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About Schnuffi

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  1. Schnuffi

    New Animations

    Rouge you are a damn good animator and keep it up it looks great .
  2. Schnuffi

    Mp3 player!

    I want to buy the Creative Muvo tx or the Creative Muvo nx. But I still don´t know which one I should buy. Does someone own one of these ? And is the price fair ?
  3. Schnuffi

    Ofp combat photography 2. no pics over 100kb

    First picture
  4. Schnuffi

    Mapfact discussion thread

    Uhh, with flashlight it looks nice  . Are these 8 in the picture all versions of the Xm8 ?
  5. Schnuffi

    A new jam

    Sounds really good Waffen . A name could be JAP Joint Animation Project . But with the part of the scripting I can`t help you sorry.
  6. Schnuffi

    Csla 2 news

    The plane looks great but is it possible to add a animated door ? That you can walk in the plane.
  7. Schnuffi

    Did some one say

    Now this is the last picture for a while.
  8. Schnuffi

    Did some one say

    Ah i heared something that you need a beta tester ? Here a new screenshot of the walking animation.
  9. Schnuffi

    Did some one say

    Here is a picture of my animation it is not finished yet. img]http://mitglied.lycos.de/schnuffi200/safewalk.jpg[/img] image size over 100kb
  10. Schnuffi

    Did some one say

    This is a very nice animation (awesome) Â btw: I am working at an other walking animation too. If you want I can post some pictures.