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SASR Sabre

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Everything posted by SASR Sabre

  1. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    yeh im alright guys It just me frustrating myself because i also want them to look good and i have changed them so many time but it still dont look that way. But these are my first units textures and im learning as i go along.
  2. SASR Sabre


    hmm yeh *J*'s heli's where bloody nice. pity he just left
  3. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    Yes. I contacted Earl and Suchey and we have the ok to use what we wnat from there stuff
  4. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    nps They are updating those troops as i type so there may be a new version around some time in the near future
  5. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    P Machine and regestured_fugitive made some Kiwi's ill try and find a link http://www.opflashpoint.org/downloads/addons/481-NZDF%20Infantry.zip there is also some M113's http://www.opflashpoint.org/downloa....ack.zip
  6. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    yeah your right mna it is just like you said i have had to go over these texs heaps lol
  7. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    thanks yeh im trying
  8. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    look im sorry if my textures are ruining the SASR addons. These are my first unit textures and i know they arnt up to some of the standards set by others today.
  9. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    it might be because there is a little to much dirt on them i will do my best to fix it up
  10. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    There will be soon
  11. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    i have updated textures mate those are old
  12. SASR Sabre

    OFP Motorcycles

    I think by now everyone knows that ofps aging engine has trouble with a number of things. It wasnt built to have motor bikes in the first place so i think they have done a good job. You cant tell me you havent had fun riding a motorbike in ofp? even if it is abit dodgy.
  13. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    there is an early pic of our HALO units. And these pictures show the new ability to our units to take off and put on Oakley sunglasses in true aussie style some new des versions. a half shemahg soldier. Airport patrol soldier. Please take note i had not given latest textures to skeg before he sent me these pics so textures are old.
  14. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    Yes SASR can use bassically any weapons they want that is used by aussie forces and probably some that arnt. Although they would most likely stick to M4's etc.
  15. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    @hotshot - Yeh mate i know what you mean i shall fix it up. @usmarine408 - I think it is fairly accurate for an aussie boonie.
  16. SASR Sabre

    United States Secret Service

    yeh i think Secret Service agents would be awesome for citys or more urban areas something ofp has failed to do unfortunatly
  17. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    Update of the bushies   :
  18. SASR Sabre

    Irish army

    sure man i will help thats if you still nedd it sorry for replying abit late
  19. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    lol if we do it i will get in contact with ya
  20. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    Funny bout that after looking at the screens shots we both agreed about that and it has been adressed LOL i would love them to have aussies voices and such but i wouldnt know how to make them have it.
  21. SASR Sabre

    New Uniform, new addon?

    we could make one guy in the new cam as an addon and put it on the east side and SHOOT IT!!!
  22. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    No offence to anyone in here but please let Major Fubars post be the last on that subject Thanks SASR
  23. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    Yes it is possible because thye are a special forces unit they have more of a choice so maybe they use a mixture of the two
  24. SASR Sabre

    Australian SASR

    the textures you see on all these units are early the des textures dont have any kind of wrinkles on them yet. we have them on the units now tho they just arnt in the shots