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Everything posted by SpearheadUK

  1. SpearheadUK

    ArmA mod listing thread

    heres my mod for armed assault Silent Thunder thread at the moment im not creating any content, just doing the planning etc... i wanna get my hands on the game first and play it before i start adding stuff to it, lol
  2. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    This is a work in progress storyline, any suggestions or feedback are much appreciated The south pacific country of Palau-Tomasa is in turmoil after a civil uprising in 2008 overthrows the countries monarchy. Since the uprising, rival political parties and militias have struggled for power, in the year 2010 the United Nations sets up an interim government to maintain the countries stability until a permanent solution is set. Finally in the year 2015, the fair right PTCM party overthrows the interim government, killing all those who appose them, including UN officials of the interim government and the staff of a US embassy. Following the uprising by the PTCM the UN Security Council forms a resolution to send in UN forces to defuse the situation and arrest Macagba Cebauno, leader of the PCTM and other commanders of the security forces for war crimes. The two largest forces in the UN coalition, the United Kingdom and the United states, are tasked with the initial assault of the two main islands of Palau-Tomasa. Whilst the US tackles the larger island to the north, a Royal Navy and Royal Marine task force is assigned to begin the assault on the southern island…. Silent Thunder follows the British assault on the southern island of Palau-Tomasa. This near future setting allows gamers to experience the Royal Navy and Royal Marines new equipment, ships and aircraft in one of the most advanced war engines for the PC. Gamers will see the conflict through the eyes of several characters in the British military, from a pilot in the Royal Navy flying JCA F-35’s and Merlin NM Mk.1’s to a Royal Marine in the hear of battle. If you wish to help Silent Thunder, please contact kylewood@cwgsy.net or visit www.silent-thunder.co.uk
  3. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    i discussed the mod with the leader of RSKL, as some users here had suggested that we work together as we have a similar theme, but at the moment there is no possability of working together as they are already working with Project UKF to make addons and to make some missions etc... so i'll still be doing the mod as a seperate team, after all, nothing wrong with a little healthy competition for mods is there? still need some help at the moment for things like concept work (images, map planning, storywriting) and public relations, any storyline constructive criticisms or ideas to add to it would be greatly appreciated dont forget to visit my site, regular updates on equipment to be added etc... www.silent-thunder.co.uk
  4. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    no i dont have any examples of ofp work, ive only ever worked managing mods for ofp, well mainly mission making teams, such as the tales of war mission team (named joint command), ect... ive worked managing mods for HL2 and BF2 but ive only ever loved the ofp community as the other 2 were shockingly poor, as were the tools as for my signature looking like rskl, well the picture ive used was a runner up in the Royal Navy photo competition for 2005 and ive never seen their signature as for my ideas sounding like rskl's, i cant really comment on that as ive never heard of rskl's ideas, ive just seen their addons. i wrote that synopsis myself based on believable modern day politics in matters of war and use of british forces in a conflict
  5. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    Some equipment that shall be featured in the mod, i shall stick to this thread for any info on equipment or news Type 45 Daring class destroyer Silent Thunder will feature the new Type 45 Daring class destroyers, due to the multiple weapons platforms to be featured in Armed Assualt, we should be able to equip the T45 with all of its weapon range: Anti aircraft <ul>[*]SAMPSON multi-function radar tracks airborne targets. [*]S1850M 3D air search radar [*]48 Aster missiles; a mix of Aster 15 and Aster 30 [*]Phalanx CIWS (Close-in weapons system) Decoys <ul>[*]The sophisticated Seagnat decoy system allows for the seduction and distraction of radar guided weapons, through active and passive means. An infra-red 'spoofing' device is planned for future retrofits. [*]Active torpedo decoy system. Guns <ul>[*]BAE Systems 114 mm (4.5 inch) Mk 8 Mod. 1 gun [*]2 x 30 mm guns Anti Ship Missiles <ul>[*]Space for 8 AGM-84 Harpoon Torpedoes <ul>[*]Fitted 'for but not with' ship launched torpedo system. Other <ul>[*]MFS 7000 sonar CVF Aircraft Carrier Project Silent Thunder will also feature the new CVF Aircraft carriers, bringing a new range of capability to the royal navy and hence to the mod, allowing the use of Joint Combat Aircraft, AWACS aircraft, ect.... not much is currently known about the CVF, no specifications are availible, but we do know that there shall be two in service by 2015, HMS Queen Elizabeth and HMS Prince of Wales and that theyll be roughly 3 times the size of the current Invincible class aircraft carriers
  6. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    well im sure that when the time comes for the game to be released there will be a dedicated mods section on this forum, but untill such a time, this will do the job havent had any volunteers for help yet, other than sirex, much appreciated
  7. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    according to placebo in the latest interview there will be backwards compatability. ive decided to hold off the modelling ect for the mod untill both the modding tools and the game are released, and build up a mod team untill that point... this allows me and the team to concentrate on developing the research, mission plans, designs and so forth so any help from ppl skilled in Public Relations, detailed storyline writing, designing, concept art and such then please contact, any help at this point would be appreciated
  8. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    as far as im aware theres around 3 or 4 mods... theres quite a few mods from ofp that are switching to making addons for ArmA
  9. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    have you tried the bf2 special forces pack? the british voices for the sas.... they seem to be under the impression we're all gentleman from the victorian times on the battlefield.... as far as im aware most soliders are shouting and swearing a fair bit in a normal accent
  10. SpearheadUK

    Silent Thunder

    lol, ive never thought of it that way ive used the silent thunder name for quite a while, its supposed to represent stealth and power, silent being the stealth bit but as powerfull as thunder, rolling across the hills, making the ground temble beneath it ect...
  11. SpearheadUK

    RKSL OFP to ArmA

    as far as im aware the current design doesnt have that bit sticking out of the port side of ur addon: but still, nice work
  12. SpearheadUK

    OFP videography

    no words but yet the story is portrayed so well, great vid mate, quite emotional... any chance u cud tell me what music was used in it? ive been trying to find one of those songs for aaaaages
  13. SpearheadUK

    Falklands mod progress

    love it, brilliant models, but not too sure bout the land textures, looks kinda dodgy
  14. SpearheadUK

    Opf engine based photography 3 -no pics > 100kb

    thought id play around with ofp and a few addons, see how pretty my pics turn out. watchya think?
  15. SpearheadUK

    Tales of War

    Hi Im spearhead, admin at TOW:JC We have a wide range of projects that we are currently working on, from projects such as new campaigns, movie based missions and we are always working on new storylines. Another project we have is tow:jca, a teaching program to help you learn news skills. Any suggestions or feedback then feel free to post on out forums.
  16. SpearheadUK

    Tales of War: Job's and Other News!

    forgot to mention that tow:jc offers the oppertunity to teach you new skills or how to improve your old skills. JCA (joint command acadamy) gives you the chance to learn from our experianced members, you would be listed as a student on our website and missions that you have created using your new skills would have the oppertunity to be released on our website to the public. If you would like to apply to be a student, or a teacher at jca, then please email me on kylerobertwood@hotmail.com with the subject as JCA:Teacher/Student with your current skills and the skills you wish to learn or teach - = Lessons are free of charge = -
  17. SpearheadUK

    Tales of War: Job's and Other News!

    not many applicants for tow:jc. Is anyone intrested in helping at all, mission makers? scripters? writers? ect....
  18. SpearheadUK

    Tales of War: Job's and Other News!

    Hi all, my name is spearhead, admin in the newly formed TOW:JC mission making team, an extension of Tales of war. We are also looking to recruit new people into the team, mission makers, scripters, voice actors, intro makers, the lot really. Please email me on kylerobertwood@hotmail.com with the subject "TOW:JC" if you are intrested in enlisting regards, spearhead
  19. 1. when a special forces group is put into stealth mode, why dont you replace radio calls with hand signals. 2. wildlife, birds ect.. 3. dropping bullet cases from helicopters 4. A navy with like an artillary support 5. an intro movie (not like the background of menu) 6. swimming and bubbles of air 7. more real life features such as active towns 8. sandstorms 9. surround sound realistic thunder 10. improvment of rain, so that you cant see rain inside buildings and soldiers uniforms get wet slowing them down. 11. smashing windows 12. soldiers have personalised unifoms, such as name on back or blood type on boot
  20. SpearheadUK

    Just a few suggestions...

    13. Have thw ability to swim through water and then attach satchels to the hull of ships and boats 14. Destructable enviroment, if a sniper is hiding in a derelict building for example, a tank or a satchel charge can blow up the wall on the house and someone can get a clear sht on the sniper. 15. All buildings accesable including the roof if its flat top 16. All these animation packs should be incorperated into ofp2 as normal moves, or be easy to use in the mission editor 17. Special indoor tactics, like swat movements when clearing rooms 18. The ability to create picture /video (such as satalite videos)/ sound breifings 19. the abality to import images to use on the breifing boards
  21. SpearheadUK

    Just a few suggestions...

    next one: If you are going to use high explosive incidurary shells for tanks, when a tank is too damaged to move after being hit by a HE missile and the crew jump out, make a script so that they are on fire and have to roll around to put it out (automaticaly so that if you are one you roll around first before being able to move)
  22. SpearheadUK

    Just a few suggestions...

    i have another idea, localised voices. for something like teamspeak on mp, when you speak the voice just doesnt apear on the speaker, it is localised in the game to your charachter in the game. so if someone speaks, the closer you are, the louder it is ect... its all suggestions about realism not just gameplay
  23. SpearheadUK

    Post your desktop

    My desktop i replaced the flashpoint logo with the macromedia flash logo, hope that isnt ilegal, but u gotta admit, it looks better
  24. SpearheadUK


    i really need a sound technician for the production of our missions, he/she should be able to: # place sounds into ready made missions, exactly into place # must have the correct software to convert sound types # have knowledge of how to transfer music of pc onto flashpoint # must have a fast connection to send/recieve music files # have a good knowledge of music to decide what music is best for a mission # be availible most of the time # be reliable if you have these skills and would like to help, or know someone that does, please contact me on spearheaduk@hotmail.com regards spearhead
  25. SpearheadUK


    come on ppl, surley theres a sound tech out there in the ofp world out there, either youre cant be assed to send me an email or there just isnt such a thing as a sound tech for ofp. if you do have the skills then plz contact me, im in desperate need of someone that can do this because the lack of a sound man is holding my project back.