns. I think you have an excellent formula that will continue to amaze us and allow us to finally put to use these wonderful addons that have accumulated over the years. It's campaigns like this that make it all work together and make the efforts of the community all worth while.
  6. Silent Pro

    Revolt 1998 Released!

    Awesome work King Nothing! I've played through the first two missions and I am very impressed. This is the stuff wars are made of
  7. Silent Pro

    Black Hawk Down

    Once more, how am i interfering with their work? I am simply asking questions, and trying to have a conversation. Fortunately, someone here was able to answer some of the questions I had. So that's all this is really about, sharing information and knowledge, not just congratulating or criticizing the authors. If some of you would see beyond the image of me not jumping on the bandwagon and just take it for what it is, there would be a lot less conflict and tension in these forums. Jagy, good luck with your mod. I understand why you are doing things this way and I am sure you'll have good news for everyone here very soon. But I'd also like to share this link with you where you can read Mark Bowdens actual account of the Battle of Mogadishu, there is also a lot fo information there about the Nightstalkers. Hope this helps. NightStalkers Don't Quit
  8. Silent Pro

    Black Hawk Down

    Did anyone here dictate jagy's direction for his mod? No. Are we curious to know where it's going, Yes! Are we asking questions? Yes! Are we allowed to ask? I would think so, otherwise this sure as hell wouldn't be much of a discussion now would it. What is the point of opening up a thread to discuss a project if the fans continue to get their toes stepped on, when people ask questions. "Please god, save me from your followers".
  9. Silent Pro

    Black Hawk Down

    Modifications to BAS's blackhawks are allowed, but only limited to textures and skinning. Model changes are explicitly prohibited. Why anyone would want to modify that model is beyond me. I agree with DeathSai, if you feel those addons are not sufficient please state why you are reinventing the wheel. Nobody really knows what kind of quality you are reaching for, the only thing we know is that your current weapons look good.
  10. Silent Pro

    Black Hawk Down

    @Hurby I would get into this if anyone is willing to listen and discuss this maturely but, my instinct tells me otherwise. I've been down the path of constructive criticism before and I can say that the reactions from the fans and followers is what i worry about more so than the creators. So if you, and the authors are willing to discuss this in an appropriate manner, I'm all for it. If not, well...good luck BHD mod. @jagy I never said your mod started 6 months ago, what i was trying to say is that within the past 6 months better addons have been in existance than the ones you have already produced. Those old units by LSR were surpassed by BAS's units, now LSR has great Delta's for Operation Restore Hope as does Hyk with regard to the rangers. I believe BAS's MH60L and Littlebird need no modification to fit the time period in which you are trying to reproduce, they have virtually everything you need to effectively recreate the battle of Mogadishu. As i mentioned before if you're willing to discuss this maturely, then great! Otherwise this is all you're going to hear from me. Theres already a lot of detail in those addons, why make things harder and delay the project even more when you can build on top of what is already considered to be excellent work. The same goes for the HMMVW's and the m113's. What may be great for CSLA is not necessarily good for Black Hawk Down.
  11. Silent Pro

    Black Hawk Down

    I agree with what others have said, even though you started this mod months ago. All the addons needed have been available for at least the past 6 months, what is really needed is a good island for the scenario and good missions which manage the cpu load. Your car-15 and m733 carbine look pretty good though, I really can't say the same for the MH60L though.
  12. Silent Pro

    DMA Animation Pack 1.0

    These new anims are great Sanctuary, my compliments to you and the rest of the DMA team. Now only if Locke would release his handgun lean animation project
  13. Silent Pro

    The multiplayer face gallery

    Here's two of me, take your pick or use both.
  14. Silent Pro

    Black Hawk Down Studios

    This is my take on BHD and other similar scenarios. As long as you re-create the events in a meaningful way as in it provides some kind of historical insight, tactical or strategic value in terms of knowledge(which is out dated and useless against our forces currently) and you do not specifically use the names/images of the operatives and participants involved then, it should be permissible. A mod like this should not give the wannabe's with user names like Sgt. Eversman, Gordy, Hoot, Hathcock, Marcinko more fuel to parade the names around as if they were badges of honor for which they have bestowed upon themselves for cyber-space. I say if you keep things inline, then all should be well. Novalogic made a joke out of the event already and made money off of it. If you can do it right by the people who were there, then there is nothing anyone can really say against your project. Just my $.02
  15. Silent Pro

    Cant MP no more

    If you have SP2 installed please be sure to check your Windows firewall and security settings. If they are enabled or are blocking the ports you need for OFP to function , check out the troubleshooting section of the forum there is a thread in there that describes how to config OFP with SP2. Good Luck.